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16 thoughts on “holly_mlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I do feel bad for the real people asking for advice, but their posts don't get noticed because they aren't dramatic enough.

  2. You're not going to get a confession. He's not going to change.

    The “sacredness” of your marriage has obviously already been violated. Time to accept that you cannot have what you want with him and move on.

    Staying and trying to get a confession out of him or change him just makes you a contributor to the toxicity.

  3. You should have moved on when you realized you were the side chick dating a guy who could be her father.

    You know you're his side piece right?

  4. He just got emotional over something he really cared about, and then got disrespected for it. Choosing to walk away instead of engage was honestly called for. He’s not a robot. And why should he take it? Fuck that, her brother sounds like an asshole it’s probably not the first time he’s acted like a douche around him.

  5. It will be worse hearing it from him and the fact that he immediately jumps to blackmailing you – not asking for the money/worth you stole but literally blackmailing – should be enough to tell you he can’t be trusted to end it at that.

    Come clean asap about your past. If I understood correctly, her brother was dealing, not just using, so it’s not like you’re the only one who fucked up on more than just their own health.

  6. The most concerning thing for me in this story is that he says it’s “ disrespectful “ of you. Wtf? Like you should always concede to him? Why? Because he’s the man ? A difference of opinion isn’t disrespectful, the fact he wants everyone to discover and see his poo is actually disrespectful to everyone. I would not let go of this, he can sleep elsewhere until he cleans up his act. Because he’s disgusting

  7. And that is totally legitamate but your husband's stance on not wearing a condom and you having to lie about using BC because he does not take your feelings into account is where people are giving the side eye.

    You ARE allowed to dictate the terms of intercourse. You ARE allowed to tell him no – I will only have sex with you if you use a condom. That is absolutely okay to do. If you decide to tell him you are on BC, tell him that condoms are a deal breaker because so many different things can interfere with the effectiveness of BC pills.

  8. Oh no I absolutely stated that her timing wasn’t great. How do you prepare someone for that? Most people say just be honest. That’s what she ultimately was. Hopefully they can work it out. Calling her names and saying she is like someone terrible is cruel when she has tried to be honest. She didn’t deserve that. If you can’t be nice be silent. Saying nothing would have been better than his response. We could go back and forth all night here. They both could use lessons in communication. He shouldn’t have been cruel. She was only trying to be honest with him.

  9. The best advice is twofold:

    (1) You can be supportive of genuine attempts to better himself, but you can’t “fix” this and would be unwise to become a shrew about it. Which leads to this:

    (2) See your situation more clearly. This is NOT a case where you have a good boyfriend with incidental flaws. This is a case where your boyfriend is functionally flawed until he chooses to grow up and fix it.

    The right form of the question is not, “Does my boyfriend self-sabotage?” It isn’t even “How can I help him not self-sabotage?”

    The right form of the question is, “Do I choose to be in a relationship with someone who self-sabotages?”

    Because that isn’t going away until he decides to change, and nothing you can do will make that happen, except maybe leaving him and looking for somebody who actually strengthens your change of achieving your life-goals.

  10. As a Chinese and Mexican-American. Your girlfriend is kind of fucking stupid. She’s right that all people have racist biases that are learned.

    She’s wrong about what is and isn’t racist. An actual historical movie does not need to include fake diversity. I would argue it could be racist to include fake diversity as it’s ignoring the very real and actual segregation and racism that existed at NASA.

    It’s not even remotely racist to like a food, whatever that food is. I love Panda Express and Taco Bell even though neither is authentic to my traditional cuisines. They’re still tasty!

    Calling herself “the closest to Vietnamese” is racist too. I might say something like that as a joke but if I was ever serious I would expect my Vietnamese friends to slap the shit out of me. Vietnamese and Chinese have similarities but they’re also just such very different cultures and cuisines. There’s also the fact that Chinese people can be very discriminatory towards Vietnamese people and they are not always treated as well as we are.

    There absolutely are conversations about race that white people should take a backseat in, it doesn’t sound like any of the ones she’s talking about are those conversations.

    She herself is an awful racist. You don’t need the victims of your racism to speak to you directly about it in order to acknowledge your racism. My 80’s Chinese grandma has prejudices towards brown people that pop up now and again. Every time I call her out on it, she acts like an adult and owns up to it and then goes on to try and correct her ideas or attitudes. If a conservative, set in her ways, old lady can do it, your 20 year old, seemingly wanting to be progressive, girlfriend can act like an adult and do it too.

    She’s very much trivializing actual racism, both in regards to saying things that aren’t racist are, and her actual racism. There are real and valid points that she seems to be bastardizing because she either doesn’t understand the points or just wants to be contrarian.

    I’m gonna be honest, she sounds awful and like a horrible person to be around. I personally wouldn’t stick around for it. I don’t see anyway she would listen to you if she dismisses your comments because you’re white. You won’t ever stop being white and if she’s so set in her ways and obnoxiousness, then what could possibly be done?

    Your options are to either stick with a racist who belittles brown people and makes up fake racism and hope she’ll change when there seems to be no way for you to actually engage in a real conversation with her or break up with her. I hope she might actually listen to reason and become a better person but, from what you’re describing, it sounds doubtful. Good luck!

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