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Jenna1_live sex stripping with hd cam


14 thoughts on “Jenna1_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. A lot of commenters are going to come here and tell you to assume she's a liar and break up with her. Imo, that's the most immature approach possible. Let's do better!

    Ok, she didn't tell you the whole truth. Do you want the whole truth? Do you want to be with her honestly? Or do you want to bail?

    If you wanna bail, ok, own that. Bail. Break up with her and move on.

    If she's worth dating, it sounds like she's not banging your friend right now, so what's the real harm? The issue isn't cheating, it's that you two lack an open dialog where you both feel comfortable, trusting, and safe sharing things that you worry might upset the other person. That's why she “bent the truth” here. But clearly she wants that openness, or she wouldn't have told you in the first place, wouldn't have felt guilty about hiding it, etc. So the raw material is there, just needs some processing.

    Decide in your own mind and heart, what's the worst case? She had sex with him? Kept seeing him for a bit while you two were casual and not exclusive? Ok, neither of those are really violations, right? The issue is lying about it.

    If you want someone to communicate openly with you, you have to make it safe for them to do so. Have an adult conversation.

    “So, I've been feeling suspicious that you haven't told me the whole story about you and [friend]. Whatever happened, it's in the past, and I don't really care. And if it's not in the past, and I have to worry about it, then I think I deserve to know. If you can, I'd like you to tell me the whole story. I might feel upset, but I'm committed to working through that, and I really want to keep dating you, so, please, let me have that feeling, it's ok, I just want the truth, and I want us to be able to be honest with each other. If you're not ready to tell me about it, I understand, it's your story, but whatever you do tell me, I'd like to feel confident that you're being honest with me. Can we move forward on that basis?”

  2. Iv brought this up, as she claims to want to have kids with me this summer!!! And she said that’s different

  3. Maybe I'm being dramatic but we've just put a non-refundable deposit on our wedding which is going to total 16-18K for next year and I'm just worried that in a years time she's going to be a much different person.

    There are a lot of reasons to get married, but “I've spent so much money I can't get back already so I might as well” is not a good one. No matter how much you've sunk into the wedding costs already if you look at your future spouse and don't actually want to marry them then cut your losses. A divorce will likely cost more both financially and in terms of just slogging through unhappiness.

  4. This is the thing. I'm insecure but I'm choosing to trust her. If she breaks that, I'm gone. She's come close but hasn't crossed the line.

    It's just taking a strain on me, and I don't know how to go about addressing it with her.

  5. Marital rape IS a thing first of fucking all.

    *NO ONE is *owed sex. He needs to kill that BS idea right now.

    OP, where the fuck are your boundaries and why doesn't he respect them?!?!?!

  6. Yes you should be a priority. She takes you for granted. Confront her about it, and tell her you want her to prioritise her plans with you. If her sister asking her is more important than being tired then it should be the same for you.

    Be prepared, for deflection, gaslighting or refusal to communicate.

    You know, you should prepare yourself mentally for break up. It is what you should do, unless you will be unquestionable top of her priority list.

  7. That is very understandable that she wants to ensure that her son has the best possible environment and opportunities while growing up.

    The problem is that she was acting in a very self centered way. As in what's best for her and her son, while not giving much consideration for what's best for you and if this was the right relationship for you.

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