I, ‘ll make a squirt you haven’t seen yet, wheh 20,000 subscribers! Peace ✌️ Tik-tok-tik-tok… ?, y.o.
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Online Live Sex Chat rooms I, ‘ll make a squirt you haven’t seen yet, wheh 20,000 subscribers! Peace ✌️ Tik-tok-tik-tok… ?
Date: April 4, 2023
If this is real…
Microchip your remaining cat. Badger is gone, which is a pity, seemed like he was a good judge of character. Kick out the bf, he shouldn't be sniffing around a 20-something anyway, he thinks you're some young thing easy to manipulate. He can take his new cat with him.
That sounds insanely toxic. He needs to get over himself and calm the hell down.
I don’t think he understands what marriage means.
This is a very toxic and manipulative person. She is making you feel like the poisonous one when it is 100% her.
Drop her. Immediately. The longer you're in it the worse it will get
Sounds like a weird petty thing to do.
The meaning is the same he did
Well, first of all you can throw that 'micro' cheating euphemism right in the bin. He straight up cheated. It was a protracted flirting session that was clearly sexual and involved him doing her bra and checking out her breasts. They were both into it, there was no 'micro' to speak of.
And yeah. He lied, trickle truthed, the reality of the situation.
You say you know him so well but… well, clearly not as well as you hoped. And that ought to force you to reflect.
Notice that's the one that's still up in the air (bachelor/bachelorette). Bridal shower is out because it involves gift-giving, duh! Not sure what his problem with engagement parties. Unless it's the gift thing again, because he does mention how Asians are really into gifting. (I've never gifted at an engagement party, but I know that can vary.)
Guess he cares about his dislike of gifts/attention more than he loves his girl. Otherwise he would at least make a pretense of trying to make her happy. Because he can't be stupid enough to think that family & culture that is big on gift giving is going to be OK with this attitude and not give her a ton of shit over it. She's going to be very stressed/saddened by the negative feedback from her family and he's basically telling her to suck it up.
This is a good point. But we have agreed to have her get an abortion. So that’s the goal right now.
Get ready for numerous minor confessions.
Someone knows what happened between the two adulterers and have threatened them.