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IrisRouselive sex stripping with hd cam


20 thoughts on “IrisRouselive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Well, I personally think your parents are overstepping. This should be a conversation they have with you, and then you in turn have the conversation with your BF. Besides that, I do agree with the conversation topic itself.

    You want a partner who can offer a stable future with you, and if he has no motive to take care of himself, how can you expect for him play a role in a family. Doesn't necessary need a college degree to be successful. But he does need motivation to push himself above low-level jobs.

    I am sympathetic a bit if he is being honest. I had the same experience when applying for school. I got whitelisted on my first application. Had to wait another 8 months just to apply for the next year. And once I did get accepted, it was another year before my program actually began. Felt like I lost over a year + 1/2 worth of progress.

    You need a plan for a future… being with someone who can demonstrate that provides security rather than uncertainty. And it would be much better if this was something he relayed on his own terms, instead of you having to dig it out of him.

    I am unsure to how much schooling you have left, but I think you should decide for yourself what is your absolute limit for a timeline where he has no progress. For arguments sake, say in 8 months you see no improvement or nothing on his end for a desire, then it might be time to call it off and seek companionship elsewhere. On the flip side, you could meet someone who is already prepared for a future and could completely negate all waiting around you will have to do whilst he builds his own.

  2. You did the absolute right thing!!!! Good job!!! For that reason majority of women get destroyed if they have too many relationships like that and then they can't heal and move forward with all the pain. They stay stack in the past and the pain!!!

  3. You need to have a conversation and tell her that it is over. It has been for 4 years. She is using you to cover her expenses even though you earn the same. Stop being a people pleaser. There is a book called The subtle art of not giving a f**k by Mark Manson. I think you need to read it.

  4. It’s gonna be easier to change your own reaction, rather than try to change his actions. He’s explained that he’s bad at texting, that it doesn’t reflect how he cares about you. Instead of forcing him change his habits, you need to work on changing your own. Have you tried spending less time on your phone, or checking it less frequently? You should work on finding a way to self soothe when he doesn’t respond, rather than expect him to change immediately

  5. Add this to your post, so others can stop advising you to try and make it work when you need to cut your losses and move on

  6. Don’t even tell her that it’s canceled. Let her find out the hot way. Every time you reply she’s just creeping back into your life to continue to manipulate you.

  7. Open another account that your paycheck goes into. Limit her crudités card which must be in your name and put her on a budget. Make her access to your money based on her behavior and performance at home. You’ll be told this is controlling and it is. You need to be in control clearly.

  8. She’s allowed to post him, but not his wealth, cars, or expensive shit. She even states that she knows that’s not the case. Read the whole post before commenting

  9. She's right. Her bad behavior doesn't justify your bad behavior. The snarky comments were uncalled for, and by making them you are no better than she.

  10. To be fair, your assumption is almost certainly correct. But at least he’s not being a hypocrite. If he said he wanted to go but that he still wouldn’t be ok with you going, then that’d be a huge problem.

    At the end of the day, you need to ask yourself if you trust him or not. Strip clubs are whatever. They’re for show. He’s an adult and has the agency to make his own decisions. If you think that if given an opportunity he’d do something inappropriate, then that’s you saying you can’t trust him. Just realize that the strip club wouldn’t be the problem; he would be.

    Having said all that, your deal breakers are ultimately your own. So if this is one of yours, you need to communicate that.

  11. The choice is whatever you decide really. Your boyfriend can’t stop you regardless. But your boyfriend’s concern is warranted and has nothing to do with insecurities. How many stories on Reddit have started out like yours , male roommate just friends the boyfriend who doesn’t want to be controlling or looked at insecure just goes along with it and within a year the girlfriend and roommate are hooking up. So yeah I’m sure if you place yourself in your boyfriend’s shoes, you can see where he is coming from. Hope you guys figure it out ✌?

  12. If you are interested in resolving the issue, then maybe you need to give in a bit. Go to your mom and tell her you think you were wrong and want her advice on how you can make it better. Otherwise, stand your ground and wait a couple months for her to cool off. Better yet, get a job and never ask her for money again so that it is not a talking point for her.

  13. OK, and he literally thinks about having sex with other women. What's the difference? Other than hes a man and he thinks it should be ok for him but not for you,

  14. Well I mean you basically either ignore the crunch and hope it goes away, or breakup with your BF. That’s really your only options.

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