Jane (big tits) and Emma (big ass) the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Jane (big tits) and Emma (big ass), 19 y.o.


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Jane (big tits) and Emma (big ass) live sex chat

Date: October 8, 2022

24 thoughts on “Jane (big tits) and Emma (big ass) the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Wear what makes you comfortable. If your boyfriend wants you to dress up for him then he should take you out on a date.

  2. No you're right it was probably up until just after Christmas that things were good, we had a really lovely Christmas, and it felt like he was planning to stick around because he bought all his gear for a ski holiday we had planned in march. Then things went south a couple of weeks into January.

    The conversations throughout have been quite prolonged but with very little said if that makes sense, lots of tears on his part and long silences. When he asked to separate it was literally blurted out when we were just checking in with eachother about how things are, and then it was more of the tears and long silences. He struggles massively to articulate his feelings (and acknowledges this himself) when he is feeling this low and just says he isn't excited about the thought of the future together.

    I'm at my parents and he's planning to go home to his family for a couple of weeks at the weekend (they live far away). It feels final for him I think, we didn't make an agreement about contact. We own our house together so he's having a think about what he wants to do with the house so I guess we'll speak when he's back but we didn't specifically plan when.

    Thank you for saying I'm owed more of an explanation, I really appreciate that because I was starting to feel crazy about it and thinking maybe I just needed to accept it even though it makes no sense to me

  3. Yeah……she really didn’t own up to it right away. She was at the start of trickletruthing “she kissed a guy” her friend busted her when she told the truth that they were making out and would have been hot, doing the nasty if she hadn’t stopped her.

  4. In terms of mental health I am 'fine'. We're talking two letters, and 2 emails in 3 months,I sat waiting for a response. It was after I discovered her relationship on Twitter last month that accelerated everything. I think it is harmful? Stop it all now?

  5. You're probably overreacting and I would have probably believed her version of the story.. But you were the one who was there. If you felt unsafe having her in your house, you did the right thing. She didn't know you well enough to be throwing rapey jokes out like that.

  6. This is cheating and she isn’t respecting how you feel about it even tho it bothers you. Your relationship is in trouble and I suggest you leave because she will cheat and if she doesn’t she will be bitter about it. Love or romance with anyone is really whether it’s a girl or boy. I hate this stupid double standard where it’s ok to mess around with the same gender as if it doesn’t mean anything. I’ve seen people be baited by this type of logic and honestly it’s toxic and sometimes predatory. There is no novelty in sleeping with someone when your partner isn’t ok with it. Just because it’s gay or bi doesn’t mean it isn’t real. Trying things out is disrespectful to gay and bi people it’s not some flavor of the month type shit. Don’t fetishize things. Just love honestly

  7. Open another account that your paycheck goes into. Limit her crudités card which must be in your name and put her on a budget. Make her access to your money based on her behavior and performance at home. You’ll be told this is controlling and it is. You need to be in control clearly.

  8. Just send a message saying Hi how are you. Haven’t seen you in a long time. Was wondering if you would like to get a coffee some time to catch up.

  9. He Is InSeCuRe!

    Yep. And he is discussing his insecurities with his partner. That’s what people in healthy relationships do. Telling OP to tell him to blow it out his ear is not fucking useful. She specifically said she doesn’t want to break up so why give her advice that will lead to just that.

    OP the easiest resolution would be to get a female trainer. But if that really isn’t an option for you then the only other realistic solution is for you to ask him to explain what his specific concerns are and to address them one by one. Not to say that you should back down obviously but just work through his concerns. I don’t know if anyone else has suggested this, but if it’s really a big deal for him then seeking a professional counsellor’s help for both of you to discuss his concerns could be an option.

    You say you’re training for a specific sport. What’s your goal here. Is it to reach a specific level of fitness within a certain timeframe or is this going to be an ongoing thing with an indefinite timeframe. The former would probably be easier for your bf to handle than the latter.

    And once you start the PT, make sure you keep it to a professional relationship. No socialising outside of the gym and shut down immediately any inappropriate behaviour from your trainer, even ‘harmless’ flirting.

    But I can’t give you more specific advice than talk. Communication, communication, communication. Good luck, hope you can sort it out.

  10. Some dude spends more time with your wife than you do, your wife is pregnant, and your kid just called him Dada? You're being undersuspicious. Your eldest may be yours, so I'd not do anything yet, but once the baby is born, get a secret DNA test on both. If you have to, get a P.O. box for the results. If your wife doesn't know and the kids are both yours, she never has to know. However, I think you're in MAJOR denial here about how suspect this situation is.

  11. His cheating couldn't be more obvious if you were the one filming it.

    And it's especially messed up that he's doubling down, playing the victim, and trickle-truthing.

    This is textbook DARVO behavior.

  12. If you strongly believe that she slept with somebody else than she clearly isn't the amazing person you thought she was. Now, IF….and I do mean IF…..you choose to break up with her over this matter than here's something to consider……she should be fine with it.

    If she is so adamant that you cheated on her, than she should have no problem breaking up, right? Why would she want to stay with a cheater who had gotten an std?

    If she tries to keep the relationship despite that, it does make it seem suspicious of her motives.

  13. I think you should go for it. If this breaks the relationship, then maybe good riddance? I think true friends can move past this if he truly isn’t interested.

  14. wow i want to say this was a very insightful comment

    we’ve been together a year and a half but have been talking for nearly three years ( I was very indecisive about settling down, recurring theme) and I do feel like I want to spend the rest of my life with her as of right now but i also don’t want to strip myself of saving up for our future.

    unfortunately moving in with me isn’t much of an option as we online in an apartment and it’s cramped + they’re strict about overnight guests

  15. I’m not angry anymore. I used to be since it was being dismissed.

    I have forgiven her for that. She’s struggling to forgive me for what I did. She says it’s “way worse” than hers. We both want our marriage to thrive. It’s just a matter of her being able to work through and not hold it over my head.

  16. Yes. Some people have different boundaries. I know that’s a shock, but some people might be upset with their partner getting hot in front of someone else. You might not agree, but it’s fairly common to understand people are comfortable with different things!

  17. That’s true, maybe I do just need to accept it and move on, however it’s just confusing as it was going smoothly and there was no pressure etc. but then she switched up and said about the confusion, maybe she was feeling some sort of guilt or that she was leading me on or something?

    I wouldn’t want to have sex with her if it’s not for a relationship, I’ve never been able to do that and feel it would just confuse us both a lot. I also don’t think she would do that either. But you’re right, I will still meet up with her as friends, as it’s still enjoyable and she’s great to be around.

  18. Yeah, my daughter got diagnosed recently and going through the criteria with the assessor made me question an awful lot about my own “quirks”.

  19. OP, you definitely need to read the above comment.

    I’ve had the same experience too, having my own mom move in who was/is like this and was living with my now-ex as well at the time. It was a NIGHTMARE.

    She inserted herself into everything. We couldn’t have dinner in peace. She didn’t work either (and was/is able bodied) and didn’t have friends so we were her social hour. Constantly tried to involve herself with her opinion on cooking/cleaning/interior design yet she would help with none of it. Always loved to start an argument over little things and made everything about her. The house was always on edge, everyone was always fighting. All I wanted to do was escape. The day she got the hell out was one of the most peaceful in my life. I couldn’t even imagine if we had brought kids into the mix because she would have tried to have complete control over parenting.

    OP…having a MIL or family member move in is difficult enough. If she is how you’ve described, she is going to ruin your relationship and any sense of peace/sanity you have in your home. Your home will no longer be a home.

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