Josseline-pine online sex chats for YOU!


josseline-pine chat

Date: October 10, 2022

9 thoughts on “Josseline-pine online sex chats for YOU!

  1. If you’re having fun, keep at it, but seems like you getting a bit frustrated. If you’re really keen to see something happen, ask her directly. Maybe either call her up or ask her out, then be straight up. “I’m really into you. I’d like to take you out for real” or some thing like that. If she plays aloof, or wants to play games, then meh. That’s kind of what happens at 20.

  2. I understand that. It just gets to me when a couple mutual friends have to ask me directly what special things I do for her, basically what she finds in me to want to stay. But I understand your point.

  3. I have ADHD, but I'm very aware of the unusual connections my brain makes and often joke about it. But yep could be that.

    Here you imply that neurodivergent people are aware of their connections being leaps. But there wasn’t by mention of what happens if you don’t know that you’re neurodivergent. As someone who didn’t find out until adulthood, I wanted OP to know that it’s actually not the norm for people to be aware they’re making leaps, especially when undiagnosed.

    All you actually did was “yep, could be that”

    And I wanted to elaborate on that point, because if she’s undiagnosed and unaware, like I was, then there’s a good chance that she actually doesn’t know.

    As I said it could be that, but my point is not all ND people are unaware of those unusual connections.

    Again, you’re underlining that neurodivergent people are aware of their neurodivergency. But we’re talking about an undiagnosed adult here.

    Yes, for the third time, I admit that's a possibility.

    Again, you’re saying it’s a possibility and kinda minimising how likely that this is, especially for women who are conditioned to mask and adapt a lot more.

    I’m not trying to fight with you. Just elaborate on points that you weren’t that clear on.

  4. So OP your just footing bill of there relationship. Just go to a lawyer get the papers and get a divorce.

  5. You should just persist in not engaging with him. The silent treatment even. If he complains, speak, but say that you do not intend to have any conversations with him about your personal life. Both of you are only there for the work, which you hope can be done professionally.

  6. I do this overreact like a mofo stuff. That's what you did.

    Yall are in your 20s and people change and grow so much during this decade. Instead of lashing out and immediately insulting her (cus you were hurt you wanted to hurt?) You should ask her WHY? What's going on? What changed?

    Maybe you guys learned you want different things for life. No need to insult her. But yea, you overreacted big time. This is possibly over if u want different things.

  7. Be very careful. He wasn't just flirting. It sounds like he's actively stalking her. Having knowledge of break-ins and layout issues that haven't been shared is alarming. This type of behavior doesn't usually go away quietly. When he finds out that you two have communicated, it's likely to escalate.

    Your neighbor needs to add more cameras. Put them in hidden places that are likely to go unnoticed. She also needs to prepare for getting an EPO if this escalates.

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