InKed-Kathylive sex stripping with hd cam


6 thoughts on “InKed-Kathylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, your husband is just an ass… Translation of his whiney BS – “I'm a weak man and can only feel good about myself if my wife is weaker than me”. There are plenty of men out there who don't feel intimidated by strong women. Any healthy relationship should be a partnership between equals, if he doesn't feel up to the challenge of lifting himself to your level he certainly does not have the right to try to drag you down to his. Ditch him, there is no way you will ever be able to get him past his own petty insecurities and you should never be made to feel you have to make yourself small to fit into somebody else's tiny little world. Let him go find something vapid and pretty to hang off his arm while you find the partner you deserve. Your partner should celebrate your strengths, not feel threatened by them.

  2. I’m reading red flags. Potentially he’s love-bombed you (look it up). He gives you attention, disappears, cycle continues. He’s hooked you on the little affection you get every now and then and you feel head over heels while really he’s manipulated the code in your brain longing for affection, essentially you’re an addict now.

  3. Usually it takes the bio father stepping in to terminate the husband/adoptive father's parental rights. The state has a strong interest in children having two parents.

  4. Yeah, and OP downvoted me for saying that he's posted this 4 times in the last two hours. The last time he posted it was less than an hour ago.

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