Karly-Bonnet online webcams for YOU!


Karly-Bonnet Public Chat Channel

Date: February 8, 2023

20 thoughts on “Karly-Bonnet online webcams for YOU!

  1. People have said it would be safer to at the very least use a tracker first. In the change that something insane is actually going down with his supposed friends.

  2. I didn’t expect all these replies, I think I have understood the comments and don’t need any more comments. Thanks

  3. Trust your feelings and never accept someone invalidating them by saying things like “you are too sensitive, I was only joking”.

    They are low key being disrespectful, maybe they grew up with flirting being like teasing but you should grow out of that during puberty.

    He also sounds rascist in his ideas about people of certain races, sometimes it can be a lack of experience of others, sometimes it is a personality defect, neither is worth being around until they grow up or change if they can change.

  4. Maybe he’s tired of you never getting the job and was just laughing to himself because he was expecting the same result. What are you doing to make yourself more employable?

  5. The irony is I also experience panic attacks, which he has witnessed in the past lol. He doesn't do anything but sit there and wait for me “to be done” because he thinks that I have full control over starting and stopping something like that.

  6. Most aren't as interested in your age as they are in the lifestyle, so if you can provide it you should be good.

    However, there may be concern that you will get overly attached or jealous easy since you are young, which would likely be the biggest hurdle.

  7. I agree with you too.

    I also think it's totally possible she completely understands (rationally) that he was protecting her while at the same time just… Being irrationally afraid of him now.

    It totally sucks ass for both of them. Neither of them did anything wrong.

    I could be typing this out and get an unexpected notification on my phone and I'll probably jump/flinch and I fuckin hate that. It's not my fault or the phones and it makes zero sense. I'm in no danger… but trauma is just a bitch like that.

    I feel for both of them.

  8. I agree with you too.

    I also think it's totally possible she completely understands (rationally) that he was protecting her while at the same time just… Being irrationally afraid of him now.

    It totally sucks ass for both of them. Neither of them did anything wrong.

    I could be typing this out and get an unexpected notification on my phone and I'll probably jump/flinch and I fuckin hate that. It's not my fault or the phones and it makes zero sense. I'm in no danger… but trauma is just a bitch like that.

    I feel for both of them.

  9. I agree with you too.

    I also think it's totally possible she completely understands (rationally) that he was protecting her while at the same time just… Being irrationally afraid of him now.

    It totally sucks ass for both of them. Neither of them did anything wrong.

    I could be typing this out and get an unexpected notification on my phone and I'll probably jump/flinch and I fuckin hate that. It's not my fault or the phones and it makes zero sense. I'm in no danger… but trauma is just a bitch like that.

    I feel for both of them.

  10. Naw, you're not being a baby. You two planned a trip together & now he's reneging on it. Foul play on his part. Please don't assume people are going to be rude to you when your husband is so clearly in the wrong here. I'd be hopping angry if my partner did this to me.

  11. I think your self esteem is in the tank. You know that. I suggest a therapist. I can’t see a way of bringing this up that isn’t both insulting to him and degrading to you.

  12. There's such a thing as bug chasing.. It's a kink that well some people unfortunately have. Basically for them it's the excitement of transmitting those diseases which I guess is like thrilling?

    I'm not sure if that's what she has, either way she assaulted you and I'm so sorry the police won't do shit. I hope she gets caught tho.

  13. I have a huge cock but small hands. My gf said i cant make her cum like all the hundred or so other dudes can by fingering her.

    I also went ballistic.

    Doesnt matter what size your dick is apparantly. Its all about hands. You got hands?

  14. Had a guy send me a pic which I was not expecting, mind you. All I could say was OMG, that would hurt!

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