the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Date: October 13, 2022

21 thoughts on “ the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. They're in a customer service job performing things they wouldn't normally do for money to live. What do you expect?

  2. I get that he doesn't like the smoking and that they are loud but he is treating them badly in their own house, eating their own food and spending their money. Is it not pissing you off???

    My thoughts exactly.

  3. Thankyou for your input. If I were advising someone I’d probably say the same thing, but it’s difficult when you’ve come to care for someone. I am beginning to lean to leaving though, I’m not sure I can come back from the icky-ness.

  4. Fair enough, but I need to clarify that I did talk to Amy and asked if we could make it a couples thing. I did try to invite Beth but Amy shot it down. You're entitled to say the rest of what you said, but the fact is I didn't not invite Beth.

  5. I’m so grateful that every stupid thing I did in high school (and there were a LOT of stupid things lol) wasn’t filmed and posted live! for everyone to see for the rest of my freakin life (and beyond!!)

  6. It's worked for my guy friends. As a woman who sometimes dates dudes, it's a requirement for a partner to be able to be vulnerable. The ones that can't handle that shouldn't be dating anyone.

  7. I think you misread what I asked, but all good. We have amazing communication; but sometimes communication can be in our actions too.

  8. I guarantee you will you divorce this woman. If she’s calling these kind of shots already you are not going to want to stay. Get a pre nup you will need it

  9. as i stated, i already got her flowers yesterday. also “use your head” is kind of degrading, i explained explicity my trail of thought and what i thought about the situation at every turn. at no point i just said “meh whatever”.

  10. I dont know I'm obviously in the minority but why does her kissing someone else make your kiss less special? She is obviously remorseful, people make stupid mistakes all the time in New ans shockingly stupid ways. If you have been friends for this long inwouldntbdrop everything over this without at least hearing her out.

  11. The question you should be asking here is why is he jacking off in front of his dog in the first place? I mean the dog was curious? Guess what, the dog wouldn't be curious if you weren't doing it infant of them in the first place! I mean gross, doing it with the dog watching and then doing that? How could you ever have sex with this guy again without that image in your head?

  12. My advice is don't make your future wife so something you are not willing to do. If nor changing her name is important to her, which you say it is, don't push it like some sexist AH.

  13. I don't? Because this was your question

    I don't know how to convince her (for sure we're not letting this one go) to make her feel safe with this.

    My answer was you don't convince her. What exactly am I not understanding

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