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instagram: live! sex chat

Date: October 12, 2022

3 thoughts on “instagram: the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You didn't ruin your relationship with your dad; he did. From what you've posted, what I'm getting is that you'd rather be just as much in the dark as your mom currently is. Consider if ignorance is really bliss.

    When your dad gets home, it's time for you to give him a choice: either he comes clean about his infidelity to your mom, or you're going to tell her in his presence. In that way, the issue will be between him and her, where it belongs.

    Other than the typical teenaged angst, the reason you and your dad are striking sparks is because you've lost respect for him, and are unable to keep that fact out of every encounter you have with him. And the tears are because you're mourning the loss of the secure home life you once thought existed.

    A word from an old fart: this too, shall pass. It has already changed the dynamic of the household for you, but unfortunately, you can't “unknow” what you've discovered, and must now adapt to the facts as you know them. As many of your generation, you'll have to grow up a little faster.

    I wish you well.

  2. You are a better woman then me, I cannot believe a grown “man”would think this was okay. I would be packing my bags and dipping. He doesn’t sound like he respects you or boundaries and is trying to gaslight you into thinking this situation is okay. If we took a poll, probably 95% of people would say this trip was a dealbreaker for the relationship. Drop the boy and find a man.

    I wish you the best ❤️

  3. I get feeling that pain. I've been there. What I can tell you is that no one can tell you how to cope. Coping is something you learn by doing because we all have different coping mechanisms.

    What I can say is that even though this didn't work, it could work out with someone else later. People have the capacity to love more than you think. It may hurt now, but that doesn't mean it always will. You are young. You're just getting started in life. You may ha e been through a lot already, but there's still a whole life ahead of you.

    You're focusing on right now and the image of the future you had before the heartbreak. Focus on you and what's best for you. You can love someone and that person not be good for you. Despite what a lot of people like to believe, love isn't this incredible force that compels you to be with someone no matter what. Love doesn't mean it will work out no matter what's in the way. Love is an emotion and like all emotions, it can subside, but that also means it can come again.

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