Jade Smith live! sex chats for YOU!



Date: November 14, 2022

24 thoughts on “Jade Smith live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. No it’s not and this is super unhelpful.

    Take into consideration the impact of you saying that when someone is real.

    If you continue to comment in this way I will block

  2. Stop replying. You’ve told her, I assume with some evidence or details to help her confirm it for herself, you’ve done what you can, don’t let it stress you out.

  3. Alright thank you. I was just trying to feel out how she thinks of me after I dropped the ball but I guess I gotta ask her to find out.

  4. Learn about the female anatomy. If she slept with someone else only once 2 weeks ago the the baby's yours. You can't know you're pregnant at 2 weeks, any rise in hcg levels is imperceptible.

  5. Hello /u/Hypeirochon1995,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  6. Every one is someone's ex. Please sign all paperwork and ask the permission of the alpha male of your wolf pack before making eye contact with any suitable partner for coupling. Hand holding at agreed times and seggs only if a small dowry is offered to the ex partner. Man. Sex is sex. It doesn't matter. Let it go.

  7. I know it sucks mate. But this has gotta end if I were in your shoes. Been there done that. The sooner you walk away, the sooner you can grief and heal. First few weeks (hell, maybe even months) will be nude. But on the long run, you'll be better off and much happier. What you're currently experiencing is called a traumabond. I urge you to look that shit up for yourself.

  8. If your husband was not successful, trust me, she wouldn’t have this jealousy and resentment. She is bitter because you have a successful marriage and been well taken care of. Your friend isn’t really your friend if she is keeping a text that long. And your husband, he is a lose. Only you know if all these years are genuine love from him. Maybe he finally woke up after you got married and he fall in love with you as the person you are. 13 years of marriage is not easy. But you guys did it and you did it all together. His success has a lot to do with you too. Remember, every successful man has a supportive woman behind him. You are that person. Good luck and I hope there is a good ending to this. Cut your friend off.

  9. Nope out of this, you can do so much better and you young.

    if you stick around, you may find out more than you want to hear

  10. Im sorry you had to go through that. Im very fortunate that me being gay wont bother my parents, i just never came out due to other reasons that dont involve them. I hope your doing better now and around people who love you for you because you deserve it.

  11. “We sleep in the same bed together, we eat together, shop together, etc. We even fool around sometimes.”

    If you aren't in-love with him, then stop acting like a girlfriend & find someone your own age.

  12. If you don't know by 10 years then you should probably call it quits. I never truly wanted commitment until I started dating my current partner. I was engaged a number of times and even dated people for years and years but I could never go through with it. Maybe this is the excuse you have secretly been waiting for to dump her (and maybe you've inflated the issue to make yourself believe that it's okay to dump her, or not, I don't know anything about you but I wouldn't rule it out.) Hope you find your happiness, wherever it might be.

  13. The most important thing to know about condoms is that the more you know the better they work.

    You and your boyfriend should spend some time learning how to put them on. If he’s willing he should learn how to ejaculate into them and remove them safely.

    It’s usually wise to have at least two methods of birth control (consider asking your doctor for the pill); but at least develop some familiarity with the condom before moving on to penetrative sex.

    And yes, there are educational videos that you can watch. Read what you can from reputable sources. And practice, whether together or separately. It can be intimate to practice putting a condom on together, but if that’s uncomfortable, practice on a sexual aid or even a cucumber or something.

  14. Damn…..

    Not sure how are going to get past this, your whole relationship close enough has been shaken, if not ruined by her lies.

    She has broken the trust in the relationship, proven that she is not trustworthy, or worthy of respect.

    And to top it off the lie is one that should never be made, the majority of sexual assaults are still not reported for a lot of reasons, but near the top is that they fear not being believed. And every time someone like your wife does what she did, it damages everyone else who has been assaulted

  15. Yes to all of this. No way would my mom sit back and watch this unfold without saying anything. My mom would have sent him packing if a bf treated me like this.

    OP why isn’t he working? He should also be applying to his jobs on his own. He seems like a freeloader and even worse because he has the gall to complain when he does nothing to contribute all day. He is an adult and he is expecting you to entertain him. He sounds exhausting why are you letting him get away with this behavior

  16. You were 17 when he started dating you! That’s wrong on so many levels! What on earth do you have in common? You are also far too young to be a step dad to a 12 year old. It’s good the kids dad wants him full time if the mum isn’t stepping up, but your lives will drastically change, the child will have to come first

  17. Rage bait. These are nurses hours. I’m saddened that Reddit still won’t learn to stop giving attention to karma Hoes.

  18. He said that I ask these questions and he doesn’t bring up it up unprovoked. And that i am setting him up for failure by asking.

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