Kayla the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Kayla, 20 y.o.


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Kayla on-line sex chat

Date: October 3, 2022

18 thoughts on “Kayla the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Appreciate your thoughts. Thank you. Really needed to get out of my own way by typing it out for others to weigh in. Cheers!

  2. The problem here isn’t whether or not you like women, it’s that your old man is coercing you into believing the only way he can rock his socks is with 2 women. There’s no way…. and if you’re at all questioning your level of interest it doesn’t seem like the relationship for you. I’m glad your edit says you’re leaving him, especially since he’s using his kid to guilt you. You can find someone better. In fact, you do you.

  3. Seriously. There’s a point in the night for me where I’m done. Don’t want to go anywhere else just done. If she was that drunk her main goal may have been getting to sleep ASAP not what was best for her boyfriend.

  4. This sounds like emotional abuse to me. Staying angry for a whole day might be merited for something like cheating, but because you took too long to respond in a group chat? That’s absurd. Most women don’t act like this and I think you should dump her.

  5. Its your natural color in certain conditions. How much tanning still respects natural color by your definition? It would be ridiculous to tell a person from the coast that the skin tone they’ve always had is not their natural color. And how about people that don’t get any sun at all? Is that their natural color or is it pigment deficient, hence not natural by your definition?

  6. Still not taking accountability for your actions I see. It's everything else but your actions ? yeah he may be better off without you. She may now have a shot now that he's single, thanks to you lol smh

  7. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I've been with my boyfriend for three years. We were LDR for 2 years and he moved back to my state this past year. Recently he told me he wasn't attracted to me anymore. I have gained some weight these past couple of years so I understand… The thing is though he met me when I was at my thinnest due to anxiety, so I don’t know if I’ll ever get that thin again.

    For people who have gone through this conversation with their SO before, what happened? Were you able to find a way to move forward together or was that the end of your relationship? I just need some perspectives. Thank you.

    TL;DR: My boyfriend told me he was no longer attracted to me. Is there a way to move forward from this?

    Edit: Thank you for your responses. Is there a reason why so many comments are getting deleted before I can see them? 🙁 I’d really love to read all the comments, I want as much perspectives as I can get.

    Also, just to shed some light: I’m 5’5ish and 170lbs right now. He met me when I was 130lbs. Apparently the moment he lost attraction was when I was about 150lbs.

    When I say we talked about my weight gain… I felt that he wasn’t as intimate with me and I was worried he was losing attraction, possibly partly due to my weight gain. So we discussed that, and he said my weight wasn’t the issue and he was sorry he wasn’t more attentive.

  8. Well played. I personally don't think so, but I get so excited about food I frequently ask people if they'd like to try mine. I guess the difference between acceptable and offensive is how you proceed to transfer food between people. I think there's a scale from airplane noises to using a side plate and passing it over; sounds like OP's boyfriend is closer to being a pilot.

  9. More than fine, he just sounds generous. Sure it’s a tad bit odd, but I think it’s really wholesome the way he just wants to share his snackies!

  10. Your husband is an idiot. Tell him you bring in 2/3rds so until he matches what you earn you will not take at least 1/3 away from your joint into your go to a trust he has no access too and his son will get 1/2 of what is left. He doesn’t like it? Too bad, it’s your paycheck.

  11. The need to feel needed is putting you in a bad spot, he will never think you're mature enough that's why he's dating someone more than a decade younger. Women his age don't want him. I'm 32 and I find him gross and repulsive with his behavior towards you. After a while sunk cost fallacy kicks in, you've spent so much time/energy or lost friends/time/education or something else like missing out on a career or family and then, after all that when you finally realise you should have left him a long time ago.

    Just do it now and save yourself the torture.

  12. I've read all of your comments and I think you guys are right. I need to grow up and not worry so much about what people think.

    I think the only reason I'm struggling with my dads engagement is that it was so out of the blue and he had said he never wanted to get married again. I've also so have had a some issues with my boyfriend mum.

    I'm going to try be supporting of them and be happy for them.

    Thank you for comments and sorry about spelling errors

  13. It was 3 months dude. I know it sucks, but this is not the only girl on the planet who you will like this much. None of us know what she is thinking. Maybe it is a test…she's watched too many rom-coms and she wants the “fight for us” part of her story so she's creating something to fight for. Maybe she isn't ready to be with the last man she will ever be with. Maybe she has herpes and doesn't want you to know. All you can do is tell her you love her and you hope she will change her mind. I wouldn't wait around though.

  14. Contact all 3 credit reporting bureaus, run your credit report to see what is linked to it. Send a request to them for the past 6 years of your credit report. If there is anything funky at all on it go make a report to the police for identity fraud. Make sure you bring the $88k irs bill. ASAP!

    Contact the IRS for fraud. They will help you navigate. Collect all W2s from when you were 18 years old. Have any taxes you have filed since then. You would probably have been notified before now if they rejected your tax returns. Have your police report handy.

  15. Woah woah buddy, it's basically the rules of the Internet that you need to make your trauma everyone else's responsibility. Come on, now.

  16. Hope you’re doing alright, mate. That’s such a fucked up situation to find yourself in.

    I don’t know for sure but as someone with experience with domestic violence, I believe she’s just reeling from seeing you in that context. Because even if that isn’t what you’re like with her, minds sometimes go into black and white mode to protect us – especially if we have experience with something that FEELS similar even if it isn’t really.

    If your relationship is strong and you’re both somewhat teadon

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