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Date: November 14, 2022

48 thoughts on “jennioh66live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. The fear they have certainly isn’t crazy (which you acknowledged), but like I said, that fear can exist with anything, in the sense that even if we ignore religion, there’s always a risk that he becomes a controlling and/or horrible partner.

    You’re not going to be able to alleviate that fear from your parents. I’d rather focus on how you’re going to be able to protect yourself; first, like I said, don’t get married until you’re confident based on what you’ve learned that you can trust your partner. That’s all literally anyone can do.

    Second, if things change (in that regard), you don’t have a fear of divorce. If you go into a marriage with certain assumptions based on what you’ve been told and learned, that’s why you’re entering into a legal relationship. So if your parents’ fears end up being reality, you need to be willing to walk away and not let the promises you made to get married be the reason you stay.

    Hopefully it never comes to that. We’re also talking about a situation so far in the future. But just be smart.

  2. Yeah because breaking up with her will make the situation sooo much better.

    You people are heartless and your solution to this girls trauma is an obvious sign you have commitment issues and no fight for those you supposedly “care” about. Would you abandon your friend or sibling for having the same trauma?

  3. You’re not doing her any favors by letting her down easy. IMO brutal honesty goes a long way versus lying and letting someone down easy.

    If you aren’t happy and don’t see it working long term then it’s better to walk away now versus staying in it to find the “right” time to leave.

  4. She don't trust baby sitters, thanks true crimes, I usually try to do it every time I'm home which is once a month for a few days

  5. Thank you for sharing that, I'm glad you were able to move through it and grow from it. Im so glad you're in a better place now!

  6. You are an introvert, very much so. That's it.

    I have found that my degree of introversion has increased with age, too.

    What would be your ideal balance between time alone and in your wife's company?

  7. So I’ve never seen the movie and May have surmised thee PERSON was evil because of the LOOK. at any rate the comment was unwarranted and as I said, I’ve broken up with people because they compared me to “less than savory” characters from movies.

  8. Honey, the hole you're feeling can't be filled by supporting other people. I know you've been taught to help others before you help yourself, that's how you got into this mess. The only way to fill the hole is to ask for the support you need.

    Pick a family member, someone you feel safe with. Ask them if you can talk to them about something heavy and if they could keep it private, if they agree let it all out. Tell them everything. Spill your guts Honey. Let them be there for you, you are worthy.

    Your family don't like him because they know you deserve better than what he's offering. They are right.

  9. Hello /u/Pleasant-Cherry-102,

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  10. The divorce itself is no fault. The fact that you left your kids with her means she will be the primary caretaker of your kids so prepare for child support.

  11. I'm envious of you. I've been alive for 41 years and I've never caught any of the men I've dated pumping me up like that. Clearly it's my shitty choice in men being the reason why I'm living my life this way. ?

  12. You clearly do not have a “we” marriage as far as he's concerned. Time to separate finances, he's clearly not to be trusted with his own income, let alone yours.

  13. I edited it for clarification. Ibwas talking about long walks at night. The sun goes down early and we walk almost everywhere. I don't know how you could have a life here and not be willing to walk a mile after the sun goes down.

  14. I have spelled out specific ways. I understand somethings will just never match, libidos for example. I do not pressure because the result will never be ideal. I dont want to guilt someone into being intimate with me and i dont want someone to go along just to appease me. But other things like participating in my hobbies, I feel, is important. I dont particularly care about fashion, but i stay current on exhibits coming to town or events happening, so we can go and bond on her interests, but never see that reciprocated. Not sure she even understands enough about me to plan something that includes my interests.

    We have picked up some hobbies together. She likes diy and so do I but she always wants to include her friends and the. It becomes girls night and me as like a butler or chaperone. I continue the hobbies on my own, even if Im not really interested, mainly to display that I am invested. But it usually ends in vain.

    I do get frustrated at times, and get a lil distant, but then I get accused of wanting someone else, or cheating etc. ( i know this is a red flag, but I am certain she is not cheating, but has once in the past. Again, certain this is not the case at the moment. Wont be fooled twice)

    When we disagree, it is usually an argument, then she feels like she is losing me, becomes more caring for a short period but still doesnt invest in my wants or needs.

    Standing up for myself has become ultimatums these days. But I feel I may be putting up with most to give my child a steady home.

  15. Word of advice, if sex life isn't great before marriage, it's unlikely to become great after marriage.

    She has the right to do, or not do, whatever she wants regarding her body.

    But know that if you're marrying her, it's because of her personality, to build a life together, to do all that a marriage entails, and then if there's a good sexual life it's to be considered a welcome surprise. It shouldn't be an expectation. Good chances are she'll close her eyes and think of England until she's pregnant, and will straight up refuse any further contact when she doesn't want more children.

  16. My girlfriend and both me have been contacted by numerous exs, know what we do? We say hey hope you’re doing well i am and thats it. Leave it at that. You’re entertaining going to lunch. Its a lot more than just the guy reaching out at this point.

  17. It seems like you already know everything anyone here could tell you.

    I'm not trying to be harsh, but I will be frank. You both have very toxic tendencies and need copious amounts of therapy before you should even think about being in a relationship with anyone, let alone with each other. You're hurting yourselves, each other, and everyone else who gets in the middle. Your relationship has been toxic the entire time you've known each other, and it's not going to get better if you don't both undergo some major growth first. Once you've done that, you'll both likely recognize that this was less of a relationship and more of an addiction, and wind up deciding not to give it another go.

    But your post sounds like you already know all that, and you've already decided to be with him. People who post here, having already made their decision, are usually looking for validation, someone to say “it'll be fine, go for it”. I can't do that. It is obviously not a good idea.

    But if you got 500 comments saying the same thing, would you change your mind and cut contact? I can't assume you wouldn't, but I know that when my mind is made up, strangers on the internet are unlikely to change it.

  18. Mmmm so how abt u ask him if he think you are ” book smart” and “acedamic intelligence” then?

    I do think people can define smart in different ways, he mighy just defines smartness in street smart, but he can still think u r book smart and intellectual. academically intelligent etc

  19. You should do what feels right and healthy for you and not letting him “manipulate” you into staying. You are only responsible for your own happiness and well-being. By dragging your feet you are wasting time. Plan an exit-strategy and follow through.

  20. Im only 23 and i feel this way about all my teenage years!! The best advice that i wish was easier to take and implement when you're in it.

  21. I’m really sorry, OP. I’m sure it’s really nude for your mom, but I still think it’s unfair to you. You didn’t do anything wrong. She’s the parent. I would suffer through anything to keep my son in my life, and it’s not like you’ve been shoving your relationship with your dad and his new family in her face. I hope she takes this time to reflect and make some peace with everything so that she can come back to you, apologize and move forward.

  22. Either she's mad that you left early without her, or she's mad because of something the other friends told her after you left.

  23. No offence, but even if I was asleep and my girlfriend called me up and asked if I could please walk her home at night and I was in the area, I would get dressed, and walk her home..

  24. My hidden resentment towards him has taken a turn for the worse, and I admit that my love for him is getting in the way. I'm lucky that he didn't say he wanted a divorce after I said this to him or that he didn't get rude. I would really be in a bad mood if he had said those words to me. But I guess he didn't get a big reaction because of what I said in the edit. I want him to be happy and peaceful. I will try to heal these thoughts. You're really right about the ultimatum.

  25. To be fair to you, I do think the “rough housing” is a bit odd, unless you’re overreacting a bit and it’s literally limited to being pushed in the snow which isn’t all that crazy.

    But like I said, I don’t see anything sexual here based on what you’ve said. The slapping thing seems dumb more than anything else but I’m not seeing anything all that concerning from a romantic perspective.

  26. I mean, at the end of the day, there really isn't much to it. I really don't want to get too graphic, but sure there are things you can learn how to do well. From a one night stand though? Highly doubt it.

    Any type of 'experience' or 'skill level' will happen either over a long period of time with one guy, or multiple experiences over a period with many guys. Same holds true for guys as well – first time is just aggressive and excitement.

    Again, know what will please a partner more than anything? Know what pleases you. If we're approaching this from a goals oriented position, that should be your goal.

  27. They're both wrong if you're KNOWINGLY helping someone cheat. If you don't know that the person you're helping cheat is even a cheater, then of course you aren't bad because you literally don't know.

    But if you DO know that the person you're helping cheat is in a relationship, and you still decide to continue to help them cheat and even get off on the fact that you're with a cheater, then, yes, it shows low morals and a lack of compassion.

  28. I have been there. Just get jt over with and dump him. Mismatched sex drives are a valid reason to break up. Unless he wants an open relationship.

  29. Not to mention the guy was double her age! If she posted this same thing, asking advice about “finding out he is married” Reddit would've shit on the dude about taking advantage of her.

  30. So, I think she’s just delaying the conversation about the kids. And most likely when you have the conversation, she’ll move the goal posts and put additional hurdles in having kids, like let’s buy our own house first, let’s be secure in our jobs first etc.

    She already told the OP that she doesn’t want kids. So all of this is just you making things up. Why? I don’t know, but it reads like you heard about men doing all this and have decided that if some men do it, all women must do it. Despite the absence of evidence.

    I think calling her a manipulator may be naked but not unwarranted given her behavior.

    The manipulative behavior in this story came from the OP. His girlfriend spoke directly, without personal attacks. He lashed out, in a way that will certainly change her behavior going forward.

    It’s tragic that you managed to write a reasonable first paragraph, but then launched into all this crap for the rest. Are you incapable of accepting that maybe the OP really isn’t blameless for his behavior? Are you identifying with the OP because he wrote the story, or because he wants kids, or because he’s male? Maybe you also feel that you can say anything to your partner, no matter how awful and manipulative, so long as you’re feeling a strong negative emotion in the moment. But of course their feelings are all fake and “manipulative”.

  31. I haven't had an STD test in a while and want to get another–if I request an HPV test too (as a man) will or can they include it at least?

  32. It's like love. You know how they say you'll know when your truly in love. We're you still anxious/scared? Sure, a bit. But you knew.

    It's the same way with kids. If you're not sure, you're not ready.

  33. Couldn't you have a father/daughter dance with each of them? It's your wedding, you absolutely don't need to stick to any particular format. If your family situation calls for two dances – have two dances.

  34. He said a) he was starving so he wasn’t thinking about that and b) that he was with his teammates. Doesn’t seem like bad intention exactly but it is neglect and made me feel shitty.

  35. I think your user handle is appropriate here. I'm disappointed in this whole comment thread (not you). OP wanted advice, not to get bullied. Words don't come out as readily and easily for everyone and sometimes the whole world can give you stage fright. Miscommunication happen, and she's asking for advice to make it better. This is not AITA!!

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