I (F24) am upset my boyfriend (M29) made a payment on my card and won’t repay me


So yesterday I was looking at my bank balance when I noticed a payment of £40 was missing from my account from a live payment I had not made. I informed my boyfriend to see if he knew what it was and we found out it was from a site he joined months ago where it is free to join for 3 months but after those 3 months it is £40 a year. I remembered his card did not work for the site so he asked to use mine and said he would cancel it before the 3 months were up so I would not be charged. However he forgot and I have been charged. I got upset about this and asked for him to pay me back and he said he is not paying me back because it’s my fault for not reminding him to cancel it even though I did multiple times. I got upset as I’m a student so I don’t work and only have £40 a week to live! off so techically I have 0 money this week for shopping or anything I need. He just kept telling me to stop being so dramatic and said it’s only £40 it’s not a big deal. I started crying and panicking how I was going to afford any food this week and because I know I’m low on personal products I need then he finally said he would give me half of it but not the full amount. He transferred me 20 but said I’m a brat and act like a child. I feel like he should pay me the full amount! Who is in the right?

submitted by /u/Longlostneverland
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Date: April 17, 2023

2 thoughts on “I (F24) am upset my boyfriend (M29) made a payment on my card and won’t repay me

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