Ivongh on-line webcams for YOU!


Goal: anal//Pvt Open //snapchat 111 tks [Multi Goal]

Date: November 14, 2022

31 thoughts on “Ivongh on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. The husband seems to be willing to divorce over this, and OP likely has good reasons to leave out virtually all the pertinent information she could provide.

  2. Exactly, or anytime he plays a game where he gets to make a detailed character he comes and gets me and we make it Together, when we lived apart we’d FaceTime.

  3. We can't control the reactions of others, and your families reactions aren't coming from a place of love and compassion. That alone tells me that you shouldn't be investing your physical well being in their responses.

    Everyone makes mistakes. People can grow from their mistakes. You are not the same person you were back then. Don't let your family dictate your personal worth. Don't let your families poor decisions destroy your life and personal growth.

    Reach out to a friend for support and seek professional help to help you get through the emotions you are going through at them moment.

    Take that job.

  4. Was on your side until I read the comments. Lol you're both disgusting and deserve each other. Leave the kid out of it though, talk to her about an abortion or surrender the kid at birth. The child deserves better than either of you

  5. wtf has the “prejudice against the community” to do with all this? it s not like OP is mad about this because there is a GAY person/a person from the LGBT community. this is about his boundaries and basic human decency, not about anyone's sexuality or community. get over yourself and stop making this about you and whatever community. this man is seeking help and you re coming here to talk about how opressed is the LGBT bc there is “prejudice”. do you hear yourself? lol

  6. So he cheated the first 4 to 6 weeks of your relationship? When you first started dating or after you were engaged? How many have y'all been together?

  7. Honey you had me at Middle School Sweethearts and refuses to get a dam job.

    Listen, just because he's all you ever had doesn't mean he's the best you'll ever have. Plenty of folks thought canned tuna was great before they tried sushi. We all thought Kraft Mac and cheese was the shit till we tried to real thing.

    This man ain't even Kraft. He's store brand. Hell he's dollar store brand.

    Have some self respect and move on before this man hold you back so much you miss the rest of your life.

  8. The fact that you used to do porn is the least disturbing thing about this post. A woman in her mid-20s waiting around for a teenage boy to his 18 so she could date him? Gross. \

  9. If he won't listen to facts about the side effects, you might as well leave. Because it's not just about his health being crazy damaged, but it will also affect you. The drugs are all illegal. Roid rage is real (juiced up guys are DRAMA QUEENS). He will at some point ask you to help with injections he can't reach to do. He will be buying sketchy horse pills off the dark web. He will have to spend more time training and more money on food. His entire life will revolve around his physique.

    I trained at a gym with plenty of guys (and gals) on steroids. Got to see side effects first hand and heard plenty of stories. The strength gains are just not worth it.

  10. Aside from the sex, are there other issues in the relationship? If she is not feeling connected to you emotionally, she may be disinterested in sex. Or she may just be asexual.

    In any case, 3 years seems a long time to stay in a relationship that isn't working for you. Call it quits and seek a partner whose physical and emotional needs better match your own.

    I am in point where I am scared to leave her, because we have a lot of friends in common and I know she will start to tell them I left her because “I was with her only for sex”.

    Dont stay with her for fear of what she will say. You can't control what she says. And your mutual friends likely see there are two sides to ever story in a breakup.

    I want to kindly ask you for an advice/arguments how to communicate/solve this problem with her one more time and if it fails, how to break up with her.

    “(GF), We have been together for 3 years. There are some great things about our relationship (list the positives). But for me, I am a person who needs to have both emotional and physical intimacy in a romantic relationship. I'm really feeling shut out physically in this relationship, and I dont quite understand why. Is this something you would be willing to discuss, maybe in couples counseling?”

    Depending on how she responds, you will know if she is willing to communicate and work on this or if she continues to avoid the conversation, it's probably a no-go.

    One comment though, in your post, you are using the word “frigid”. Hopefully, you are not saying that to her, because that is unlikely to get the response you are looking for. Perhaps she has past sexual trauma and has trouble communicating about it. In which case, name calling is unlikely to get her to open up.

  11. It doesn't have to be put into a trust, just a seperate account under her name solely. It should not be used for any joint interests.

  12. Sure, but as mentioned, this is about his long term reaction. He can still cut his parents off, however, it says that he has poor coping skills and doesn’t see his parents as people, but rather, a projection of what he believes they should be. It also makes me wonder how he sees others and what he projects upon them. Their only crime is ethical non monogamy.

  13. I have these thing too! But my vet even gave me the baggy of their fur without asking before they were sent to be cremated so I didn’t think it was too weird to keep some fur.

  14. I think we can all agree, that your husband is fucking vile. And not in a cute haha kind of way, just straight up fucking vomit inducing kind of disgusting.

  15. Honestly, I see where your wife is coming from: if she can’t even respect her own marriage how can she respect another person’s marriage.

    However if you genuinely feel that your wife’s conclusion and wishes are invalid you need to let that friendship breathe; take a break from the conversation of being friends with her. When emotions and the shock are less at the surface then you can calmly bring her your points.

  16. I’m going to stop drinking, and spend that time doing something more productive. I didn’t stop because it was too late because I just lost conscious when I thought I was fine. That was the issue I blackout before I could stop myself. I do not know what that is. Should I have a look into it?

  17. This!

    This happened to me with my first college roommate. Important to note that she had a long term boyfriend in college who was unfortunately murdered after we graduated. Also after we graduated she moved to Montana. I was the friend who she would tell that she was hooking up with randoms, drinking and driving, and getting high on the regular. While yes it is her life I did not like seeing her self-destruct for many years and after a while I couldn't take it anymore. I told her what was stated above (not as nice) and also added that once she received therapy for the loss of her bf I would gladly come back into her life. It hurt both of us but after a couple year hiatus she did end up getting help for her new addictions and grief and we are back to being friends. Set a boundary and stick to it. Good luck!

  18. In the situation that you’re indicating, it does not turn out well. If you were both, we’re open to it at the very beginning that’s one thing. But the fact it’s just her, and the fact that she will not agree with the boundaries that you were setting with indicate that this is a bad idea, and pretty much the end of the relationship. Dude you might as well go find somebody that wants to be monogamous with you instead of somebody that wants your approval to go and cheat on you with you there

  19. I would honestly divorce her if I were in OP’s shoes, if she thinks this is acceptable then what else is?

    How do we know that there isn’t anything going on between OP’s wife and the friend? she has no problem getting very hot in front of him.

    I wouldn’t even care to ask, the boundaries are broken and so is the relationship.

  20. She should be made march out of town in front of the whole community while they shout SHAME at her.

  21. Yeah I could see it, but it would take some time for me. Listen you don't know me, but I take lots of time to put trust into a person because of childhood trauma. In school it usually takes a few years for me to trust the teacher and not be scared of them. But that's irrelevant right now. The thing is I don't know what the next step for me here is. Should I just break up with her?

  22. Yeah, I don't wanna starve again. Interaction is minimal other than child arrangements/regular support. I drive 300 miles round trip every time we exchange. Anytime there's issues it's instant court, and I don't have the resources she does, and end up losing everything every time. Last time it broke me to the point I was living in a campground.

  23. Thank you so much it means alot that u understand because I have gotten a lot of passive aggressive responses so far?

  24. Thanks for your advice. I feel like I got stabbed in the back. Yea I will focus on my career and go long distance for some time

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