the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Date: October 8, 2022

6 thoughts on “ the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You need to communicate what you're feeling. Especially regarding her being in control, that's not healthy. If she is unable to see your point, move on.

  2. Not sure i would completely buy it, but if she is someone you wish to pursue, go for it. Just keep your eyes open

    Its ok to tell her you were afraid they were fucking around.

  3. Your tldr sounds a lot better — be direct youre already choosing to put yourself out there, the many paragraphs are a lot of hesitation and feigned casualness combined with a lot Of self doubt (why woulf you want to talk to me lol vomit emojiy) and meandering and emojis are really reinforcing the insecurity

    Unless this conversation style is something you guys have in common.

    The tldr is almost perfect i think

  4. Yes I do that but oftentimes it gets annoying after a certain point because now none of is talking. She resonates to thinking she’s not good enough and feels shitty and I tell her i’m here and we’ll get through this.. what more can you do?

  5. Nope. I would not have someone with a knife in my home. If she needed a knife to feel safe enough to come to your house, she shouldn’t have come. She should’ve insisted on more dates, or brought a friend. Or anything but taking a knife to someone’s home where a child lives.

  6. I have answered my own question. Correct. But my other question was. If she enjoyed it so much. Which I know she did. Why then choose not to do it anymore?

    Let's say we split up today. Amd them she decides, fuck it. I'll txt an ex for a hookup. I'm certain she would do it with them.

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