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Katherine_Sorrentolive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “Katherine_Sorrentolive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Honestly yeah it’s a little weird but if that’s the thing her friend group gets up to and it’s non-sexual then have at it

  2. Thanks for your input. Yeah it's like sure they're super super fucking annoying and I don't like them either but like I'm not going to slam a door on them, because I don't really know them and I don't really stoop that low.

  3. It's completely normal that she wants to spend time with you. You seem to prioritise everything above her. If you don't have the time for a girlfriend and don't want to make time for a girlfriend, then maybe you shouldn't have one.

    In a relationship, you can't make it all about yourself. You seem to show very little care and thoughtfulness towards her.

  4. The group that Danielle posted to sounds like a group that did not get moderated. Generally these groups are for women to post a new date and for other members to alert her if he is not being honest about wanting monogamy or if he has a history of being abusive. Details about the date’s car or sex life is not prohibited. It’s to protect each other. Ever heard the saying “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.” ?

    Unfortunately some groups seem to ignore the core reasoning and go feral, turning into a gossip site. Maybe Danielle knew the group was this off the rails, maybe she didn’t. Either way, the damage was done and I feel for OP and think he made the right decision. Posting Danielle to one of those groups (when he’s not even continuing to date her) just to be petty is sinking even lower than Danielle’s level, OP seems to level headed to do something like that.

  5. Your current girlfriend should be at least a little understanding. She's kinda being messed up by basically being totally fine with your mom having to deal with this. It's not a good look on her part. Because she's tying your hands. She sounds insecure. I mean, I can understand her point of view too, but let's be realistic here, you need to be the person to say something. Your ex is still actively involved socially in your life.

    If it were me, I'd tell her then you go handle it then lol she's being unreasonable

  6. I agree you shouldn’t have to purchase based on her wants. The point is you are clearly in different head spaces regarding your relationship. She needs to know. She is assuming you are getting married, and / or living together within a timeframe you will be in this house. If this is not case, tell her.

  7. Be kind but firm. Simply say that you do not have the same expectations in a relationship and that it’s not going to work out. If he insists on specifics just say that’s not productive and you wish him well but so not wish to communicate further.

  8. Ya no excuse for that kind of behavior whatsoever. I know it sucks but this is an easy fix in terms of staying friends. It’ll be awkward for a bit but you just be honest say that your feelings are hurt and that this won’t work out going forward but you wish her the best and that you still want to remain civil for all the friendships you share

  9. and it's her choice

    You answered your own question.

    I know she kinda enjoyed it. She did it often. And then kinda reminisced about it once.

    So it's like a high school test. A decade later I “reminisce” about the good old days of taking the ACTs. Doesn't mean I want to take them again

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