JuneEvans live! sex chats for YOU!


JuneEvans Public Chat Channel

Date: November 2, 2022

9 thoughts on “JuneEvans live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Your relationship is dead, that sucks, but that is the cold truth, I see 3 options for you :

    You are either move on, and find someone who is like you and like exploring sexuality with just one partner You can stay in this limbo, dreaming the relationship is still present, getting breadcrumbs of love of sex from her, and suffering from knowing she has sex with others ( she might even decide to tell you what she did genuinely thinking you will like it whereas each word will will say will make you suffer even more )

    You can embrace this, realize you can be poly and enjoy this new lifestyle with her

    #1 is the hardest to start with, but the better long term

    #2 is the easiest and will bring you the most pain

    #3 probably not an option given what you wrote

    Good luck OP

  2. I have warned my fiancé we could have a ginger kid. My grandfather was ginger, but my mum and uncles are all brunettes with dark eyes. Fiancé is as well, but just wanted to put it out there ? I was white blonde with blue eyes as my Dad is German.

  3. you said meet with many lawyers for the reason of conflict of interest as a way to ensure they don’t get representative counsel

    it’s not a good idea and I’ve seen it backfire again and again. one of my clients tried this and received jail time for contempt of court. most people who try this receive vastly worse settlements

    it’s okay to be wrong, and it’s okay to not be 100% informed about stuff. it’s just not okay to recommend things to people that will hurt them, which is why I commented

  4. Imagine a man rejecting a woman nine times out of ten then going to Reddit where strangers shit on her for being a terrible person/borderline rapist.

  5. Break up, he’s a lying pos and yeah, doing stuff that’s basically a date.

    I’d be contacting their company because what she has done is fraud, you can’t just take a work trip as vacation because it gets cancelled, they are going to find out when money for the project isn’t billed/paid but they realise they still paid for their trip.

  6. Your first point makes no sense grammatically. Normally I can understand by context, but I’m still lost for what you were trying to say here. If you’re assuming any of us would sleep with a man our sister is dating, you are wrong. If my sister did this to me, I would never introduce her to the other men that came into my life after this, including my husband.

    Everyone here, and on the last thread, is telling you that you fucked up, that you are a shit sister, and that you put dick above your relationship with your sister. You’re not going to find a decent person who will agree with your choices. Take the L. Work on trying to be a better person with higher integrity and emotional intelligence. Make better choices in the future.

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