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Hannah_nappylive sex stripping with hd cam


94 thoughts on “Hannah_nappylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Kick him out. He’s cheating on you and trying to leech off you at the same time. I promise you can do better than a jobless man who can’t keep it in his pants.

  2. Get an off-line video camera and set it up in a hidden location looking directly at you. If the audio is good quality you shouldn't need light to hear and grasp what is happening. Audio/Video evidence of him taking advantage of your state when you haven't asked for it or, alternatively you pushing him for sex, will clearly tell you what actions to take in the future. If he is just helping himself without any communication and you have clearly told him (on video for your safety) no touchy, no feelie when I am on Ambien then you have a cut and dried case of rape and sexual assault. If on the other hand he is being forced by you then you need to find an alternate medicine. there really is no he's wrong/ she's wrong situation I can think of but you will have evidence in all cases which can only help you come to a decision.

  3. Are you saying, and please correct me if I am misreading this, that even if she cheated on him and the kid is not his, that her hurt over being outed in that clusterfuck of a lie takes priority? That can’t possibly be what you’re trying to say.

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  5. I say just humor him and lay the rumor to rest. Unless you’re worried about the results? I did 23 and me it was fun!

  6. Thank you for your responses. It’s reassuring to hear that THAT situation is uncommon. In terms of pregnancy sure it’s not a thing right now, but this is the time (before the stick reads positive) that I have to evaluate if he is willing and able to provide. You don’t buy a house and THEN call an inspector. That’s why I’m worried. In our whole relationship I’ve gotten three flowers. I make it clear SO often how much I like them but it just never happens but I can’t ask them to buy me them.

  7. Yeah, I really love my parents but it doesn't seems they are very competent are helping me with this. Knowing I cannot rely on them really makes me sad

  8. Should your ex get to keep your nudes to share with other people when she complains about your sex life?

  9. He was diagnosed as a kid. His parents believed that because he played so many video games, he had ADHD. They got him on Ritalin and he said he hated it. He would not take it, or he would abuse it for fun. When he finally got off it as a teenager, he says the withdrawals were horrible. Now he wants to take it again?? Doesn't make sense to me.

  10. Is that why he hooked is with you, finding a caretaker for his Dad then next his Mom?

    If he wants his Dad there, don't stop him but advised you will find new living accommodations for yourself. You can always visit him.

    Why are you to take care of him, are you a stay at home gf or do you work? It's his Dad, he should take care of him.

    So sorry, don't just walk away but run.

  11. One more possibility is that they're just not compatible. Every one of us has their own scent, OP may just not like the way his girlfriend naturally smells.

  12. Thank you for this validation. I have told him point blank that I don’t ever want her to grow up and experience the things he has put me through but at some point I think the relationship hit it’s expiration date and codependency made us both try to keep it going. He doesn’t respect me, he’s made it very clear. I’ve had dreams that I’ve had to put off because he refuses to move anywhere else but his home state, he has no relationship with either of his parents due to childhood trauma. I feel incredibly isolated because…HOW do you talk about things like this to friends or family? I didn’t even see a therapist long enough to be able to bring it up (and he was also in the other room so I didn’t feel comfortable sharing in case he heard) so it feels really validating to be able to open up here.

    I don’t want to put my life on hold anymore for someone who has no desire to grow, change, or improve and who has shown me time and time again they don’t respect me. Thank you so much for your comment, I really appreciate it.

  13. Nah. He doesn’t get to decide that on his own. You tell him YOU will not be a SAHM again and let him figure out what he’s going to do about that. Don’t let him push you around like this

  14. I think the more important question is, have you told him? Have you all discussed what you’ll do if your racist parents are openly racist towards him? Are you willing to cut them out of your life if they don’t respect your partner?

  15. He said he was aroused that someone he liked seemed to be interested in him back and she was touching his thighs so that made him excited so he masturbated. Does that make sense?

  16. You’re being paranoid

    This is how I talk with my male best friend, ask yourself this; had he been receiving these messages from a guy would you still be feeling like they were having an affair?

    Had you received these kinds of messages and responses from a female friend of yours would you think she’s into you? Would you understand if your bf thought you were having an affair with this female friend?

  17. Follow through. He is being a jerk here, you’ve told him that you don’t want kids. he’s flat-out ignoring you, he’s pressuring you. This sort of behavior is obnoxious on his part, it’s no basis for a friendship, much less a relationship. Now, he may have good qualities, you did date him in the past after all, but if you want to give him one last chance, give him an ultimatum to never bring up kids ever again, or you’ll go no contact.. or something along those lines.

  18. sit down and have an honest conversation with him . enter into a healthy lifestyle together , there’s nothing wrong with wanting the best for each other .

  19. I think I’m more annoyed at the fact that he’s making it such a big deal? Okay I apologize but it’s not enough… this whole ordeal is making feel as though I’m stepping out when I’m really not

  20. She said it was a compliment?

    As in she's admitting he gifted this to her based on how attractive he finds her in it and she likes that?

    I mean I dunno man, she said what she said, up to you about what to do with that info.

  21. He's an arsehole and he's pressuring you. The appropriate response to “I don't want to” is “okay”. Not “please please I need it okay well fine then I'm witholding all affection from you”. Manipulative behaviour.

  22. Because someone trained her to do that when she was young, I'd guess. That's a whole horror show of hell I don't want to touch.

  23. He's always with people. Gym, breakfast, lessons, lunch, studying in the library, dinner.

    Exactly. And the issue with this is because of the long distance, you aren't a part of this. You aren't studying with him, going to lunch with him, etc. You didn't see the cute cat being rescued from the tree, you didn't see the waiter drop the tray (examples). You can tell each other these things, but a second hand story is never the same as experiencing together. Those things are what creates and keeps a bond. That's why there's a compromise when you each want to do something different on a date – the time together is what makes it count, otherwise you'd each just go do something different and tell each other about it at the end.

    Now, even flirting is awkward cause either me or him won't feel like it.

    This sounds like what I mentioned before – growing apart. When you're close to someone, that comes naturally. Going through the motions just makes it feel empty and meaningless.

    You'd reject someone who flirts with you because you have a girlfriend, but you won't even make your girlfriend feel like she's your girlfriend because of the distance?

    If he isn't entertaining other girls, then I doubt it's on purpose. In all likelihood, he's feeling the same distance you are describing.

    My suggestion would be to schedule a time, where he agrees to be free and alone so that you two can talk about this. Ask him how the distance is making him feel about the relationship, tell him how it is making you feel, discuss whether or not you both feel like you want to continue trying to make it work and if you decide you do, what each of you can do to make the other feel more connected. You can schedule time where you are both free and able to concentrate on other, share screens and watch a movie, play a game, etc.

  24. So there's two things here.

    We often see posts from the other side of this situation, where the partner complaining is in your bfs shoes. They often talk about how it's not funny, it's in inappropriate moments, it ruins intimacy or sexual moments, that it's a huge turn off, etc. And everyone in the comments of those posts supports the poster to speak to their partner, and let them know how annoying/upsetting/frustrating/whatever it is to them, and make it clear that they need the behaviour to stop.

    Now… I think that's something you should consider. However, I also think your real issue is that he criticises you in other ways, and this feels like more of the same. He clearly wants you to be something you're not. So…while I would normally say to ditch the silly voice, in this case, I think you need to seriously consider the guy as a whole. He doesn't seem to like who you are, I will agree with that assessment. And you shouldn't date someone who wants to change you. (To clarify, little annoying habits like this voice? Fine to ask a partner to change. Big clothes and attitude adjustments? Absolutely an unacceptable request.)

  25. I meant, do you think he's being a good partner to her? Not about the weight, which you're fixating on, because it's true that I also wouldn't be attracted to someone who had gained a lot of weight. But the chores and the way that he talks to her. Those things are separate from the weight, unless you think it's okay to be mean to your partner because you don't like the way they look anymore?

  26. This was sexual assault full stop. Personally, I think you need to break up with her. If she can’t respect your no, she doesn’t deserve to be in a relationship with you. I wouldn’t be able to trust her after that. It’s a total violation, and the two of you need to have a serious conversation about it.

    If you decide to stick with her, I would recommend using condoms every time and no more sex with her when she’s drunk. Possibly a vasectomy if you think she’s trying to baby trap you (another reason to consider breaking up if that’s the case).

  27. Right?! I am a huge football fan (RaiderNation) and if I did this every time they lose it would be weekly. That's a hell of a lot of food wasted.

    Does he replace the food he destroys/eats with his own money? Or does OP have to go in for half again?

  28. Wtf did I just read?! That just makes me sick. Your dead wife’s jewelry rightfully belongs to her daughter, NOT to you or your replacement wife-to-be. You’re intentionally robbing your eldest child of her mother’s legacy and are enjoying watching her suffer. That’s more than cruel and completely unforgivable. You and your baby momma are both sick human beings and will be the worse sort of parents.

    I pity that poor innocent baby having to grow up with two selfish narcissistic parents who are entirely disconnected from reality. Smdh.

  29. Dude… if this is the love of your life you have no other reasonable choice but to tell you current gf, regardless of the outcome.

    The longer you hold out, the worse it will be, your gf won't trust you anymore.

    You need to tell her.

  30. How are needy partners not a turn off to people? Don't you want a partner that is happy you have a healthy life outside them? That will as you questions about like “did you have a good time?” instead of “why are you going out”

  31. You do know that if you're not friends on Facebook she's not going to see it. She'd have to go looking through message requests. She also can make it so no one who isn't friends with her can send her a message

  32. Could be! And like I said, if she actually slapped someone who hadn't touched her, that's obviously assault. But if they were roughhousing with her, I think she was justified. Hard to say for sure what happened… and if OP was blackout drunk, she may not know either.

    OP definitely needs to quit drinking, though.

  33. My greatest fear is that it's just a phase and that it will be fixed with time, and if i left him he would be a great guy for someone else, if only i waited for his fixation to fade out.

  34. A narcissist would do something like this on this timeline. OP should block on everything and never look back.

  35. You seem to be the one that sucks. You’re hating people who have disorders or regular people not getting hints. I mentioned my bf once and you act like I mentioned him over and over. Im not projecting my relationship into this at all. She needs to be direct to him again not give hints, in his eyes he may think that’s what she wants, did she tell him she doesn’t like it? No that’s why she made the post. The mature thing to do is “I would like this for valentines or this on my bday” etc. You need to learn respect for others. YOU are not perfect YOU are not the perfect bf. Stop projecting yourself to others. No one is perfect and you need to learn that. Communication was no where near this he may have thought she genuinely likes this bc most couples have things in common, he may have a disorder she doesn’t know about, she didn’t ask him why he didn’t get her the jewelry. Can you answer these questions? No bc she doesn’t even know

  36. I don't like the way he talks to other people and about certain people, I don't like how he's so dismissive (and talks about how much he hates) of things that i like but I always try to understand and participate in things he likes. It's like ok I understand you might not like the music I listen to doesn't mean you have to complain in the car the entire time it's on, I don't do that to you. Just little things like that.

  37. You were a huge asshole, you aren't entitled to sex and he is allowed to turn it down for whatever reason without you throwing a tantrum like a toddler.

    It's probably gonna naked for him to vulnerable again with you….

    There isn't much to do other than owning up and apologising and never repeating such gross behavior again.

  38. Ok so first off, he does sound exhausting, however it is possible that he feels like you are dangling the possibility of a breakup in front of him and creating a lot of uncertainty. If you want to break up, break up, but don’t draw it out.

  39. You're a hypocrite. You're not watching Magic Mike for the plot, let's face it. And demanding he not look at models or celebrities or whoever is not a reasonable request. You can simply break up if he does that.

  40. > I kept it cordial and professional

    > I got into trouble with upper management


    Situations like this are exactly why you don't shit where you eat. You made your bed buddy.

  41. This isn't a hair issue but more a hygiene issue. As a person with a vagina who doesn't shave, I make sure to shower every time before expected intimacy as well as partners who are also unshaved. I would talk to her gently and let her know that to give her the satisfaction she likes, you would prefer if you both take showers beforehand. My partner and I have an agreement that any spontaneity that occurs and hygiene is an issue, we will simply request a shower. So if my partner decides to go down on me randomly and it needs washed, he will simply say, let's take a shower. We have a stand-up shower that only comfortably fits 1 person, but those times we manage to squeeze in and start foreplay in there.

  42. Maybe not (even still, she's 35, so not unrealistic to think conceiving would be difficult), but it's not really relevant why she believed so.

  43. As I said. You can absolutely hold his past against him but…. He’s gotten past yours. Either get past it or move on.

  44. You're saying you used to be a piece of shit, but you're not now?

    Slicked back hair, sloppy steaks at Truffoni's, chicken spaghetti at Chikalini's?

  45. Videos of us hanging out and pictures of each-other, there is nothing sexual or suspicious, there are no weird booty call texts or anything like that. Nothing of that sort has ever happened and if it did I would shut it down.

  46. He's already told you and showed you what his priority is. Why won't you believe him? Why are you allowing this? A real grown-up in a relationship will shift his priorities to his partner. He won't. Find someone who will prioritize you.

  47. You can say that again!! I lost several family members and close friends where the grief was almost unbearable BUT nothing and I mean NOTHING hit me as hot as my daughter being struck and killed by a vehicle this past October.

    I thought I had already felt that terrible grief which don’t get me wrong was awful. But idk, my daughter had just turned 21. She was beautiful, Intelligent, she was my best friend in the world. She was born when I was only 17, a kid myself. And nothing in life has ever matched the pain I’m feeling now.

    So to OP no. You are not grieving as much as they’re although I still understand you are hurting immensely! And I am truly sorry you are going through this as well but I’d just give them space. Right now they’re feeling hurt, angry, sad all of that. I can’t imagine they’d mention it if they didn’t plan on eventually sharing it. Just give them some time, however long that takes.

  48. It just doesn’t make sense to me as why. In my mind if my son was doing really good and getting ripped I’d be happy for him. I’d want my son to become an in shape man

  49. This is rape , you did not consent and tried to stop her. Leave her immediately and get try to get it documented. Either a coins oler, support group, PCP, police your pick. Stay away from that thing. It’s rape If need be try and get in contact with a sexual assault hotline if you have issues or need someone who will understand to talk to like RAINN.

  50. I mean… If she went to bed alone and got followed and groped while she was asleep, it's hot to see how she did anything wrong there.

  51. What do you mean?

    Is it more selfish that I don't want to spend my life working a full-time job with essentially no time for anything else? Particularly if I can afford it and am not subsidized by my partner?

    Is it less selfish, if the other partner wants to buy a house – while we have a completely fine, rent-controlled apartment in an in-demand location?

    And of course, I can and will be more flexible once kids are involved. And I will still be contributing the same as her financially – even while being more involved in doing appointments with the kids.

  52. I don't think so. I would ask bf why you're being excluded. It's obviously not a gf or new thing. Is he excluding you? Someone else in the family? He just didn't think to add you?

  53. I suggest using an app that records your sleep. I use Sleepcycle, and have fun listening to the snippets it's recorded over night.

    I want also to add that just because he may think it sounds like a “sensual moan,” it doesn't mean that the dream is sexy; in fact, what you're dreaming about could be absolutely nothing. It's BS that someone would confront you about things you have zero control over.

  54. Cheating is never okay, but I want to move on from this. We are on positive terms now we want to be together. He’s seen my improvements and we’ve been setting boundaries with one another because in the past we didn’t have any boundaries or respected each others

  55. This is the heart of the matter. Is OP’s doctor a man? Does bf know what’s involved in a pelvic exam? How far will he push his discomfort on her?

  56. If I were you, I would end it.

    Yes, she didn’t technically cheat on you, but in my opinion, when talking about committed relationships, who cares about technicalities? You two just have very different outlooks on relationships.

    If I were in your position, I would think that she’s just sleeping around, playing the field (which is her right), until she decides, “hey, this guy will do” and decides to commit to you. If she had strong feelings for you, she wouldn’t be sleeping with other guys, like you weren’t sleeping with other girls because you had feelings for her.

    You made the right decision to not pressuring her into exclusivity when she was very noncommittal. You want her to want to be in a relationship with you, not just give in to your desire to be in a relationship with her.

    Combine all this with the fact that this other guy is still going to be hanging around her and she refuses to set any kind of boundaries would be the nail in the coffin for me. She can say she understands your feelings, but honestly, talk is cheap.

    Leave her and take this as a learning experience to let girls know early on how you operate. If they’re not willing to show their commitment leading up to a potential relationship, then a relationship with them isn’t worth it.

  57. You either need to forgive and move on or break up. Staying together just to continue making passive aggressive insulting comments doesn’t accomplish anything good for either of you. If you can’t get past it, end the relationship.

  58. If your response to hitting your girlfriend is “I was in a dark place” and a few other things that excised your behavior, you haven’t changed.

  59. used to be like you. I'm 32 now, in a happy stable relationship with a girl I share common interests with.

    The girl I had a crush on when I was 20 who I used to go to the club with and watch her leave with her abusive ex is now a single mother after having two kids with her drug dealer and marrying him.

    She really has matured so much and I'm happy for her… but some people need to go on a journey that you don't want to join them on.

  60. OP reveals her BF was cheated on by an ex via snapchat when it went round his college.

    So that seems like a reach.

  61. Regardless of what you do moving forward, your wife already cheated on you and now want your permission to continue.

    ENM is supposed to be ETHICAL, not sneaking around your spouses back, sexting, making arrangements, changing up the agreements all the time, leaving you redused to tears and all that. The fact that she knows this is hurting you and still wants to do it doesnt been too well.

  62. Then you should have immediately stopped dating him. Is his penis so fucking magical that it's worth abandoning your child for? Is it gold? Is he rich? Or are you just that horrible of a human being?

  63. Love is not enough for a healthy relationship. It's not even meeting the bare minimum. She doesn't want to be in a relationship, that's obvious from your post. You need to move on.

  64. That is not what I meant. Not using my kids for anything. It was more for the hope that they might change. Yes, I do have hesitations about being a parent. I don't have any good examples of what one looks like. But at the end of the day they are still my blood parents.

  65. I was diagnosed with chronic pain and was put on a lot of meds that the side effect was weight gain. I became sedentary because of the pain and gained weight. When I married my ex he was almost 300 pounds I was 140 or so. He lost the weight but when I gained he told me straight out he wasn’t attracted to me anymore. I divorced him I couldn’t be with him as much as that what was eating at me. There were a lot of other problems but it started with that one statement.

  66. I suppose I should clarify, validation is something we both do consistently in our relationship, as we both struggle with things and whenever she's feeling insecure about something she'll ask for some validation and I'll happily type a big paragraph about how much she means to me, and be extra loving towards her for the rest of the day, and she does the same to me as well. I realize now not every relationship is like that, and I guess asking her for some extra love and validation may seem odd to some people so I apologize for not clarifying. However I will say I didn't ever shame her, or scold her about her fantasies, I made it very clear in to her that I'm not upset at her, and that everything I'm feeling is internal and none of it is her fault. I apologize again if I didn't make that clear in the post. As for doing it over text, you're right I should've waited to do it in person, I'm in the middle of a 13 hour shift and won't get home until late, and I have another 12 hour shift tomorrow so I wouldn't have been home for very long. Also I didn't think it would turn into the fight that it did, as again, in my mind it was a simple “hey I'm feeling a little insecure” like we do a lot with eachother. In hindsight if I had known it would've turned into this I'd have talked to her in person once I got off. Thank you for the perspective!

  67. Who knew that a 36 year old needs to date someone significantly younger because they’re too immature for their own age?

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