kat the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Date: October 12, 2022

9 thoughts on “kat the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I’m assuming you still live! with your parents because of your religion and that makes it difficult to disobey them. But you are an adult and they can’t ground you. If they did try to lock you in the house, you could have them arrested. So the reality is you can have a relationship with anyone you want. They can worry and complain and even threaten but they can’t stop you. If they say they will throw you out of the house, just let them know that you will move in with him and they are the ones who will be keeping you away from them, not him. You don’t say anything about his family, though. Do they feel the same way? Are they pressuring him to not date a Christian? At this point you can’t change your parents’ minds. You can only on-line your life and see where it leads you. You say marriage and children are far away, so just be happy for now and distance yourself from your parents.

  2. The other wants the screen door closed and thinks the person that opened the door should be responsible for closing the door in a timely manner.

    This person is right

  3. So your wife has already emotionally cheated on you, she just wants your permission.

    All of her reasons for polyamory are not good reasons for it. Opening a not healthy marriage will never go well.

    I would tell her she needs to cut contact with who she had an affair with and go to couples counseling or I would divorce.

  4. Hello /u/htxburneracct,

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  5. Ohhh got it, you equate flirting itself with cheating. Ok that is a whole different story and a specific level of rules you share with your husband that I assume have been discussed and predetermined. Then yes, you should tell him! I hope it goes ok and that it only serves to bring you closer.

  6. Why is his needing money a factor he'll be 40 soon. It's not your job to fix his shortcomings, and trust me, this will bite you in the ass. It's not exactly prostitution but similar proposition.

  7. My parents are very religious and made my life miserable.

    That's all you need to make a decision. I was brought up to respect parents and elders (and I do), but sometime people are just awful. They make everyone's lives miserable.

    Being a parent doest not provide the excuse to continue to be awful, disrespectful, controlling. YOUR life is not theirs to manage as they see fit.

    And because this is about religion, which is let's face it, a delusion of every society, in the 1000s of gods in the world today, not to mention gods that existed in the past (Hittites, Babylonia, Egypt etc etc)….. this is even worse.

    Religion zeal means they are cut off from reality, from common-sense, from love, tolerance, respect to others… only the “delusion” matters.

    If you like kinky sex, that's your business and your wife's business. It's not worse or better or wrong – as long it is consensual – it's just sex. It's YOUR life to live you see fit, and as long others are not being impacted negatively, then you have absolutely nothing to say or explain or justify.

    Sounds like your parents have been damaging your sister as well…. cut them off, but try to keep in contact with your sister because she will need you a little later, to break free from parents who are willing to hurt anyone, you and her in particular, so they can continue indulge in their “delusion”.

    You will not be able to reason with them (because delusion is the opposite of reason) and it will only bring you more pain in the future. Good luck to you.

  8. It’s not that my wife doesn’t exercise or eat health (she does both), it’s just that she ends up overeating either because she feels like she deserves it since she exercised (which nulls out the exercise calorie-wise) or she’ll eat a lot of sweets for dessert because she ate healthy meals all day

    is this lazy or no self control? i'll fix it for you.

    my wife is 10+ years older than her and hardly exercise but she determined to have certain weight. she told me she's not doing it for me, “it's for my own health and confidence.”

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