I (23M) feel as though my GF (21F) cheated but she claims what she did is normal


potential NSFW warning I don't know if that is a rule on this sub.

My girlfriend and I have been dating for 2 years and it has been great until this event. We are pretty much opposites, she is a "Party Girl" for lack of a better term and i'm more introverted. This hasn't ever been a major issue in our relationship I only mention it because my girlfriend is way, way more into the club/ party scene than I am so it's possible that this particular thing is normal in her social circle.

This past weekend my girlfriend and a group of her friends, a mix of guys and girls, went out clubbing. I don't usually go with her because I have sensory issues and get overwhelmed by loud noises, but I always encourage her to have fun. She stayed out a little later than usual, she usually is home by midnight and always texts me to update me throughout the night as I do like to hear that she is having fun. Around 1 AM hadn't received a text from her and let her know I was heading to bed.

well sometime in the middle of the night around 2-3 I received a snap from one of her guy friends with the caption like "Damn, your girl is a freak" along with a video of someone pouring alcohol down another girl's chest and my girlfriend drinking it, that part was harmless fun. I'm not gonna get mad over it. what happened next was my girlfriend proceeded to pull down the woman's top and play with her breasts/ lick them (sorry I'm trying not to be too graphic). I was confused but did have enough sense to save the video.

I confronted my girlfriend the day after as I knew she would be hungover and her reaction was to call me a baby. She claims what she did wasn't cheating and that kind of thing is normal between girls. And went on to say she doesn't even like girls like that.

The thing is I absolutely consider what she did cheating, but her and even some of her other friends insist this is just something that girls do when they're partying so I shouldn't take it so serious. so my question is, is this actually a normal thing that girls do when they party?

TLDR: GF of 2 years did something sexual with a girl at a club insists it's normal and wasn't cheating.

EDIT: wow, I made this post before I left for work and did not expect this many responses.

I would just like to say thank you everyone for the kind words and advice. After reading everyone's comments I'm starting to realize it doesn't matter if this behavior is normal or not. I think I was just trying to convince myself that if she really didn't think this was cheating then we could salvage things. This is a boundary for me and if she doesn't respect that I'll end things.

Several of also brought up the possibility that she could be doing much worse than this, so for now I honestly don't know what i'm going to do but we have alot to talk about. I may update after we talk I don't know yet.

submitted by /u/ThrowRAisthisnorm
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Date: May 25, 2023

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