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41 thoughts on “Janedaniells online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Definitely agree. Also what timing for this post, she just asked “have you told your family we’re not spending Christmas with them?”


  2. I did, and so did her boyfriend, who knew about her cheating on him before I did. She had only been with one other guy before him and she ended up cheating on him via circumstance (she tried to break up with him, he wouldn’t let her, she found someone else and became emotionally attached, thus the cheating before the official end of the relationship). When I found out she was cheating on her current boyfriend I was absolutely livid, but he knew about it. And I had other things going on in my life that took priority, like my sexual identity awakening, buying a house, running a business… there was so much going on that I really didn’t need the nectar stress so I chose to ignore it for the time being until I got my head on right, which took a couple years to do so. During this time I fear her cheating became “normalized” and now I’m looking back and I’m just filled with disgust for both her and myself for not doing anything about it earlier, but I had a mountain of shit to deal with in my own life. I admit I should have done something sooner, but here we are

  3. It’s not your job to educate this dude, even if he’s willing to learn why his opinions are harmful (which it sounds like he’s 100% unwilling). It’s exhausting. I’ve been there. It burns you out

  4. If it makes you feel any better. I (m42) love lingerie and my partner (f42) is like “ehh it’s pointless”. I can’t get her to wear any. I probably haven’t seen her in any for over a year and the last time was just because I complained.

  5. There’s no justification for throwing breakfast at your partner, let alone your pregnant partner, stop acting like there could be a valid reason. There’s no valid reason.

  6. I’m really shocked you didn’t throw him out. Doesn’t have a HS diploma, barely contributes to bills, uses your car to make bare minimum wages (according to most dashers), and cheats on you and you didn’t break up with him. Why?

  7. And you're okay with his insistence that you'll leave his house and move into his/your home?

    Is there any cultural aspect involved here?

  8. Just to clarify, I only found out that she sent the picture to another guy through her story. Her story contain a screenshot of their conversation of him commenting on it.

  9. this is a completely different take then what i have heard so far. that last sentence cuts deep. that you for helping me out

  10. Hello /u/ificouldicouldnt,

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  11. Hate to say it, but that excuse is her creating an easy cop-opt to end a relationship.

    It’s not about “being herself”.

    Think about it, why would someone want to throw in the towel that quickly?

    Only people not that invested who have nothing to loose walk away that easily.

  12. Well, I thought maybe the relationship was salvageable until the foreskin incident.

    Get your shit together and get out. Why would you let someone treat you this way??

  13. I hate liars and she does it a fair bit when storytelling.

    Every time I bring up something she takes as a critique she begins crying and it's a manipulative way to get me to stop talking about whatever's bothering me.

    There’s clearly a pattern going on here.

    It was still bothering me however after everyone went home and I brought it up again to which she told me that we'd already talked about it, and she didn't need me to correct her in front of her friends.

    She shut him down immediately and wouldn’t allow him to communicate his concerns. Adds to the behaviour.

  14. Would she have the same mindset if she were your ex today? Would she be willing to cut contact with you? Ask her, and see her reaction.

  15. Could it be? Someone in this sub describing behaviors that are actual gaslighting and not just “someone being mean to me” like some seem to think?

    I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.

  16. You being a guy means you will never understand the fear that women feel when rejecting a guy. Women have died because of it. Women have been r*ped because of it.

    You have no idea the harassment women face when we have the audacity to say no to a man who thinks hes entitled to our bodies.

    Stop telling your GF how to handle the situation and accept it when she tells you men dont care about a woman having a bf. Just because YOU arent like that, doesnt mean these men dont exist in large numbers.

    Every man knows a woman who has been sexually assaulted, but dont know a man who has sexually assaulted a woman. Think about that and let it sink in before judging the way your gf turns these men down. Just be glad she is turning them down in a way that keeps her safe.

  17. Oh honey, please please be careful. I would be so afraid that he will go back to plan A and try to rape you if/when you break up with him. Maybe consider staying with a friend/family for a little while, just to be safe.

    I would not be able to trust anyone who revealed that they’d ever considered rape as an option. I am so sorry you’re going through this.

  18. just leave. you’re an adult and can make your own decisions, you didnt do anything wrong. he’s shown you that he’s violent, it will escalate. please get out now before he ruins your life more.

  19. Tell him i doctor test cane back negative.

    Mean while get the yearly birth control shot.

    And sit him down. He needs a job to handle a family..living with his folks gives them control over your life.

    What you can and can not do..what you eat..tv shows ect.

    Stay in your apartment …he needs to do a little growing up.

    Unless he has been around new borns .. teething babys colic babys he has no clue what he is in for and it falls onto you.

    Update us on how it goes!!

  20. Thanks for the message. No, we both occasionally use low grade party drugs recreationally, and so that part was not a surprise. The total amount and how f*'d up he let himself get was what was “never done”. I do believe that he really was so hurt and upset by what he did when he says it. He has apologised and was honest with me about it. I just feel in myself that i shouldnt accept it and that i deserve better. I am just so embarassed by the whole ordeal and feel like i cant talk to my friends about it as most of our friends are all shared. I really believe he is being honest that he would never do this again and he hated it, but in the same breath i never would have thought he do this in the first place. Weve been together for so long and built such a beautiful relationship that i really wanted it to work out, we have property together too. I also know that me leaving him would put him in a worse place mentally and i care for him so much. I just dont know how to get over it. I am finding it so nude as i know that everyone i would speak to would tell me to leave but i know i also dont really want to and thats tearing me in two ways. I dont know how to reconcile it. I am upset, hurt, embarrassed and overall uncertain about how to feel.

  21. OP if I was your ex you'd need to first leave your job and put a large amount of space between you and your parents before I'd even consider talking to you. You are still under their influence. What if they change their mind about him? Will you even bother to stick up for him if you work around daddy?

    This entire thing is incredibly toxic and you seem blind to the causes. The way you phrase things suggests you saw and probably still see him as a lesser person who is below you in class and potential as a partner. It sounds now that you miss the comfort and your parents for whatever reason(probably not a nice reason) have reversed their thinking and are influencing you back to him.

    People are downvoting you nude and I don't blame them.

  22. Either way you have no choice, your time for choosing

    came and went bud.

    That's not the only thing that came and went amirite? …I'll see myself out

  23. Yes. Extremely common and not that bad. Also- I have had it since I was about 5. But my husband has never had a cold sore. We have been together for many years.

    So this one little exposure does not at all mean you will get it.

    OP I don't understand your girlfriend's response. But I also think you are overreacting to the herpes thing. Is she purposely exposing you to it bc she thinks you are overprotective or anxious about exposure to herpes? Not that this is ok behavior- it's not at all.

  24. There is nothing wrong with the way you feel. He is the father of your child. If you want to help him please do. You don't owe anyone an explanation for your kindness nor do you have to like him romantically. He has been and is an important part of your life and your child's life.

  25. Marriage is technically a business contract. Nothing more, nothing less. Hollywood made us believe differently, but it’s just a contract two adult sign. If you don’t want that, there is zero need to marry.

  26. Drop him. He isn't suitable for a long term partner.

    You'll be experiencing a lot more life changing things the longer you on-line and he made it clear he's gonna abandon you once you fall under his “standards”.

  27. He’s an inconsiderate and rude person

    People make mistakes everyday. I’ve wired money to an incorrect account before and I work in high finance, it happens.

    If you hadn’t noticed or didn’t care then he’d be justified to step in but only to help you fix the situation, this joking and getting angry is counter productive to a potentially serious issue

    Not a break up worthy thing but as someone who used to work in personal finance and saw this type of reaction on a regular basis it’s a red flag (regardless of gender)

  28. That is awful, so sorry it happened to you. If they had even sent apologies beforehand, it would still feel shitty, but not as bad. It's up to you if you want to remain friends with any of them. If any of them can truly prove they are sorry and willing to make it up to you (and follow through on this), then maybe they are worth keeping, but I think it will take a lot to do so. Don't you go out of your way to plan anything though, let them put in the effort.

  29. I know about that stuff I’m not dumb and I usually wear a condom but I plan on being with her for a while because she means the world to me

  30. yeah idk Im down to wait and see if she ever changes her mind

    You're still not getting it. Whatever you put her through when you two were together burned her to the point where she is not willing to try again with you. Understand? You aren't automatically owed a second chance just because you really want one, and I suspect that if you were honest with yourself you'd admit that you've probably had more than a few second chances with her already. One too many, apparently. She's done now and that gets to be her call.

    You're incredibly damn lucky that you were able to coparent with her at all, and even rebuild some friendship. That's huge for your son. And yet you're willing to risk fucking all that up just for the chance to talk her in to getting back into a situation that you already fucked up once?

    Seriously, take a step back and think about what's best for your son and your ex instead of what YOU want for five minutes and ask yourself honestly if they're both better off with things the way they are right now, or if they'd be better off in a situation like the one you used to have?

  31. Your hobby isn't her trigger, it's being in a relationship where she feels lack of control (ie. Who you talk to) that's triggering her.

    She needs to learn that her boundaries are for HER. Like, she could say “I need to set up a boundary that I dont want anything to do with the radio rn. If you're using it I'll go out and come back when you're done. This is to protect my feelings and anxiety over xyz.” It's something she can control because it has to do with her actions, not yours.

    You're not being unreasonable. I'm sorry she's hurting and taking it out on you.

  32. Exactly.

    It wasn't even mere one time lying. It was lying and cheating the minute he chose to join that trip, went there, came back without any explanation…

    That's called getting caught red handed.

  33. There's a difference between the pain she feels and the pain you feel.

    Her: she's the perpetrator, first of all. She cheated in the first 2 months of your relationship, when it was still fresh and green and when it wasn't yet as precious to her as it is now. There's no excuse for cheating but she sees this as something she broke ages ago and has carefully nurtured and tried very hot to mend.

    You: you're the victim. You found out she cheated just now so the break is still fresh, and to you she broke not just the fragile new relationship but also the golden 6 years afterwards that made your relationship precious to you. You see this as a break impossible to mend because it goes to the very heart of your relationship.

    Ultimately, it is your choice to either walk away from her or not. It is entirely up to you. You set your terms for a relationship. All anyone else can do is try and offer you perspectives.

    If it were me… I know I wouldn't be able to forget, and as a result I probably wouldn't be able to forgive.

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