Kamila_Rudy, 25 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
Online Live Sex Chat rooms Kamila_Rudy
Date: October 10, 2022
Kamila_Rudy, 25 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
What I’m getting from this is that you got into a relationship with one person and knew what to expect and when this person decided to change that up you more than likely felt like you had to go along with it. You are flat out being used to bank roll this transition. If I was you I would end the relationship now and warn them that if they don’t pay back by x date you will take it to court. You both knew it was a loan so the courts would see it as such and they would have to pay for their own transition. You deserve better than this treatment and you shouldn’t come second to facilitate for the feelings for them.
If you expect her undivided attention you're not going to get it. It's unclear how long you've been dating but if you're an hour apart and aren't in the position to see each other all the time it's normal that she'd fill her time with other things. But there are some signs of flakiness/immaturity here. This Vegas invite/uninvite is just rude and calling you “for support” isn't a sign that she's got her life together. If you feel like a mere afterthought in her life and she only calls you for money or amateur therapy then you wouldn't be wrong to end this “relationship”. She may just not be ready to be in the kind of relationship you want.
There is literally no way that this relationship has a future. He needs therapy…and lots of it.
It's only been 3 months. Move along before things get more complicated. After he's had enough failed relationships, maybe he'll get the help he so obviously needs.
I mean, there's not really an easy answer here. At the end of the day there's nothing we can say to make you feel better about the situation, we don't know anything about you, your BF or his friends.
The way I see it, you have two options, talk to him and tell him how you feel, or keep it locked up and hope for the best. But unless you are willing to ban him from going, which you don't really have the right to do, you're going to have to trust him.
Thing to remember is that if he's a cheater, he's going to cheat, and no amount of worrying is going to change that.