Its_kaai live sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 4, 2022

16 thoughts on “Its_kaai live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I feel like you are making a mountain out of a molehill. Maybe I am wrong, but relationships have phases. There is usually a period of time that has more fighting. You've said yourself there are other life circumstances affecting you both and you are both stressed. Obviously you will fight more. Now of course you DO need to try and work this out and try to work on it, but relationships develop over years and years, you are still learning each other and the nuances of how you both communicate even though you've been together for a while. Counseling will help. Also trying to recognize what the underlying problem getting each of you worked up is. Try and have an in depth conversation where you can talk about it and you both agree you won't get defensive and just listen to the other.

    Also, one of the best pieces of advice is to remember that when you guys face problems, you shouldn't be thinking of it as you vs your partner. Really, any problems you face are you and your partner vs the problem. You guys are on each other's side. You love each other and ultimately want the best for each other. Try to always keep that in mind, even when fighting.

  2. The man is immature yes, that doesn't make her mature by relativity alone. With that level of disrespect she has for him I hope he breaks up with her sooner rather than later to avoid wasting more of his time.

  3. This isn't about the funeral. This is about the fact that you view the relationship stronger than he does, and you've finally realised it.

    We've all been there: in your mind, how could you possibly treat someone so special that way if they considered you special? And that's the answer, he doesn't view you the same way. “If I was him, I would be there/do that/etc because of love”

    But he couldn't be bothered, and that's on top of all the over issues you've listed. You can do a lot better and it's clear this isn't a good match. Quite way it's taken 2 years or 6 months living together to realise this is another thing, but ultimately, I believe you have correctly fallen out of love(aka disillusion) and are correct to break up and meet someone who will treat you much closer to how you expect to be treated.

  4. ut I am not that type who takes the initiative first.

    Well, especially if you're solely going after one problematic older guy after the other, you should learn doing so. Relationships are a two-way street.

  5. Lol she is literally doing it are you dumb why do you think she unblocked him so they can just have casual conversation bruh. Well it’s not my heart on the line can’t help someone who won’t see the writing on the wall

  6. Well, she is old enough to not be treated like a child. Just speak your mind and tell her what you just wrote.

  7. Social anxiety isn’t a static condition, btw, we all have comfort zones and feel stress and anxiety when we leave them. The trick is to stretch them, to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. How much did you think about anyone you glanced at at the concert? That’s how much people think about you. They don’t. Hypnosis is great, but remember that the magic happens when you leave your comfort zones.

  8. And if he can't be there through the worst he's not married/partner material. I have on average 1-2 surgeries every year, my husband does anything I need to help me. He even got us a cleansing service, because scrubbing rips my ligaments and tendons and pops my joints out of socket. He never once complained about needed to care for me and work full time.

    When he gets sick (a rare occasion) I do everything I'm able to to care for him. Even if I'm horrible sick myself I want to help him, because he is the love of my life. You carried the baby for 10months, then you went through a traumatic birth to bring your little bundle into this world. He then tore you down when you needed someone understand and loving when you decide you weren't having more children. Then doesn't help with the baby, but your brother, does more to help. He's dead weight. My father never wanted kids, and did more then your husband. In fact if he acted the way your husband did maybe they would have divorce when I was born instead of getting married and living in a toxic environment of resentment.

  9. We’re pretty open, and he mentioned recently that he doesn’t care to watch porn much but I’m sure he still does. Not sure how often. Although, I have been in a relationship with someone who over watched/pleased himself way too much and I don’t feel like this situation is the same. I plan to tell him I just have massive anxiety so I have to build the courage.

  10. So would I if my wife ended up pulling this shit.

    I don’t know if they’re sleeping together but I fully believe he’s wanted to at least see her hot and certainly wants to sleep with her. I admit there’s at least a strong possibility that they slept together during the shoot. I’d be very upset if I were OP.

  11. This is a really bizarre take when the purpose of the photos were to be sexualized by the husband, to be fawned over.

    This wasn’t just an “artistic nude” where the nudity was incidental.

    A hot body is not there to be sexualized

    This sort of blanket statement is reductive to the point of absurdity. Sometimes a hard body is there to be sexualized (such as when being intimate with your partner) and sometimes it’s not (such as when stopping a bank robbery).

    You seem to be trying to make a point that nudity isn’t obligatorily sexual, and I agree, but that doesn’t apply to OP’s situation.

  12. Don't underestimate a person with a plan. What does being a woman have to do with it? SBF scammed people and he is young. This isn't about sex. People can be scumbags no matter the age. The person who thinks young people can't scam other people is a fucking moron.

  13. As a neurodivergent person who has a lot of neurodivergent exes, I get it. I do. But as the honeymoon period ends, the “logical” partner gets pickier and meaner, and the “not logical” partner stops finding the whole dynamic cute to begin with.

    Let me guess, she made a handful of direct appeals to reduce this pick-apart attitude, and you picked it apart every time? Until eventually she stopped trying because it was easier to give you what you want and be miserable?

  14. it's all about root causes and direct actions.

    someone saying “I won't do that again!” is nearly meaningless– instead, show them why it won't happen again.

    so: root causes. you have identified a root cause– self-esteem issues/ turning to others for confidence. I might wonder if turning to a stranger for confidence is the full reason for turning to sexting. is this the only true root cause behind what you did?

    if not, you have more work to do; if so, you can then move on to the direct actions you will take to ameliorate those root causes.

    therapy is usually a big step– a great direct action to take. what else can or should you do? are there changes you can make in other areas that will make it clear how serious you are about this?

    last thought– this may sound basic but put yourself in his shoes. if he sexted some other woman and now had the task of making you believe that he'd never do that again, what would you want to hear him say? what things would you want him to do, be they everyday things or broader strokes?

    obviously every person is different, but this may give you some further insight.

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