JulyaLove on-line webcams for YOU!


JulyaLove Public Chat Channel

Date: October 16, 2022

6 thoughts on “JulyaLove on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Totally fair. However, that’s the problem for me: I feel fine with her body because I love her so much that it doesn’t matter for me. The problem is that the sexual attraction part really isn’t as strong, but it isn’t like I’m not having sex/don’t want to with her

  2. So… she’s a cheater and you’re passive-aggressive. Could you just be a match made in heaven?

  3. I've been married 18 years. If my wife left me, I'd probably be OK in a couple days.

    I love her dearly. I wouldn't want to see her go. I'd do anything to stay with her. It's like dropping an egg. You do all you can to keep it from hitting the floor. Once it smashes on the floor, it's time to clean the mess and move on.

    Don't take that statement as him not caring about you, but just that he feels no need to grieve a loss.

    Be concerned about the fights and the other negatives. Work on the relationship. If you broke up with him, should you really care how distraught he is?

  4. As satisfying as this may have felt short-term, this is now something that for every after, if you meet a good, decent person and want to be with them long term, you'll have to tell them you did this insane, petty revenge thing and take whatever telling them does to their opinion of you.

    Or, you lie and don't tell them, and get to live with that elephant in the room.

    Either way, while it might have sounded good as a revenge fic, I feel like having it as the reality is going to cause you more grief than anything, in the long run.

  5. Well, if you got use to it being up, you start to automatically put it down.

    Stop crying over something because of pure laziness, put it down, it ain't naked.

    And yes I know what it is like, I had a medical condition a long time ago that I needed to sit all the time, was for around 12 months, so had a fair crack at it.

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