Katy__Alive sex stripping with hd cam


4 thoughts on “Katy__Alive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Alright bud, time to grow up and dump the people who are mean to you and treat you like dirt. As soon as you’re surrounded by people who actually give a shit about you, you’ll be happier.

  2. my ex had this same view on how to get dogs (and by extension people because it's never just the dog) to “respect him”.

    i guarantee he's doing and saying things to you that you haven't mentioned here at all and this is not just about the dog. save the dog and yourself and throw the whole man out.

  3. It’s not financial abuse to have separate accounts.

    You’re right to be concerned about the size of the loan – 3/4 of an entire pay cheque is A LOT of money to be lending without consent.

    At this point, I would break for the engagement and reevaluate whether you want to marry someone who

    a. lies to you about finances,

    b. dismisses your concerns and shuts them down instead of engaging you on them,

    c. prioritises his friend’s welfare and comfort over that of his wife-to-be.

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