Katty-roberts on-line sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 9, 2022

14 thoughts on “Katty-roberts on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I understand how very hot this can be. I had one of my closest friends completely turn her back on me last year because supposedly I said something her and her new friends didn't like. I could tell something was off but she swore that we were friends and nobody was mad and nobody was talking about me. I trusted her so much I literally thought I was going crazy. Like a year later I learn she was the one spreading a bunch of rumours about me. It was so naked. I couldn't understand why someone I trusted would do that.

  2. Does it matter why? Don't continue your relations with those people and look for better friends.

    Yes btw, you do come of narcissistic. I wonder if they liked you in the first place? If this attitude of being better is spilling out of you that could be the cause.

  3. What do you mean she didn't do anything wrong? You agreed not to associate with people you had a history with, and she watched you cut a bunch of people out of your life, while she lied about her history with her best “friend”.

    She lied to you and it hasn't even been four months.

    Dump her and be glad you dodged a bullet.

  4. We had a friend who we invited over a lot. He was always totally fine talking with just us (husband and me) but when others were around, he just stopped speaking. When I read “passive mode” it made me think of him (sadly we lost him young many years ago). He didn't even notice when he was quiet. We would point it out after others left and sometimes he said he felt like he was speaking but perhaps it was only him thinking he was talking as others spoke.

    Consider giving his family a heads up. “I am quiet, but I enjoy listening and engaging with you. It takes me time to open up, and I really want to do so. Sometimes I will go into passive listening mode, not because I am interested but because it takes me longer to process and participate. I appreciate your understanding and willingness to work with me on this.”

    By explaining and asking for patience they know it is not because you are bored or disengaged.

    Your post reminded me so much of our friend. Take care and know that you got this!

  5. And he will be brought up in his mothers country and culture, her native language and so on. He will have his roots there.

    It's a dilemma. Moving there with your daughter will mean a lot of difficulties to her. But it's the same the other way around.

    Keeping it as it is for now seems reasonable.

  6. 'Figure it out' is very much an accusation that this is in some way your fault. She's taking he bat and ball home to punish you for some relationship crime or misdemeanour, perceived or otherwise.

    It's up to you if you can be bothered finding out what the issue is. I got bored of that kind of pouting childish bullshit a long time ago.

  7. Why are you the only one that loves him? Isn't that such an obvious red flag? HE SENT HIS EX TO THE HOSPITAL! Is that not a red flag? My god; leave before he puts you in the graveyard!

  8. I'm more OK with him using his ex-wife as a sounding board than the fact that you are arguing on a weekly basis, including arguments that escalate into screaming matches.

    In other words: I'm less concerned that he's overly close with his ex than that you're clinging to a relationship that isn't worth holding onto.

  9. Her mind will never be what it can be if she isn't physically healthy. It's a good place to start. She needs 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day that leaves her sweating and out of breath. Our brains are chemical factories and consumers. The chemicals are produced in amounts and proportions in direct relation to the quality of exercise. There are certain food supplements that she needs and she needs to be taking a prebiotic/probiotic. There's more info available at the NIH. Once she is as healthy as she can be the mental issues will be easier to deal with because they won't be so oppressive. I know that this isn't what you were looking for, but it's the best help I can offer. The other option is to proceed with directly to therapy which is a good idea, but the result will be affected by the issues I mentioned. Good luck.

  10. You’re young you’re gonna have a lot more love relationships than him let him go. You deserve to be loved and honored and cherish. This man is not doing that.

  11. Deliberately make the situation uncomfortable and awkward so your lose interest. Ask about his wife, tell him you found out he’s married and that you’re not this type of person.. the flirty and relaxed atmosphere will quickly be gone and hopefully sense will be knocked into you like that

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