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35 thoughts on “hotsuckcouplelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It depends on the circumstances really. If it was on an evening and we were both free then it’s nice to have a flowing conversation, back and forth. If I text on a morning or a weekend when they were busy at work or doing something with friends, I wouldn’t expect a reply straight away

  2. Just because you love someone doesn’t mean you get to dictate what they want in life or for themselves.

    You need to check yourself or go to therapy , he’s not doing “this” for anyone but himself. You’re kinda giving off red flags .

  3. This is so rough, and very relatable.

    Simply, you should take your health seriously, this kind of stress can massively effect it.

    If she can't see that it's making you sick, she's the wrong person for you.

  4. You really don't have a “situation”. You were separated and she went out with someone else. If I was in your shoes, I would not think about her in a serious committed relationship. She would be forever in “distant friend” land.

  5. ^ this is true.

    OP, I 100% understand why you would think the mother is being manipulative. Coming into a situation with a child when you don't have one makes it very hot to understand the responsibilities. Your partner made a lifelong commitment when they had that child together and you need to expect that he will, sometimes, drop everything to take care of the kid. Whether that's a hospital visit, like this one, or it's taking the kid last minute because the mom is stressed out – your partner has a responsibility to help.

    I mentioned in another post, you two need to get your expectations aligned or this situation will continue to get even more toxic.

  6. We will be closing the distance and moving in together within 2 years, and we plan on getting married after that. so I definitely disagree that it's not a forever relationship. But could you please expand a bit on why you think it won't last? Also we're not really long distance anymore, we are only like 30 miles away. Our relationship was actually really good when we were long distance. I think it's just weird adjusting to seeing each other so often now.

  7. You don’t need to do anything. You and your ex aren’t talking now, as is but that’s beside the point. It is not your job to make his family feel more comfortable. If they want to make things awkward and be senselessly upset by your presence, so be it. You aren’t doing anything wrong. It’s not yours to fix.

    That being said, I feel for you OP. It sounds like you are a very empathetic person that is struggling with being outcasted for seemingly no reason. I have felt like this before and it really sucks but ultimately, i’ve found that trying to make amends for crimes i haven’t committed is futile.

    Keep living your life, go to events, be courteous when you see them but have the grace and respect for yourself to not solve issues on behalf of others. Leave this one to those that are involved, and you might think that this involves you because it appears to be “about you” but, if you haven’t done something wrong, this one’s on them to figure out.

  8. I’m trying not to be judge mental here. With that said, let’s boil this down to syrup. If your wife was a single mom the conventional (and to my mind, correct) advice is to not bring the guy you are dating around until you are serious.

    In this case you are bringing around the less serious “fun” relationship around your daughter and hoping she doesn’t get attached. This is madness.

  9. So if the place is not pretentious at all, what's the problem in asking the chef to make the meal a bit more spicy?

    There is no problem. BF wasn't aware that modifications wouldn't be made at that restaurant and was given red pepper flakes. Problem solved. OP is still embarrassed for whatever reason, and BD dismisses her feelings. That's the problem

    You've missed the point. I'm questioning OP's reasoning in getting embarrassed by her boyfriend asking a Michelin starred chef to spice the meal up. He likes it spicy, the meal wasn't going to be spicy, what is the big deal?

    The big deal is that it's behavior she doesn't like and is something they should be able to discuss together. He brushes it off. That's the big deal. Perhaps the resolution is that OP learns to accept his behavior, but brushing off her concerns is the problem.

    Well, OP's boyfriend does, and we don't know the circumstances in which they found themselves dining in such a fancy restaurant.

    He can't be that bright. He can go somewhere else (probably cheaper) and mix and match and get extra spice and whatever else he wants. OP is allowed to have her idea of what a fine dining experience is as well, and it sounds like BF just doesn't want to hear it. She's certainly NTA

  10. We talked about cheating and we both agreed that going out with someone of the opposite gender and even adding like giving out their social media is considered cheating. This guy clearly wants more than being friends, so if that's not cheating to you, then you're clearly deluded.

  11. I would put my foot down and make it clear that if Ex is at holiday events, I will not be coming. Let your extended family make the choice between ex lover and wife of 12 years.

    Haha, do it. I bet they pick the one who isn't making a big ass deal about this.

  12. Stop using social media. Absolutely skews people's perception of how attractive people actually are in real life.

  13. He doesn't OWE her an explanation that he obviously doesn't trust her enough to tell her – and she has proven he is right not to trust her. She proven she doesn't respect him.

  14. Im not sure why you are coming on so strongly about my post. I obviously cannot list all the details, but to me it is a slap in the face when you try to set my bf up with another female while being fully aware that he is in a relationship – then acting like it never happened. Other things went on that night and the female acted on this.

    It is clearly my problem as well if we’re going to remain in a relationship and get married in the future, since they will be a part of my life.

    I asked for advice on HOW TO GET ALONG with people in my so’s life – NOT “how to not invite her to my wedding”.. I’m not trying to stick anything to anyone lol. Thanks for your input anyways.

  15. Yeah. You weren’t asked for an opinion because they don’t care what you think. You are basically a 3rd wheel in their relationship. This isn’t your baby. There’s no connection to you. She won’t miscarry if you leave. Let this be their problem. Let this be her problem and bounce.

  16. You need to talk to him asap. Tell him what you overheard. Discuss the situation with him.

    Be prepared for this situation to end the relationship. The abortion could end it, the eavesdropping could end it.

  17. On no planet would I feel ok with my partner's friend taking very hot pictures of me, no matter how “professional” they pretended to be. Either your wife is nauseatingly naive, or she got a kick put of it.

    And your “friend” is a piece of shit.

  18. (But I'm not a detective or police officer so I don't know all the right terms to use)

    Thank fucking Jesus for that. Your view of the law is batshit insane.

  19. Yes but these women get to have those things AND not have their partners resent them.

    Men here know that their duty is to make the life of their women as comfortable as possible and my partner also agrees with this and tries his best I guess. You must understand that this is not America, women don’t care to be equal here as they get treated better, and men know that they must put their women above them. It’s a cultural thing which I’m really fascinated by and think it will bring me lots of happiness but it’s a weird line to tip toe and that’s why I’m asking .

  20. In my experience and I’ve spent years reading and educating myself on the subject most women need clitoral stimulation to achieve the O not only does foreplay stimulate your body to prepare for intercourse but makes penetration possible I can only suggest you talk with him and find some videos on the subject if he’s not willingly to educate himself and understand how your body works then he’s just being lazy sorry to say

  21. So, you would be ok with your child having just your name but when the child would just have her name this wouldn’t be fair? That’s kinda hypocritical isn’t it?

    That said, there is no advice to give here rather than you need to sit down and have an honest conversation and consider both of your feelings.

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