Hailey-miller1 on-line webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 11, 2022

27 thoughts on “Hailey-miller1 on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. That’s good! I hope that works out.

    Also, I understand you and your husband have a partnership with this man and by telling his wife you’d risk the possibility of him cutting ties with you both but is that really a bad thing? I mean, he’s showing you who is by having an affair. He has terrible character.

  2. So he is pissed that you got with a girl he was leading on and keeping as a back up?

    Man up. Tell your friend that if he is do pissed about them he better either man up and tell X he wants a full relationship or STFU and go get with the others girls he has laying around.

  3. Bullshit. Anybody can benefit from individual therapy. But employing couples therapy at an 18yo dating relationship is just an attempt to avoid admitting that some things are exclusionary factors. Dating is supposed to be when you find exclusionary factors that make them “not fit for purpose” and go a different direction, not try to force a healthy relationship from not-fit parts, as if couples therapy is a magic potion to turn any old pile of parts into a masterpiece. It isn’t. The parts aren’t there to begin with.

  4. I new mother saying she would be forced to do things shouldn't equal omg he's going to rape me. Could it possibly be that she feels forced to pump her breastmilk? Or feels forced to just be without her baby overnight. If I were her I would be incredibly hurt and disgusted that my fiance would be listening to my conversation, overhearing something he didn't like and instead of coming to me he makes a post asking strangers if he should go through with the marriage.

  5. When i brought up dna test for the family she had a strange reaction afterwards, maybe Im overthinking

  6. This one’s up to you — it’s at a point where I think you staying OR leaving would be understandable. You don’t sound like a pushover, just like he and you have both been through a lot together and both are trying. Ultimately you’ll decide these are signs of the relationship coming to a close or you won’t. If you stay together though he definitely has to make a concerted effort to completely stop doing this flirty stuff, it’s not ok.

  7. You're as close to a relationship as any other single person your age – of which there are a lot.

    Your main issue is that you haven't healed and moved on from being hurt. It seems counterintuitive, but when you find yourself happy and comfortable in your independence, thats when you're ready to date seriously again. The goal should be getting to that place before making serious dating a focus. That way you will have the security of knowing that being hurt by someone isn't the end of the world.

  8. He posted the picture in the OP, he might be exhausting, but that pic is pretty damning for her story

  9. Why are you saying I'm condemning my wife?I didn't say anything negative about her response. I said that I understand why she would do it and I wouldn't be ungrateful for what she is doing ,but I would not because in the end,aftermath of the situation, the trauma and the healing process would be huge. Things could get better over time, or get worse, there is no telling. It seems like everyone is looking at the question at face value and not actually trying to see it from both sides.

  10. Would you make the same argument if he had failed to tell OP about being acquitted of child rape, and OP had kids? And in the 2 years they had been together OP had left kids alone with him?

    If you think that’s wrong, just apply the same logic to other scenarios in order to understand why the lie by omission about something this huge, is bad and wrong and suspicious as hell.

  11. Exactly. Plus she's a few years older than he is so if nothing else, she should be the one who knows better than that. She's equally as bad as the friend is.

  12. The only country I know of that makes a big thing of women's day is Russia, and it's not the feminist event that the western works has, it's more about celebrating the old-fashioned feminine stereotype. So maybe other countries wouldn't understand your expectations, or might even feel a bit revolted by them.

  13. He does acknowledge that he’s clingy and apologizes for it but it always feels like a bit of a “sad boi, I just love you so much” And he’s apologized for not being good at dishes in the apartment now that he lives alone and he says he’s working on it but that’s only one of many little things that annoy me and will be 100x worse at my house

    That’s a good idea. It’s kind of hot to think about cuz this is my longest and most serious relationship and so it’s my base knowledge but I’ll try…

  14. You are angry at the wrong person and blaming his mom when your bf is the one who shoul be accountable for his action. You are both young, her advice was not specifically towards you but at anyone who was involved with him. Stop taking it personally and dump your bf, he is not ready for a committed relationship.

  15. No no no. Don’t let her reaction make you scared of your own emotions. You need to be able to let it out or you will basically become a pressure cooker that explodes. That is how someone actually loses control over their emotions, by bottling it up. If she messed you up that bad see a therapist but truly most people are not going to run from human emotions. They will talk you through them.

  16. It’s your honeymoon. Hang in for the rest of the trip and talk when you get back. Obviously a honeymoon is going to be more sex than usual.

  17. Oof… Jesus you girls really do anything for love. Listen what you have here is someone who is clearly taking full advantage of you and how unbelievably nice you're being. I get it. You're madly in love and really want to believe that you can help or fix him, but the truth of the matter is you can't. A grown ass man who takes advantage of someone who loves him as much as you do is no man but a boy masquerading as one. Also, you have been doing everything you can to help him and he STILL hasn't gotten a job. You're feeding him, housing him, paying for literally every house hold item all the while he is very busy… skateboarding… yikes.

    I mean your only option at this point is to have a serious talk about this and how you're at your breaking point. Think about your future and if you would want someone like this raising your kids. Be honest with yourself, put aside your feelings and look at it from a objective point of view. From where I'm standing all I see is a naked working women taking care of someone who doesn't care for them back.

  18. I wake up at like 6 am every Sunday, I just like to make coffee and snuggle with the kids and do chores after. What are you talking about ?

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