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Hiro but if you want i will be Hero for you , ♥, y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Hiro but if you want i will be Hero for you , ♥

Hiro but if you want i will be Hero for you , ♥ online sex chat

Date: October 12, 2022

60 thoughts on “Hiro but if you want i will be Hero for you , ♥ the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Don't depend on a man like this. They will have always one foot out the door and you distrusting. They always have an excuse, their friend dragged them whatever. That's a red flag right there inability to take responsibility for his own lie that you had to catch.

  2. She’s not your friend,you’re a prop to her . She’s disgusting and you don’t need the negative karma or to enable a fetishist

  3. Yes she did this before and I just thought I was something she’d stop or something but that wasn’t the case

  4. I think you might need to take a step back to look at the dynamic, because it seems as though he is lacking the communication. You stated you had communicated these things with him just by simply what you put in your post. He sounds as if he is not only selfish, but somewhat childish. There is probably some sort of personal issue inside of him that needs to be resolved in order to figure out why he is this way about these things. He might already know what it is. Whether it’s a serious issue or not, it still gives no right to treat you with disrespect.

  5. I think you're completely in the clear in that you have no mal intention here

    I'm curious about why a 30 something with a wife would need you to help him practice though. So dont be surprised if it turns out that hes interested.

    By all means go and do interview practice, you could be helping a genuine person, but just be aware that he could be just making up an excuse to chat. If not much interview practice actually happens, then you will know and can just avoid him in future, but as of now theres no reason to cancel since your intention is purely to help someone

  6. You are deleted your reply but I'll answer either way – why do you think she she is shallow? Why do you think women women are shallow for wanting relationship with someone they actually find attractive? Also you didn't answer my question – do you think she's attractive?

    Do you think unattractive women doesn't share your experiences? Why do you think men doesn't want pay attention to someone's look? It's hypocritical and delusional to be a think only women want to be treated attracted to their partner and that men aren't cruel to unattractive women. And it's hypocrisy if she's physically attractive. She really deserves better and you you deserve to not feel like this. You have to sort these feelings before you start any relationship.

  7. My dad is the same way. He used to smash things in arguments with my mother. His own stuff, like iPad, glass table, etc.

    Until one day I saw him explode and strike my mother in the face with me right in front of him.

  8. I mean, it's a bit gross ngl, but how did she saw you? You were in the shower and she was doing something else or what?

  9. “How can I make her see the problems that come with smoking?”

    She’s already had tuberculosis and every pack of smokes has a warning written on it that it’s known to cause cancer (along with other issues). If she refusing to quit, you have two choices:

    Accept that she smoked before she got with you and doesn’t care about her own health, your health, or anyone else’s health…stay together and watch her slowly die because of her own stupidity.

    Walk away.

  10. She needs to get help. Not being with her right now is OK. Does she have a support system to help her? I’ve lost two pregnancies and can understand why she was only interested in sex after heavy, drinking. That shit fucks you up real bad. I was depressed for a long time. It’s not an excuse for what she did by any means, but it seems to be the reason for most of our struggles.

  11. u/ClassicWishbone9870, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  12. He wants a woman to wipe his ass like his mama. It's ok that you're not that woman. Move on to a man that has progressed beyond the fetal stage of development.

  13. Reading between the lines here, it sounds like you sent this message after not being in contact with this person for many years. The message itself wasn't terribly off putting. But the situation could be. Had you never been terribly close to this person and/or you haven't communicated in any way in many years, there is very little chance that you get a reply. Don't sit around waiting for a response because the most likely outcome was always that you wouldn't hear back. It has been several days since the message was sent. It is safe to assume that you will not be hearing from this person.

  14. I'd date her she sounds amazing. Tell me if you guys break up, you've highlighted a ton of amazing stuff without any real negatives, the person your chasing doesn't exist, but let me tell you about the tirade of woman who don't have any of the good things you listed and still won't inspire you to be better, though you should do those things because of your inner drive, less because your spouse pushes you.

  15. Among my friend group the best relationships are those with 10 + years apart, but the women in the relationship who are younger are often on the end of their 20s rather than the beginning like you, you do though sound very mature for your age. All I can advise is go for it and see where it leads but thread slowly. Good luck to the both of you and I hope it works out for both of you

  16. Omg you overstep badly badly badly here.

    What you’ve been doing is unacceptable. If you cannot see it like this, I’d recommend talking to a therapist. They can help you identifying your patterns before they go full no-contact with you, justified.

  17. Obviously the father, that scum welcomes young students from abroad, take advantage of them sexually and threatens them to comply or he would tell the government they work for cash which government will send them back to their country immediately

  18. Basically he implied with increasing firmness over the course of several conversations that my “aversion to sex was abnormal and concerning”.

    As his mentions of this evolved and the firmness increased, he also included mention of things like how this was indicative that I would benefit from inpatient therapy.

    I don’t want to get into my background or his background/connections/credentials, but, eventually I gave in because I know those details and I was afraid I was at risk of finding myself in a Britney Spears-esque situation.

    Now, I feel sick about it because I feel like he preyed on me and I see that I could have protected myself by speaking up.

    I’m also realizing now the extent to which he manipulated me. Ex: when he first kissed me, I was thinking “oh no, what just happened?” he said “I was hopeful you’d consent to me kissing you and I’m glad to see you consented to me kissing you consensually.”

    At the time, I thought that was a strange thing to say. But he kept saying “consent” and telling me that I was “consenting” to him over and over and over again in this weird, overkill sort of way.

    Since I broke away from him, I’ve learned there is a manipulation tactic called the illusory truth effect. Basically it works by repeating something over and over again so that a person convinces themself that it’s true.

  19. An embryo is still alive according to what scientists consider a life.

    Never said it wasn't, in fact I even granted it full personhood for the sake of argument, remember?

    Im going to ignore your following pro choice argument because it's irrelevant to anything I've said. I haven't taken a pro life or pro choice decision here.

    Thats fine, as I said before abortion and child support are two different issues, not sure how we got sidetracked.

    This wouldn't actually happen unless there was also a blanket abortion ban.

    Disagree. Even assuming that every woman who wants an abortion gets one, there will always be women who choose to raise the baby, and men who decide they don't want to take responsibility for a child they fathered. As a society, we are going to pay for that childs education, probably medical care (since most children are on some sort of goverment plan), and probably food (since most single parents have some food benefits, SNAP, free school lunches, WIC, etc. So the big question here is “who is financially responsible for that child, the parents or the goverment?” I say parents. Both parents should contribute to the bringing up of a child. If additional support is needed beyond what they can provide, then the goverment can step in and assist.

    Also, I'm just going to throw out there that a system in which men can simply say they didn't want the child and therefore don't have to support it would be wildly abused. Imagine if a man does actually want the child, isn't married to mom, but thinks “well if I just say I don't want it, mom gets more money from the goverment and I get to keep my money, AND I still get my kid”.

  20. Why does everyone have a braindead take like OPs boundaries don't matter and that it's such an unreasonable thing to be uncomfortable with?

    Just because they aren't having sex doesn't mean everyone on earth is comfortable with their SO regularly exposing themselves and being exposed to the opposite gender, much less the same people over and over again.

    Two things are red flags here, there's a woman's locker room the other women use, and she didn't tell OP for like a year. If you've been with anyone at all for that long you would 100% know if they'd be alright with that. If you've met any amount of diversity of people you'd know that probably the majority aren't, so it's probably worth bringing up early in the relationship anyways.

    “So what if your SO chooses to be hard with other men regularly and didn't tell you about it, there couldn't possibly be anything sexual about it”

    I'd be willing to bet my left testicle that not all these guys told their wives this either, because shockingly, a large percentage of people aren't okay with it.

  21. I think it was a Wednesday, to be honest with you (and yes, I have photos).'

    IIRC, it had to do with a bet that he lost to my boss or something. I'm just concerned he actually had that costume ready to go to wear in the office.

    Don't let the lawyer thing fool you… not one of them got any sense.

  22. If you don’t think this guy is going to be around in the long run then does it matter what your daughter calls him. You are overthinking this.

  23. I'll do it. She's cheating. No woman in their right mind, would discover her partners friend has stolen risque photos from her phone, and suggest sweeping it under the rug.

    Compound this with the fact that OP was unaware of the photos. She's engaged in an affair with OP Friend.

  24. If you want to increase his rent, all you need to do is communicate this:

    With the cost of living crisis going on the bills are going up and I think so should his rent.

    You don't need to offer him an incentive to be healthier or get his life on track. If you really think its your business to help him out, you help him out by changing his mindset.

    Giving him a financial reason to do better, won't do jack for him. Once that incentive is gone, right back to old ways.

    This is a mental thing, so don't make it a financial thing.

    When you're dealing with this:

    He told me he's happy the way he is and that he is comfortable. This infuriates me as I want the best for him.

    Not much you can do for the guy. If he wants to be wasted life. Let him be wasted life. It what works for him.

    People like this really only improve when they are thrown into the deep-end and forced to think for themselves. Like shit, I have nothing to my name, no place to stay, I better get my act together or I am going to be homeless. I have to figure my shit out.

    You're right here:

    I'm also hoping it will give him the kick to start thinking of his future without me holding his hand.

    Stop holding his hand if you want him to be better.

    Honestly, £300 sounds underwhelming affordable. I don't think you will get a better price than that for a place to online.

    Curious, what is your total rent and bills for a month?

  25. Very early stages of an abusive relationship. Cut your losses before you’re stuck cooking and cleaning for him, living in fear and not allowed to leave the house or see your family.

  26. What is wrong with people? Of course the OP is upset. He probably didn't know about this half-sister. And he is feeling betrayed for himself & his mother.

    The father has been lying to his mother for years. So the father is a POS. As well, why does the mother have to financially contribute to a child that is not hers. Especially when her child is paying his way through college.

    The OP did not say the half-sister is to blame. Or that the father has to stop the relationship. He wants the father to be honest with his mother. Rightfully so!! That's a huge betrayal. The father is not treating both kids equally. I figure trying to make up for not being around when she was growing up.

    OP I would sit down with your Mom & Aunt (mom needs the support) and tell them everything you know. I sooner the better! Your Mom should not have to unknowingly finance your fathers child from his affair.

    Good Luck.

  27. What the fuck? As a nanny I find your wife’s actions despicable. You need to tell Gabby what is going on. Your wife is not only bullying her but DEFAMING her. I hope gabby sues you both for defamation and emotional distress.

  28. Yes you go. This is about your education, not a vacation. Being in Canada is a nice bonus, but not the point.

  29. No no, people do get wolf cuts but it’s not the same as the mullets people get today lol mullets today have a texturized top and that makes them look better as opposed to hardly any haircuts back in the day where bowl cut method was what all our parents gave us ?

  30. Thanks for the advisee, I’m gonna consider it. I really like her and believe that she is a good and kind person and want to give this a real chance. But it’s hard to row a boat alone. I don’t really have a time limit but I like the concept of giving her time and also having some type of time limit.

  31. Thanks for the advisee, I’m gonna consider it. I really like her and believe that she is a good and kind person and want to give this a real chance. But it’s hot to row a boat alone. I don’t really have a time limit but I like the concept of giving her time and also having some type of time limit.

  32. She sees it differently because it's woman and not a man

    Homophobic logic. This invalidate homosexual relationships as being equal to heterosexual relationships.

  33. She hasn't asked you to give up alcohol along with her, has she? You certainly don't have to give up sharing cocktails together, or socializing with friends. It's a nice bonding ritual as you note, and you'll hardly even notice that she's ordered a mocktail. In fact, some of the friends who party with you may have already made the switch, and you never noticed. Some people enjoy the gentle buzz of being a little tipsy as you put it, but those who prefer sobriety manage to have just as much fun without it.

  34. Tell him no matter how much he cries, your relationship is over. If he's a difficult time coping then perhaps he needs to seek a counselor or therapist. Any further communication with you will result in legal action.

    Take those messages and have a wellness check done on your ex to get your message across. Follow it up with seeking advice on a cease desist letter.

    Make sure if he had a key to your place that the locks had been either rekeyed or changed. If he knew any of your passwords/pins or security questions change them.

  35. Leave.

    No one who really loved you could treat you the way she treats you.

    Run and don’t look back.

  36. Ok so your ex-gf were really wrong for cutting it off. You do realize what it sounds like when you just say that it's matching with someone and important? It sounds like you are holding a torch for an ex. You should at the very least told her I links you to your family, you were way to unspecific about it which would make plenty of people uncomfortable.

    That said your ex-gf was wrong for just cutting it off and sound slightly possessive. However I can't make a full judgement since I wasn't there or heard the tone of her statement. In the future just be slightly more specific if you get it remade or fixed. It's enough to say it connects you to your family.

  37. It is overruling the gut feeling with pinksy lovey dovey (but he is sooo sweeet) or brain crap (…but I really should give it a try) …

    …which leads to chosing the wrong guy/ girl.

    The gut is the tiny sting saying: “Wait…WHAT?” The split second of doubt.

    Which we seldom listen to.

    As we are being taught to not listen to ourselves/ not believing into ourselves.

    Where I am totally onboard with you is the chosing pattern.

    When always meeting with the exact same kind of crappy people do have a look into how you chose the people to be around you.

    When piling up abuser after abuser there may be something that needs to be addressed with a therapist.

    In order to change that picking pattern leading invariably to the exact same bad experience.

  38. It is overruling the gut feeling with pinksy lovey dovey (but he is sooo sweeet) or brain crap (…but I really should give it a try) …

    …which leads to chosing the wrong guy/ girl.

    The gut is the tiny sting saying: “Wait…WHAT?” The split second of doubt.

    Which we seldom listen to.

    As we are being taught to not listen to ourselves/ not believing into ourselves.

    Where I am totally onboard with you is the chosing pattern.

    When always meeting with the exact same kind of crappy people do have a look into how you chose the people to be around you.

    When piling up abuser after abuser there may be something that needs to be addressed with a therapist.

    In order to change that picking pattern leading invariably to the exact same bad experience.

  39. Ok, I just read one of your posts from a couple months ago. Let me just say this, which is exactly what I would say to my son after resisting the urge to smack him on the side of his head. “You are not in a relationship! You never were, nor will you ever be with this person. She is a damaged individual who is afraid to be alone. She is in love with her ex, and always will be. You think you can be a white knight and rescue her, but you can't rescue someone from themselves. She care more for his feelings than she does for yours. You are a placeholder until she leaves in the middle of the night for good. She's been fucking him ever since she asked for an open relationship. Why are you so weak and codependent that you would allow this? A woman cannot love someone that she doesn't respect. Everything she has done with you, screams disrespect, and yet you allow it then come to Reddit wringing your hands. Go back to your previous post and listen to the responses you got then. It's just going to get worse until she goes back to her one true love. GTFO now!

  40. I have to clarify that i only asked her because she showed interest for us in the past. But i agree now that it was inappropriate

  41. Yep.

    OP, a good therapist would ask YOU why YOU are staying in a relationship that obviously doesn’t serve you. They’d explore what needs its meeting and try to show you that there are ways to get your needs met that don’t involve being in this parasitic relationship.

    Until you’re ready to look in the mirror and figure out what’s causing this disfunctional behavior in YOURSELF (partnering with an abuser) , there’s no sense trying to analyze him.

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