Jenny-evans on-line webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 10, 2022

61 thoughts on “Jenny-evans on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. It sounds like she needs to be with someone who doesn’t have kids. I have a kid from a previous relationship and when I was single I only dated men that didn’t have kids. I would never reject someone’s child but as soon as a man told me that he had a child/ren I knew that he wasn’t for me. And I know this sounds selfish but I just knew that the level of attention that me and my child required. And I also knew that a man with kids would have to put his kids moms above me in some capacity at some point and that just doesn’t sit right with me so I married someone who didn’t have. And again maybe this all sounds bad but I would rather sound selfish than to be someone’s evil stepmother because I didn’t connect with their child

  2. Well we are limited to what we read here so ?‍♀️ I do hope that you carry on with therapy and that it helps you. I had a period in my life where a job made me miserable and exacerbated preexisting depression so I definitely understand that. Fortunately I was eventually able to get out and things improved, although I will probably always need treatment for MDD. I hope if you aren't able to escape that therapy at least gives you some useful coping mechanisms.

    All I was saying I'm my initial post was not to use your girlfriend as a sounding board if you are questioning your sexuality in a way that means that you aren't attracted to her. The reason I said that was because this happened to a friend of mine and it completely gutted her, even though we all told her it was OK to make her own mental health a priority. He eventually did come to terms with being gay after meandering around about it for a year and making her feel inadequate and unloved. So that's where that was coming from. I think we both took what the other was saying the wrong way. Anyway, good luck to you.

  3. You can do better. Why would you date much less marry an abusive selfish person? Guy here, that fiancé is manipulating you into doing what he wants when he wants. You are his puppet, or rather slave. That is how he’s treating you. You are young enough to find someone you are truly compatible with.

  4. … you do need to make it about yourself. You tell him that respect for your body autonomy and personal space, and the past cheating are two completely different issues. He is perfectly entitled to be upset about you cheating, but punishing you in this matter is not acceptable and is barrelling towards being sexual assault. If he cannot see that or is unwilling to change, then unfortunately you may have to accept that staying in the relationship means he will continue this behaviour.

    Take control, my dude. Take your power back.

  5. I was there a few years ago with my ex. He blamed me as I should have expected (he was a certain type of person, a liar), I knew he was comfortable with lying to me from a previous experience that happened a few years before that, just another red flag I chose to ignore. I was young and worried about the number of partners I would have.

    I stayed in my comfortable space, why not, I'd been there for a good 9 years and it was my golden age, wasn't it?? Also we were engaged and was it worth throwing all that away?? It was….

    We had a very messy break up about two years later. I regret not being stronger sooner, and all the extra time I wasted.

    Very happy in a relationship now, but I look back with regrets on how silly and blind and lazy I was with myself and my own happiness. My happiness means something to my person now, it is completely different. I know I'm loved now, I know I can trust my partner and his love for me, I know he'd never cheat on me. It's so nice to be safe in that love. I hope you find that love for yourself with a divine soul mate, after you're done with this arsewipe.

    I used to feel guilty about not wanting to be with my ex anymore. The guilt vanished over time to be replaced with resentment. I think he was an animal and not on my level of spiritual wisdom at all. I feel only relief at escaping him now. You will feel the same.

  6. I would be so upset in this situation. You weren’t up to spending hours at a party because you are in the middle of finals and expressed this to him weeks ahead of time. Despite this heads up, his actions still resulted in you spending hours, not sleeping or studying or relaxing, but anxiously sitting there taking care of him. To me, this would be different from an accident or an emergency that was out of his control. Your reaction is understandable and it’s okay to not cater to him throughout the weekend as well. Giving yourself some space to relax, sleep or study is not an overreaction after the night you had. At some point you should have a conversation about all this (when he’s sober!), but if you are emotionally drained now it’s okay to say that you would like a conversation about everything, but would like to tackle these feelings and problems after you finish finals (give a firm date).

  7. Is there anything I can do at this point? Yes, the Paternity test. You really do need to get it done. I'm unsure as to why you wouldn't want to do it.

  8. Well the intention of those pictures were most likely not to get masturbated to. The fact that it is being used that way is very disturbing. I think sexualizing every person you know is a problem since he clearly doesn’t have boundaries for these girls. Personally if I found out my best friend masturbated to an innocent picture I posted I would definitely not talk to him.

  9. Your bf is being a twat. His “logic” is so flawed it’s a joke.

    Sounds like he’s looking for an excuse to leave you. He may even want a relationship with V now she’s single again which she wasn’t when you two got together.

    I’d leave him to whatever stupidity his brain is focussed on.

  10. First off I feel she is using Post Partum Depression as an excuse for her not being there in her daughter's life when in reality she just wanted to fuck around and be with whoever she wanted. Now that her visa is up she wants you to take her back so she can leave you guys again to screw around the second it's finalized. She isn't worried about her child or being in her life all she cares about is being deported. No you aren't hurting her by taking someone who didn't want to be in her life in the first place out of it and if she really cares and really wants to be there let her figure it out for herself. She's trying to guilt trip you while using the child you guys have as a pawn for her twisted little scheme and you as the parent who is actually involved in her life needs to not let that happen. I can't stand people like her who are willing to use their own child and you as a hot working man who could get in a lot of trouble which would inevitably leave your child without a parent for her own selfishness. She isn't interested in being a mother which is why she left you guys in the in the first place because she wanted to screw around without the responsibility of being a mother to the little girl she helped create. She should be ashamed of herself using PPD as an excuse for her own inexcusable behavior. She fucked up and I can 100% guarantee she doesn't care she just wants to use you and your child while leaving you both to struggle.

  11. As we all know, once you hit 26, your personality and values become immovable objects, and your stances on every issue become frozen in amber.

  12. I dont know what those are.

    But the point is that she wanted to get married. She should have prioritized it. There is a cultural aspect to why she should have looked younger as it was expected if that is the case.

    22 because she still is likely in college. The largest group of her peers to choose from and meet new people. Most people spend between 2.5 years to 5 years getting to know their partner from initials stages of dating to get married. She had time to go through and vet bfs and where does that leave her on the timeframe?

    28-31 years old. Lines up quite well with the average age most people are married no?

    Instead of actually looking for someone as a husband, she made her choices. For whatever reason, I don't care, she was looking at 31 and instead of letting the natural flow of bf, to fiance, to husband flow, she is trying to speed it along. She is forcing her bf to consider marriage ahead of what he feels comfortable with. It isn't good for her relationship long term and likely to backfire more than help.

  13. The thing that stood out the most was her telling me she didn’t need me and she didn’t care if I came back home. So besides everything else I know I’m not wanted in my own home

  14. i cant comment on if he is/isn’t bored, i don’t know. but regardless, there is nothing you can do to influence his emotions. even if you lived in the same place this type of thing can happen. you feel like you have control over it, by wanting to ask for reassurance or trying to help him feel better etc but ultimately he feels how he feels because of him (his trauma, biases, life events, relationships…) NOT because of you. the most you can do it play it by ear, and if things begin to decline you can ask him to be upfront. there’s no avoiding the anxiety and pain of being in a situation like this where you are second guessing yourself/your relationship, so you can only be kind to yourself. honour yourself, your comfort, your hobbies. you don’t need to chase other people or try and find new options, but just try and make yourself feel as good as you can. you need to top yourself up to replenish everything this situation is taking from you. even if it’s just ordering your favourite food, not working yourself too hot, indulging in a Netflix marathon, running a nice bath with candles. make life about yourself and not him, so regardless of the outcome you will feel okay.

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  16. u/God-Makon69, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  17. I was once a size 2 and am now a 10-12. I hate it and am working on losing weight because being lighter is better for my lupus, mctd, and scleroderma, but the best partner I ever had said it didn’t matter what size I was or how I looked, as long as I was the same inside. If you can’t see yourself loving your gf at her current size or bigger for the long term, then it is time to go because you should find her emotionally and mentally attractive as well. If you do, she may be more open to going to the gym with you, but she won’t now because she feels judged and no one likes that.

  18. Hello /u/OpeningSea8051,

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  22. If he wanted to connect with someone with health issues that you both have, why not include you? If he had nothing to hide, why did he hide it? These questions matter

  23. I agree. He admits in a comment on another post that their relationship ended before he was ready and a part of him misses the marriage but he loves his girlfriend.

    I don’t know if I have to meet him, i have just being thinking of him showing up at a kids event or a public place. I don’t know if he actually would because he is clearly still married and doesn’t go out in public with my ex. Every time they break up my ex seems to reach out to me for support which I don’t shut down fast enough. Things ended sooner than I wanted and a small part of me still misses my marriage(it was a terrible relationship) I have an incredible gf now who I love, but this is more about my kids well being.

    The girlfriend needs to get out of this mess because she deserves better than this.

  24. Hello /u/Laughing-Hyane,

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  25. All this is not your problem. Do you want to continue like this? Or do you want your sanity and health back?

    Tell her to move out in the next -idk- 3 weeks or something and that you are done.

    She will probably try to gaslight you again to stay with her and not kicking her out, but you have to stay firm with this if you want your inner peace back.

    If she get physical call the police. Tell your best friend whats going on, so you have someone who can watch over things and yourself. If you have to, get evidence, document everything.

  26. Two things. Many young men are not thoughtful. I will make this generalization and you can fuck off if you disagree. We are not socialized to be thoughtful and generally less is expected of men than women in almost every area of life except making money and physical labor and even that is mostly changed.

    This young guy sounds especially callous though. Your last BF seems to have been more thoughtful by your implication.

    Two things you can do:. Tell him exactly what you expect and what you'd like to be treated like. After that is up to him to be thoughtful and to remember to try to think of your needs and feelings. If you have to keep asking him, then maybe try thing two

    Dump him, you deserve better. The situation will not improve anytime soon. He's not interested in changing it, not really.

  27. I’m the one who got harassed.

    What does it have anything to do with him aside from the person he cares about went through something that was upsetting, he doesn’t own me

  28. Preface it that you do care for him/love him ect. But you need alone time because it's good for you.

    I'm just like you honestly. I need it to. It's like a battery recharge in a lot of ways.

  29. And you're done

    When she leaves don't be there when she gets back

    That's how you know you have self worth

  30. She kept insisting that I stay in Japan throughout our conversation, so even if you weren't just busting balls that's for sure not it

  31. I assume he’s operating off the current “shoulds” one reads live! or hears at the OBGYN. Between 25 and 35 pounds, blah blah blah. I gained at least forty each pregnancy (and I continued distance running through most of each one) and returned to my pre-pregnancy weight (not body!) after about a year and a half. Your husband is an asshole, and you can tell him I said so. You are young, you grew a healthy baby, you’re doing a wonderful job and you will be just fine. As long as you ignore this jerkbag and look after you and your little one with the tenderness and excitement you both deserve right now.

  32. Yes most of us have memories of the past that still coming up to the mind or in dreams … it takes long times to get over it , the more you interact and focus on your current relationship the more you forget it .

  33. No, you don’t sacrifice privacy when you get married. She doesn’t understand why you ask her to knock when you’re in the bathroom? That’s irrelevant…because she doesn’t have ti understand. All she has to do is respect it and knock.

  34. Canned beans and tuna are great ways to keep protein in your diet for less $$ than meat. Its also great because you get to cut back on animal products so win/win!

  35. Personally, I'd end it. I wouldn't want to feel like even if he did start making meals he was resenting Me and cursing me for it. You're a working woman not a housewife. I work a 12 hour a day labour intensive job and somehow I feel I have more energy at the end of it than when I was studying in university and doing technical sitting down tasks many hours a day. The brain is a muscle too, and it's just as easy to be burnt out from sitting down tasks.

    My wife currently can't work because her permanent residency is still in processing with the government, but on my days off we still share the responsibility of food, why? Because she's my partner not my servant. She'll pick up work again when she can and I have faith she'd support me in the future if me myself couldn't work.

    Your bf is verbally manipulating you by saying you cooking is showing love. You don't pick other's love language, but showing love is being willing to meet eachother halfway. He doesn't want a girlfriend, he wants a maid.

  36. To that he said he still wants to try as he feels I’m the one that got away.

    He doesn't respect you or your relationship. All he cares is about what he wants. He is fully intending on sabotaging your fledging relationship with James so he can get in with you.

    It really doesn't matter what your intentions are because if you have all this knowledge about his ill will and you do nothing about it and go along with it, it will look like you're tacitly approving his hitting on you.

    And if he's a certain kind of dangerous he'll use this hangout as ammo to torpedo your connection with James. He can find him on socials and DM and say something like “Hey James, I don't you don't know me but I heard through the grapevine that you and OP had a thing after I went out on a date with her recently. I didn't know she was seeing someone either so I just wanted you to know.” Boom. James decides you're not worth the effort.

    Never put yourself in a situation with untrustworthy people where a narrative can be used against you. In this case, it means not interacting with this Nathan guy at all.

  37. Y’all are just in different places and wanting different things. You didn’t do anything wrong and neither did she. At 19, I wouldn’t expect a serious monogamous relationship when all you shared was a kiss. It is disappointing when you want something more but she is not a villain or any of the terrible names listed in some of these comments. That said if just being friends with her is not what you want than telling her so is an acceptable response as well.

    From a female perspective my guess is she wants to be desired and this guy took the initiative to show he was interested. You played the nice friend route taking 6 mo to work up to a kiss so maybe not the level of desire she is looking for at 19. Maybe she wanted you to know she is desired so she allowed the kiss to get your attention. Aka this is a completely 19 yr old thing to do even if it may have been a huge mistake for your friendship.

  38. I would say “Nope. Don’t kid yourself, this is exactly who you are. Don’t know what you are trying to prove, and do not care. Fuck off you cheating scum and don’t you ever try to contact me again”. Then block him.

    I am wondering if his wife caught him and he’s reaching out to women he cheated with for damage control.

  39. You should consider getting new friends OP. Cheating is a big deal. She did it twice, not once. She had a lot of time to ponder her actions between the first and second time she chose to cheat, and she chose to do it again.

    She could have stopped cheating just because the other guy was not interested in a relationship with her, so you were the easy 2nd choice. You never know.

    I think it's difficult to rebound from this situation. It might be possible, but I think it will be so much hot work, and you'll always have that creeping thought in the back of your mind in situations where one of you are out of town, out with friends, etc. It's going to take so much time and effort to rebuild the trust, and it still might not be possible.

    In my opinion, I think the relationship has run its course. It's up to you what you choose to do, but just know that if you plan to stay to try to make it work, it's going to be a long, difficult road, and there's no guarantee that she won't cheat again in the future.

    Good luck OP.

  40. Stop taking his healing personally. What he does to get over the breakup is not something you get to get offended about anymore.

    Blocking and going no contact is for his healing. His post was pretty clear that he’s focusing on himself and having his ex question his post the literal next day probably only confirmed that he needs to focus on himself.

    My bf has “live selfishly” tattooed on his ribs. He’s not a selfish man but it serves as a reminder to always make sure he doesn’t lose himself in relationships and his cup gets filled. Being selfish isn’t always this horrible thing.

  41. It sounds like both of these men have issues to work out and you and Sami could support each other in forging a new path in life without either of them.

  42. Oh I love that! I never thought to set time aside for it, and I will suggest this when I talk with him about how I'm feeling.

    I'm really conscious that this is a high burnout job so I can appreciate that this might also help him to compartmentalise and take a break from thinking about work!

  43. You need to get as far away from this person as possible. I hope you have proof of this conversation somewhere, either discuss it in text what she said about cheating and accusing you and then GTFO. She might still retaliate after the breakup but that that's no reason to stay. A relationship shouldn't be a hostage situation.

  44. Ugh you are very right. I guess I don’t need an explanation. I was just so curious as to what he would have to say

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