Kate , ஐ, 23 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
Online Live Sex Chat rooms Kate , ஐ
Date: October 3, 2022
Kate , ஐ, 23 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
She was already very beautiful and she still is to my eyes
It's not a lie, he still finds her beautiful. Not saying she was more beautiful before is not lying, we don't all say every honest thought that comes to our mind.
Or delete it
You talk to exes, guess he can too?
This is why no ex contact us a good policy.
Looking over your post and comments:
paragraphs are your friend Unlike this guy, who is a creep That you've known him “for years”…so when you were a much younger child, is really fucking disturbing considering he's been an adult for 5 of those years That you're hiding this relationship from your friends and family shows that on some base level, you know this isn't right.
Before you dated. Dump him. Let him live his life. Go find someone else who doesn't have friends of the opposite sex.
You're not looking for advice. You're looking for congratulations and a recipe for manipulating and controlling your daughter.
You're too delusional to find what you seek. Welcome to Karma
For a lot of pseudo feminists these days IF you have a preference ( and specially if you are a white cis male ) for a race type you are a racist. If you prefer thin girls you are fatphobic. If you prefer fatty girls you are fetishicing them and you're mysoginistic… and so on.
But hey, if a girl prefers a tall muscular and hung male, it's no problem, they are not fetishicing anything. Double standarts these days are astounding.
ID say just go NC , its not worth the drama. If , and only if, she contacts you and apologices properly ( tip: wont happen ) then I'd give that friendship a second chance.
So in reality you have to pay to see her and hang out. This is no relationship it is a business she is running.
Based on the OP and your follow up comments, he’s a user and the whole family enabled him to avoid his tantrums or having the whole fam in the mix.
Just tell him “I’m not doing your taxes. Don’t bring it up again.” And if anyone else calls you, tell them that it’s between you and your dad and you don’t wish to discuss it with them.