I (30m) am having a naked time accommodating a pregnant family member (29f) during a wedding?


I have started the exciting and stress-free task of planning a wedding with my fiancee. We both travel a lot for work, so plans have been slowly coming into place. We had finally nailed down some rough dates along with a couple ideas for how we wanted to do it, when we suddenly received news that a close family member is having a baby.

We were of course very excited for her, but we quickly realized that pretty much everything we had started getting our hearts set on simply wasn't possible with a baby or pregnant person.

Namely, our original dates we had picked out ended up falling right around the time the baby would be due. This means that we would have to either a) push everything back to way into next year, after the baby and mom were cleared by doc, or b) pull everything to much sooner than we had planned. Option B also has the bonus issue of the outdoor wedding we wanted getting rained out, since an earlier than planned event would fall right in the middle of storm season in our part of the country.

We also just found out that our reception we wanted to is probably out too, since it involves some outdoor and physical activities which we just found out are not ok for a pregnancy.

My fiancee and I are already upset that we will most likely have to rush the planning to accommodate the pregnancy since we don't want to wait until next year, but having to figure out a new dream reception is even worse. This person not being at our wedding is essentially not an option, so I don't know what we can do here. Open to any and all suggestions for what to do

submitted by /u/Dear-Barnacle5206
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Date: April 24, 2023

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