HabibaOswell online sex cams for YOU!


HabibaOswell Public Chat Channel

Date: January 11, 2023

18 thoughts on “HabibaOswell online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Good idea on going to the party together and just trying to move on. I think you guys will move past this. Doesn’t seem like she meant it in a toxic or concerning way at all. It would weird me out too but it seems your conversation was really good.

  2. There is no “might be” about it. He is abusive. He love bombs you then gets violent, then love bombs you again. You aren't safe. It's only a matter of time before he “accidentally” hits you.

  3. Do you want permission to say its ok to break up with him.

    Well here it is — ITS OK TO BREAK UP!! There. Now you can go and be happy with someone who will actually give you what you deserve. Or be happy alone = it's better than being miserable and lonely with someone.

  4. I’m assuming he wants the child cause his gf broke up with him and he sees this as an in to get back with her. What kind of person says “if it’s mine I’m attached to it but if not i don’t really care”. He’s not even trying to hide it as an anti abortion thing lmao.

  5. I second that, you don’t. There’s nothing to address. Do you not think she fantasizes about other men? When you are having your private time, do you only think of her? tbh your reaction sees immature and borders on controlling.

  6. I felt tense and miserable just reading that, I can't imagine living it.

    You say she wasn't always like this. Are we talking a drastic change in personality very rapidly or just a slow devolution of bad habits into worse ones?

  7. Are you sure it's about your spouse?

    I mean, does it mention your spouse at all, and/or with any proof?

    If it's just “I'm sorry that your partner has been cheating on you. Sorry for not telling you in person.” Then uh….. what if it's just wrong address, you know.

    I would do some digging.

    You can always go to your spouse and show him the letter then request him to show you his DMs or whatnot, just to make sure. Idk how privacy/boundaries between u two, but I know I don't mind showing my DMs to my spouse since I have not done anything or even talked bad about him at all.

    Then again, he may be smarter too and use only a burner (extra phone–ah, a friend's ex did this to her after getting caught cheating multiple times).

  8. Sorry it took so long, my mom works a lot. I asked her and she said she doesn’t care if I tell her but isn’t sure how her sisters will react so she doesn’t want to be involved if there’s drama lol

  9. “Why should I did it? He has to end his friendship. There is no need for another “close” woman in his life. Having female friends is OK but not like this”

    Alright bois, we can stop offering advice. She cray and there’s nothing we can do or say that’d make her acknowledge her insanity.

  10. It’s almost like you’re Chasing Amy here. NTA for having feelings but you should manage your expectations

  11. He did get more, he got two slaps.

    To be clear, I am not questioning the slaps in front of my boyfriend, nor have I given my brother any indication that I don't think he deserved them. It's just a complately new situation for me and I wanted a bit of advice.

  12. If I am reading this correctly your step dad has not been chosen for a single thing yet. Your husband asked your bio dad for permission to marry you. Your bio dad walked you down the isle. It sounds like the dance would be the last opportunity to actually include him.

  13. Thank you! That was super kind! Way to call out the sunk-cost fantasy! Which is exactly what I’m doing. You made good points and it’s a lot to consider. Much appreciated!

  14. I think this is a really fair and reasonable comment. My bf definitely wanted me to discuss boundaries that would ensure I wasn’t in as much danger of it happening again which was completely fair. We also both saw therapists individually to work through the trauma. I think he struggled to believe me for a little bit because I hadn’t told him right away, lied about who it was, and we weren’t in the best place in our relationship. But he also saw me having panic attacks, selling our bed because I didn’t want to use it ever again, sleeping on the couch, and not being able to go in our bathroom in the dark but not being sure why.

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