K the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Date: October 9, 2022

18 thoughts on “K the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I'm sorry to hear this. My wife left me for another man right before my 30th birthday. It'll get better even though it seems dark now. The best thing to do is to take care of your health. Join a gym. Work out. Look great, feel great. You may not feel like it now but you won't regret it. Don't expect her to feel sorry for you. Look into counseling. It WILL help.

    Happy birthday. You can also DM me if you're feeling overwhelmed. I had people help me and now I'm paying it forward.

  2. You both should discuss that , marriage is about putting expenses plans … if you make less than him and if he really mature he would ask to put your paycheck in saving instead of spending it , his paycheck can go to other expenses …

  3. You are crazy: If You have to prove constantly that you're not cheating, that should be enough to leave. A relationship should be based on trust. I would sit her down, and explain to her that this is becoming a problem. If she disagrees, or tries to throw the blame your way, it's divorce time. A relationship should be an improvement over being single. Where's the improvement here? Do you want to come home and talk with her again, have a good meal and some quality time? Or are you dreading opening the front door because you know what will happen?

    It is your life, you only live! it once, so live! it with someone you want to online it with.

  4. Tons of people from a number of different cultural backgrounds just don’t see that as an issue. I do, but I wouldn’t put it past my parents to do the same as OP’s parents.

  5. Talking for 1-3 hours every night? He may just be looking for a polite way to end the conversation. I dont care how much I like someone. That's a damn long time to be on the phone.

  6. That’s pretty crazy. Like, seriously it’s a pillow. I have back issues and I use one sometimes instead of my boyfriend even while we are sleeping in the same bed. It’s great for hip support. He sometimes does the same. It’s not like we hate cuddling with eachother – it’s quite the opposite. And when my boyfriend is gone I love taking naps with the body pillow because it takes up the space of another person and reminds me of him. I could understand if it was an anime one but you literally specified it’s a normal body pillow. If your wife is getting worked up about something THIS small, dude, what else is going on? Are you seriously going to put up with this? Ask yourself if you see the relationship being healthy and happy for both of you if the relationship continues this way. If not, try couples therapy. If that doesn’t work/your wife doesn’t want to try couples therapy then don’t keep wasting more of both of your time when you could be having happier and healthier experiences elsewhere and get a divorce. It’s not fun. It’s terrible to think about starting and many people just avoid divorce and settle for an unhappy marriage to avoid the trouble. As humans, we hate change. However, you don’t see those people living their best lives and they’re often unhappy. Do yourself a favor and know when to call it quits.

  7. I'm going through a little bit of this myself.

    Often when people vent, they really just want to vent.

    So they look at potential solutions “which are given out of love normally” as an attack or that you're not listening. Or that you're somehow not on their side.

    When the complete opposite is true, but for them to be heard is to hear what they are saying and just give support in that moment. Which often just looks like listening and “agreeing”.

    It's difficult but it makes more sense after my partner and I started to get to this understanding.

  8. So instead of just having a conversation with your sister about your concerns and letting her make the decision for herself, you’d jump straight to catfishing her partner? That is unhinged.

    I’m not more concerned about the catfishing, but that’s not what this conversation has been about. My point in that this thread is overlooking the poor behaviour from the sister because the boyfriend did have the capacity to cheat.

    What if he hadn’t? What if the sister catfished him and he didn’t respond the way she expected, but he found out what was happening? How do you think that might have impacted OPs relationship? Do you think the boyfriend, in that situation, would believe OP wasn’t involved?

    The sister getting herself involved the way she did took away OPs agency in the situation.

    If you think someone’s partner is cheating on them, share your concerns and why. Don’t try and go all Miss Marple, especially without the potentially injured parties consent.

  9. Honestly, if you never want to go through this again, then staying with your boyfriend isn't the answer. He WILL do this again. He'll think he can because you forgave him once. And if you don't forgive him next time he'll be angry, because you forgave him once.

  10. OP has said they were pornographic and encouraged by the photographer, you have also said above she is being manipulated

    If she was being manipulated that would imply the friend seen it as pornographic as well

  11. You aren’t the only one. This is the stupidest reason for doing something that I’ve ever heard. Unless both sets of children were born around the same times, they are going to be having totally different milestones.

    OP’s husband: “Sarah rolled over all by herself last night!” Co-worker: “Wait, didn’t she go to the zoo on a field trip last week?”

  12. Hot disagree. I am close friends with two people I’ve dated. I’ve been friends with them for years. Never cheated. So, I dunno. That sounds like a you problem.

  13. YOU ARE NOT TRAPPED. i felt trapped in my marriage too but you just have to fucking leave. I know it's scary. But you have to go, people dont change.

  14. Back in the 90's I was in a small group of people, an “inner circle” of my friends group and we all shared porn with each other.

    Both men and women, including my then g/f, her BFF and older sister.

  15. I’m more mad he’s lying to me about it. I told his sister because I have a good relationship with her but don’t have one with the rest of his family. I can definitely see how he could need some support from his family, but tell me the truth. “ I was stressing about your surgery and needed someone to talk to so I told my mom to help me through it.” I would have been fine with that.

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