Kay and Ken , ?, 28 y.o.
Location: Utah, United States
Room subject: Sweater off with a tease [0 tokens remaining]
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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Kay and Ken , ?
Date: October 31, 2022
This is so immature on his part. It’s also a little alarming that y’all have been together since you were 17 and he 23.
he's for the streets. break up with him
Yes, you should regret it and be ashamed. You couldn’t even have basic respect for your dead wife.
Isn't most work done to get money, & doing things you don't really want to do? If I didn't have to work for money, I would work on smaller passion projects, or not work at all ha
I live on an island, I doubt they'll do shit here, and I had a password on my phone and WhatsApp. But they may have seen me enter it into my phone on seperate occasions. For all I know Allen could've been the one who told Patrick my password because I hung around him alot more, and I trusted him around my things, the same way he trusted me with big amounts of money in his car unsupervised or his credit card info…..but yeah I changed it when it was too late
Yes – was just saying that sadly people tend to blame the victim for not making things clear and not believing their statements ☹️
Read the title thought he was rapey, read the rest of it and now I’m pretty sure he’s a full on rapist and has possibly done things to women before.
Breaking up because you went to a party where the opposite sex would also be attending?
I have no words.
I know these plans were established prior to the two of you even talking.
However, you two are in an exclusive relationship now, right?
I think its insanely inappropriate for her to go on a trip as the 'date' with a guy, who:
She knows likes her Potentially sharing the same bed.
The fact that there seems to be no consideration for your side on this matter, would be a deal breaker for me.
She already said she would hate to back out this late of a notice.
Shouldn't even be a conversation. The moment the relationship was established, she could have changed her plans. And now its coming off like “Opp's, I can't back out now, shucks”… its because she wants to go.
Sorry, but I have higher standards for my relationship than this, and I am pretty dam easy-going for a lot of things. But my gf would not be attending a frat party as the +1 for a dude that likes her over a weekend trip.
You dodged a major bullet by leaving. You can find what you want with someone who is clearly and honestly into monogamy. Her behavior is unstable.
Sounds like a tiring person to be with let alone marry. Conservative Christian does not sound like a fun time
Open up to your husband and you IC about this, but dont suggest anything stupid like polyamory or open relationship, cause even the suggestion can change forever the way he see you, MC can be a good thing too so both of you can be on the same page.
You cannot be on a mortgage together if you're not married, just FYI. Plenty of others have talked about the red flags, so I won't go into too much detail about that. Absolutely don't give him half your paycheck. Look into how you would even be able to legally buy a house together because to me it sounds like he wants to buy himself a house with your money.
It could be about terms, but if it were me I think I would struggle at the… difference of standing, if that’s a good way to say it. You will be a father, both biologically and legally, but she won’t be a mother. Another woman, who is an ex to you, is the mother both biologically and legally. She would always remain on a different level than you. She has no rights to him if she started to love him (and something happened to you) and he would probably always love the two of you unequally. It’s also a permanent tie to your ex.
You’re very welcome, I hope things go well with the lawyer.
No. Super no. It's worrying to me that you seem to be sexualizing a normal sibling relationship, and I more strongly suggest you speak to someone about your own childhood and sibling relationship. ?