JL_STIDIOS , ⭐ Mod // octavio ⭐⭐models = JASMIN GIRL AND TWO BOY the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


JL_STIDIOS , ⭐ Mod // octavio ⭐⭐models = JASMIN GIRL AND TWO BOY, 22 y.o.


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JL_STIDIOS , ⭐ Mod // octavio ⭐⭐models = JASMIN GIRL AND TWO BOY live! sex chat

Date: October 30, 2022

22 thoughts on “JL_STIDIOS , ⭐ Mod // octavio ⭐⭐models = JASMIN GIRL AND TWO BOY the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I have no advice, just that I understand what you are going through and cannot wait for you to be on the other side of this. The pain is immense.

  2. This whole devils advocate hypothetical crazymaking nonsensical argument thing is a giant red flag. It’s not a good sign for someone to push buttons and make you confused and doubtful over something so clear cut. It is obvious to everyone that you don’t send nudes for some platonic reason. Don’t twist yourself in knots trying to understand their “argument” because their point isn’t this particular issue, their point is to see how far they can push you. How accommodating will you be? How uncertain of yourself are you? I won’t call this person an abuser based on this one snippet of their life, but I do feel pretty confident in concluding that they’re a jerk and not relationship material.

  3. u/No_Dragonfly193, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  4. Hello /u/Responsible_Tower522,

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  5. Huh. It sounds like a normal conversation. Stop being so abusive, let her communicate how she she wants because there’s nothing wrong with how she is talking to you.

  6. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My (32m) wife (28f) have been married for 6 months, we were together for 3 years before that.

    For some context I am a Christian and I was saving myself for marriage. My wife had not. My wife was very open and had quite a few partners before we got together. That’s never bothered me. I thought my choice to save myself for marriage didn’t bother her but apparently it did.

    We got married in late May. We went to cancun for our honeymoon. When we got there my wife and I had sex once, and she didn’t seem into it. She barley touched or kissed me. Then we barley spoke the entire honeymoon. She spent most of her time drinking and avoiding me. I’ve tried to initiate many times since our wedding day but she always refuses. The only time we’ve ever had sex was that first time.

    I finally pressed my wife about it tonight. I asked her why we don’t talk anymore and why she doesn’t want to be intimate with me. She tried to tell me that I won’t be able to handle her answer and I should’ve listened. I insisted she tell me. She asked if I wanted the whole truth, and I told her to hold nothing back and she definitely did not.

    She told me that she realized she was no long sexually attracted to me shortly after I proposed. She said she’s always hated the idea of waiting but she never said anything because she didn’t want me to feel pressured into sex. She thought that her feelings would change after we got married and the attraction would come back. She started crying and told me after we had sex on our wedding night she took a long shower and cried. She started crying even harder and admitted to me that she wants a divorce.

    Honestly I’m devastated. This is the only woman I’ve ever loved.

    I need help, I need to know what to say to change her mind.

    Edit: spelling

    Update: tw mention of SA

    We’ve decided on marriage counseling. I do believe in my heart that we can work things out. I think we’ve both messed up.

    I love my wife, and I really don’t want to date again. Almost every other girlfriend I’ve had has cheated on me. I guess my wife could have but I doubt she did. I really don’t want to get back into the dating game.

    My wife and I had a long discussion and we both agreed to therapy and when I say therapy I mean the whole 9. We’ll each be in marriage counseling, individual therapy, and sex therapy.

    There’s a part of me that’s concerned we still may not work. My wife has experienced a lot of sexual trauma and the time we had sex brought a lot of those feelings up. I feel awful. She didn’t even mention sex to me because she never wanted me to feel like I was forces but now she essentially feels raped by me. She didn’t use that word but I know what she meant.

    Thank you to everyone who gave good genuine advice. Hopefully everything works out even if we can’t be together.

  7. They broke up and then got back together. In that time his bestfriend slept with her… Why would you sleep with your bestfriend ex immediately following their breakup?

  8. It's hot to deal with someone with so much trauma. He probably doesn't really know what he wants, long term.. and i can relate to you feeling scared about money. I think you should see a financial counselor. Not someone who handles investments, but someone who helps with planning and figuring out options. They'll probably charge a flat fee, but you could benefit from some hand- holding as well as professional advice as you navigate this. The person might be able to suggest some time frames for decision making. Like, with your raise you may be able to take 4 months to see how things develop, as long as you keep a cushion of x amount, and after that you can make a more informed decision ( find a roommate? Sell the house?).

  9. It doesn’t work out. The 23 yr old knows what they’re doing. They know they don’t want a real relationship but want sex so they go after girls who are gullible and don’t know better. It’s not in the dictionary but you can probably guess what gullible means.

  10. In that case no. But we can't know what the reason for your friend's behavior are.

    Before you act: Please just talk to her. Communication is so important.

  11. In that case no. But we can't know what the reason for your friend's behavior are.

    Before you act: Please just talk to her. Communication is so important.

  12. Tell her the same thing you said here. “We already have two children and our lives are very busy. I don't really want another child and have been debating a vasectomy.”

  13. Yes that's correct. But she is doing this for herself, not for him. That's my point – she wants to be able to live with her conscience down the road.

  14. I would also blow up the guy by letting his wife know. Normally I don't advocate revenge against the other party, but, it's shitty that he has a committed partner.

    I would recommend you have a friend there on standby in case anything goes sideways. For your safety in case she says you did anything after. I would let her go to work, call out myself, pack all of her shit for her, leave it near the door. Let her come home, give her the news, and tell her to slide. (With friend there) then, after she leaves, call the wife, or reach out via social media. Be sure to have ample incriminating evidence so she is taken care of in family court.

    I wish you the best of luck.

  15. I guess she sees private practice as money grabbing and kind of soul less. A lot of PPs here are no insurance and she doesn't want to do just cash jobs for high income people. She also cannot sit still and prefers the hospital life.

  16. He’s honestly happy as a clam. I admire how he can feel comfortable anywhere he goes, no matter the condition. He’s very adaptable. He can afford better, he’d just prefer to save major money on rent, again I totally agree with that decision 🙂

    I highly doubt I will be returning here. Having to turn the shower on with a wrench and random men banging on the front door looking for his roommate and his roommate asked my bf to lie and tell anybody looking for him that he doesn’t live there anymore.

    I don’t fear for my bfs safety. He can handle himself. I also feel safe with him and I know he’d protect me at all costs. But the physical condition of the apartment, the potential of having to be defended and the location (known rougher area) really throws me off.

  17. Don’t do it, you should experience being on your own more. You seem to be enjoying it and it sounds like you might have to support your boyfriend if he moves in. Let him know that he has to save up and perhaps you can revisit the issue in a year or so. If he is willing to break up with you over this than it was probably already doomed

  18. Ok but…..why does she not refinance? You can refinance her private loans into a single consolidated loan with a fixed interest rate. A variable rate of 11% is just insane, but if you refinance you might be surprised at how much better of a rate she can get, especially if she has a solid payment history. I speak from experience here. At least look into this before calling it quits.

  19. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    So my boyfriends wants an open relationship where he fucks other girls but I'm not allowed to have sex with other guys. Like he essentially wants me to be a lesbian who's only straight for him. He seems to believe this is a fair and reasonable terms to a relationship and is actually quite common. Is this true? Should I open my horizons or is he unrealistic. For reference it's not like he's rich like I support myself it's not like he can just support a bunch of random girls

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