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21 thoughts on “jaseyraelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You’re waaaaay too busy to have a full time sprouting relationship. Hit the pause button on the girl situation. You have MAJOR important things coming up that will make your life THRIVE!

    Don’t you dare quit on your goals!!! Focus! You got this!!!

  2. He was doing something personal and didn't expect you to be there so he wasn't careful with his privacy. It's not your business, idk why you are trying to determine what he was doing. You are worried for your mom's relationship, are you just looking for reasons to break them up? Maybe he was taking a dick pic, not your business. Maybe he was just looking at a weird lump on his testicle, not your business. Maybe he was jerking himself, not your business. Maybe he was looking at his bellybutton but knew what it looked like to you. Unless he had a woman under the bar blowing him I don't see how his actions that day would be anything of consequence to their relationship.

  3. I'm definitely not saying that. I absolutely 100% side with OP's position on this. My beef is with hypocritical commenters, not her.

  4. We don't know what was meant or if the sister hated him. Maybe the kid was talking about the siblings. We can not know exactly what that kid meant. I hardly thinknthe sisters would invite their brother if they hated hom just for the gifts.

    I still think op is telling on himself in his post.

  5. Hahahahaha! If I was your mother, I’d boot his lazy 26 year old ass to the curb! If he’s bored, how about, I don’t know, FINDING A JOB, earning his keep, making dinner for you and your family. WTF! And you’re filling out applications for him too? Poor baby, his life is so freakin awful and totally if his own making. Set yourself in fire girl because he’s cold.

  6. Mate, he pursued her for six months and got one kiss, and then got so upset that she dared to kiss someone else that he threw his toys of the pram, walked home alone (arduous ordeal apparently) and then refused to speak to anyone for days. It is not healthy. It is creepy.

  7. Paragraphs

    He is conditioning you. He is being abusive. He is litterally using psychological manipulation tactics on you to alter your behavior.

    This is wrong. I wouldnt even stay.

  8. And she’s adjusted to being without him. He shouldn’t be surprised. And lots of “Big boys” find jobs closer to home if they really want a marriage

  9. It’s normal to not deeply love someone but if you’re not in your gushy lovey dovey honeymoon phase during month 3 then… idk man but its probably not the relationship for you then

  10. More red flags than a bull fighting arena.

    I used to joke about knocking my significant other up…

    The difference is we had been married for 5 years, and actively trying to have kids…. so….a little different….

  11. I think i'll take the risk .. i cant help what the heart wants… why stay in an unhappy relationship you know

  12. How is it a double standard ? The same scenario would be her joining her girl to do her girls husband

  13. She’s right in that a step parent is never guaranteed to fill a parental figure role. It’s just not up to you to decide. But there’s also a difference between them not seeing you as their dad vs them not treating you well. But honestly I’m not sure which it is. Your post focuses on them not calling or seeing you as dad, but doesn’t mention other examples of them not respecting you. Them not seeing you as dad understandably hurts you, but that alone doesn’t point to disrespect.

  14. Also I noticed he gets sexually aroused when I dress up looking youthful, looking like a teen.

    Let me assure you that no 41 y/o woman looks like a teenager. Sorry to disappoint.

  15. Buddy, you need to let her go. She wanted to end things with you for a long time, but you wouldn't listen. She straight up told you that she wanted to breakup and that she wasn't happy. I know it sucks losing someone you love like that, but this was for the best. One sided love would've hurt way more than the rejection you're feeling now.

    Closure is a myth. You don't need it to move on. You're wanting closure as a means to see her again so you can attempt to convince her to take you back. All that'll do is reset your feelings of rejection. The fact is she doesn't want to be with you, and that's ok.

    Take some time to live for yourself and work on the issues from this past relationship. Continue to work on your mental health so that way your next girlfriend isn't affected by the issues you have.

  16. I’m not comfortable with any form of birth control inside my body or could potentially give me side effects other than a condom to be honest. I did research and thought about it many times and that’s why I made sure we agreed about it before we got engaged

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