HannaRoys live! webcams for YOU!


HannaRoys Public Chat Channel

Date: November 8, 2022

9 thoughts on “HannaRoys live! webcams for YOU!

  1. My first guess was a mental thing which, it could be despite medication. It could also be an issue of dry skin, in which case the solution is to shower with the right soap etc. (over bathing can totally dry out your skin/hair but, showering every day or at least every other day shouldn’t be an issue)

    It’s not your job to make sure he takes care of himself. You can do your best to support him and ease whatever anxieties underlie this but that’s up to you, if you want to.

  2. Again. Superficial.

    This guy asked me after he asked me out. And he immediately said yes when I asked him

    I feel like there’s some kind attraction

  3. Girl what? You want to be good to him, but he’s not even trying to be good to you? He “treats you poorly, berates you, makes you say sorry for everything you do, and emotionally manipulated” and you want to be good to him?

    Get out of there!

  4. Never had any cheating issues, only thing cheating wise was that she cheated on her ex with me which no I am not proud of and I have never tried to hide conversations but everytime she sees a message from her on my phone she asks me which is fine I guess but I don’t like telling her because she makes the same face no matter what i say being like a huffing sound or saying great in a sarcastic way, me and my friend have never even hugged let alone anytbiny sexual just not that kind of way with us

  5. I would like to chime in here and say I have seen firsthand a nurse use the word “chestfeeding” with a cis woman. I don't know what lead her to use that term in that circumstance, but it definitely occurs.

  6. He's cheating on you, repeatedly, and you won't leave him.

    There's no magic solution. Settle in for a long, painful life of getting cheated on.

  7. If you consider it, what if you were to be a partner, and even do the stuff he doesn’t, like more big picture stuff.

    If you just give him the money, then what is his buy – in to make sure there’s a return?

  8. Oh, Dear One, I'm so sorry this happened to you.

    He wants you to make a reaction video to appease his followers. What about the colossal mess he's made in your life? He's starting to see this is serious – not because you were upset (he told you you were overreacting when you cried) – but because he's disgusted a portion of his followers who called him out. He's more worried about his social media followers than he is about you. I know you're planning on ending things, so please be kind to yourself and lean on your family and friends. You deserve so much better.

  9. Nope. He involved her in his kink without consent. She would close the door and he'd reopen it. He straight up said her only two options were letting him violate her boundaries or move out.

    She is under no fucking obligation coddle his fucking feelings after the abhorrent and frankly abusive way he has behaved.

    Consent matters. He can fuck right the fuck off.

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