JennicaJairy on-line webcams for YOU!


make us cum and squirt/lesbian show [554 tokens remaining]

Date: December 8, 2022

44 thoughts on “JennicaJairy on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I’m going to say it depends on what the photo album is but probably not.

    I think the only time I would give a gift I already got to an ex is if it was both non-returnable and non sentimental, and I couldn’t use myself. Most things don’t fit the criteria so I would just get my money back on those. Then most things that aren’t returnable would be like a customized sentimental gift (photo album) which would be weird for the sentimental reasons. But if it’s just an empty album with her name on it (doesn’t mention you or your plans) then I would give it to her unwrapped and say “I already got you this and can’t return it so you might as well have it.” Make it clear this isn’t a gesture to get her back and merely a way to avoid wasting something

  2. Now, this is a personal attack. Again, you're choosing the momentary feeling of superiority over actually being right.

    Feel free to enlighten me, though, what's to learn? That one woman cheats, so all women cheat?

    Are you suggesting that I should've just stopped dating after the first time it happened? Or are you just posting a cheap dig to get a few upvotes from like minded weapons because it popped into your head after hitting comment?

  3. If a guy likes you he will let it be known. If he wants to speak to you, even if he doesn't use his phone that much, he would text you. I'm sorry but the vibe I'm getting is He's just not that into you. I'm sorry to say it but when men want something they go for it and if they really want something they'll damn near chase it down. Find someone who's putting in the same amount of effort as you to spend time together.

  4. Because your man should protecting you and the fact you called another man is emasculating. If you called a woman like a best friend that's different. But calling another guy would man alot of men feel like you don't even see him as a mad

  5. No one is owed an invite. Having said that, there are a few things with which you should concerned.

    not disclosing his religion until 6 to 8 months into the relationship his family has NO IDEA you exist after 2 years his family is really religious: they will want him to marry someone in his religion

    You’re only 23, and being treated like a dirty little secret. Are you prepared to be considered “less than” in this relationship forever?

    Like another Redditer commented, don’t convert for him. You should seriously consider stepping back and taking a good and honest look at your relationship. You’re not being treated like a partner.

  6. Take time for yourself, and do things you like.

    He seem like he was not the right guy for you. And the fact that he first posted about you after you found out he cheated says a lot about him.

  7. u/NefariousnessOk4372, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. yeah i agree tipping culture is insane and out of hand but i think if you did attend a sit down service you should tip… not like a drive by or a pickup service cause they didn’t do anything special

  9. Dude everything in your post indicates that you are the problem here. You didn't mention any actual evidence of cheating, just your personal speculation from her going out (like young people do) and texting friends. And with her being 18 when you were 26 at the start of your relationship, you look super creepy here, and obviously not just to me.

  10. Well, I got bad news for you. This not only will not get any better, it will only get worse if/when you all have kids. So think long and hard about how low you are willing to adjust your expectations.

  11. I don’t like beards either. You don’t HAVE to shave it. But just know that your girlfriend finds it very unattractive. ??‍♀️

  12. I appreciate you asking! She’s on antidepressants so that’s probably a big reason but also when she’s stressed or anxious, she can’t relax enough to get in the mood. Also that she is in the mood when she doesn’t feel gross. It’s naked for me to remember but I think it’s always been around once or twice a week since we’ve met, so not much of a change. We started talking last June but became official in September, so we’ve been together about a year and a half. We don’t live together, she’s still in school and I work a 9-5 job so we do have those differences in terms of schedule.

    Shes said she wants to make me feel wanted and to work more on it, and also has reassured me that it can get better (but not a lot has changed). But I think if I didn’t voice that I would like to have sex more often, she would be perfectly content with things. I don’t think she’d be okay with the extreme of never having sex again but I don’t know how long we could go until she realizes we haven’t had sex because I always end up initiating it. I just got back from a trip and while I was gone she expressed to me a lot that she misses me and we sexted, etc. but when I got back from the trip the first night we hung out I tried initiating it and she said she wasn’t in the mood which I respected. I asked if everything was okay and she gave me a pretty vague response but that it wasn’t anything that I did.

  13. Then try not to use language like “you” in situations like this.

    And enabling this behaviour is not helping anyone. She's no less a victim, for not knowing that she's being victimized, and it doesn't help the brother to learn that he can violate another person's safety and people will cover up for him, just to avoid rocking the boat.

    Preserving a false reality out of convenience or comfort should never be the choice. Sacrificing the safety of one person to avoid making a few people uncomfortable should never be an option.

  14. Don't listen to him. It's a good rule. Moving in prematurely gets a lot of people stuck in bad situations and makes it difficult to extract themselves in abuse cases. Hell, read half the posts in this sub. Keep the entanglements to a minimum and date with your eyes open.

    My spouse and I didn't move in together until one week AFTER we were married (honeymoon haha) and it was still pretty magical for us getting the house set up together.

  15. I just feel sorry for you . What is the rush to move in with someone especially you get an ultimatum to do something that is clearly against your will.


  16. Sexual coercion/sexual assault. As others have said, sex trafficking – and are you sure he isn't getting paid for this? As others have said, it sounds like he is forcing you into sex work. Your anxiety attacks are classic signs of sexual abuse/assault.

    PLEASE GET OUT. This is only going to get worse.

  17. Stop doing other things until he finally gets it. You shouldn't be cleaning the whole house. What does he do to share the burden? Please just let it get dirty until he gets it. And remind him all the time to do it. Leave notes all over. Send text messages. Leave cleaning products on his chair. All of that. Be petty. Because he is. If you break down and do the work he will never help you at all. And that's what he is hoping for.

  18. Women cooking for men is an expression of love just like men checking on intruders in the night is an expression of love for them.

    Having said that, I usually do most of the cooking because I enjoy it and am good at it. But, I wasn't always that way. Maybe if you guys cooked together as a date night he could learn his way around the kitchen and start to enjoy it more.

  19. Unfortunately, sometimes we have to let go. Even if she had all the help in the world – would she be ok?

    She had everything she needed and wanted, it didn’t work.

    She was loved and supported, it didn’t work.

    It doesn’t work because she isn’t doing the work, she doesn’t want to do the work.

    Sometimes we have to let go. Maybe she’ll find her rock bottom and put the work in, maybe she won’t. Therapy for you to help cope with it, and finding the right amount of contact/involvement/boundaries for your own mental health.

  20. First: drop that attitude immediately. In a relationship things should be fair and so do not ask kindly of he might take over 20percent of things but demand his fair share. If he doesn't provide you don't provide. How does he show his love? By demanding you do things for him? Thanks, but no, not interested. Second my husband is a farmer. That is real hard hard work. Electrician is physical labour, yes, but naked physical labour? Doubt it. And lastly think ahead: if you stay together and built a family of is crucial that your partner is willing and able to be -> a partner

  21. This is above friend “pay grade” She doesn’t see anything wrong with his she’s doing things You can’t make her change. Leading a horse to water and all that.

    You can be her friend but you can draw a boundary at her love life. Tell her that you can’t continue to watch her self destruct with this terrible behavior and you can continue to be friends but you will not discuss her love life anymore, at least until she’s gotten some serious help and/or took some serious steps to change things. If she can’t maintain they boundary, then you have to distance yourself and tell her basically the same thing except “we can’t be friends until you get some help/makes some changes”.

    I’ve had to do this with friends for other reasons, and it’s awful, but I couldn’t just watch them suffer through their own self inflicted wounds.

  22. Do you want to live out the rest of this relationship the same way, with your boyfriend constantly monitoring and trying to isolate you, accusing you of wanting to cheat? And trying to convince you both to make poor financial decisions because of his jealousy?

    Does your idea of romance necessarily include a lot of jealousy and possessiveness?

  23. Ya this is where I’m struggling. I really don’t want the relationship to end and I don’t think she’s cheated on me but my past relationships and trust issues got the best of me and my gut was right about her lying. I wish I never knew but I do and I can’t continue on with this facade of pretending like she didn’t let me eat dinner with a guy she fucked

  24. OP did explain that his wife let him bring the kids to meet their grandfather, the wife just said the kids wouldn't like it. Both parents agreed that the kids could meet the man over the car ride. It only became a problem when the kids had a good time. It sounds like OPs wife was hoping the kids would hate their grandfather and is now mad that they don't because she hates him.

  25. I think you're missing where they are trying to patch things up. He lied to her repeatedly about the concert and the previous plans they made. Now he springs them as he kept them but didn't communicate with her properly, which probably made this marriage issue happen in the first place.

  26. Wow. Does she have any emotions for anyone other than herself. You lost your grandmother too here. Imagine when it’s one of your parents and you are the one beyond devastated. Will she be like get over it because I need attention. You need to really take a hard look here and decide is this the relationship you want. And know this those true colors shining through.

  27. Sorry but why can’t an 18 year old go clubbing if they want to? That’s a dumb “boundary”. Sounds more like control than anything else

  28. That’s not really a financially sound plan. Med school means loans with little living $$. Then you have residency which pays very poorly. you won’t make a decent amount of money to pay off all your debt (credit card and student) for 7 years minimum. The match rate gets worse every year so there’s not an impossible chance you don’t match and have to take a research year. Also medicine is a shit career.

  29. and gets upset when I mention some problems that she has that I would like to see change in her.

    I'm guessing the “problems” you want her to work on weren't listed in this post because you knew they made you look bad.

  30. I never understood why people need to share literally everything, when they can just contribute to a pool for family expenses

  31. I had this happen to me before, my ex contacted me a year later after having a bad breakup and he genuinely expressed his feelings and it was obvious he (and both of us actually) grew out of it and had the chance to reflect on things objectively. I appreciated it to be honest. It’s a pleasant feeling to end things on good terms.

    If you feel like you have things to say I relate to it so much. I was ghosted once by an ex flirt and I remember how not getting closure and not being listened felt. Although he was just a flirt it was so hard for me and I tried every way to get a single response back to have a closure. I was overthinking so much and I was literally talking to myself while I was texting him and doing stupid things like accidentally slipping his “nickname” out on my texts or sending voice memos just to get his attention for a tiny bit of closure. When I think about it now I feel like ughhh it was so childish but on the other hand I needed to do it to get it out of my system. And I know and understand how the communication you feel that lacked feels like. Go for it and text them how you feel?

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