H0neytrap the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Date: November 14, 2022

6 thoughts on “H0neytrap the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I don’t appreciate the strawman you’re setting up here, it’s in bad faith. I’m going to engage you as if you’re not asking leading questions, but do better.

    Why should she have to disclose this before sex

    Because your genitals are relevant information to disclose before sex if there is something remarkable about them. Surgically constructed vaginas are not 1:1 with factory original parts, and the fact that they are not self-lubricating is relevant information for a partner.

    Should people have to disclose their reproductive status before sex?

    Reproductive status in terms of sterility or fertility is not directly relevant to sex, but things like sti’s and feelings on abortion if birth control fails should be discussed and tested for.

    Past trauma?

    Yes, if relevant and related to sex. Decent people don’t want to accidentally trigger their partner during sex if there is past trauma, and if you don’t tell them how are they supposed to know?

    Where to draw the line?

    You tell people information that is relevant so they can have informed consent. If you knowingly withold information from someone that would’ve potentially caused them not to consent, then you are in the wrong.

    But if he found everything else about her attractive then the only reason to not have sex with her is transphobia, which maybe isn’t something she should have to cater to.

    It’s not transphobia to want to be notified that you’re about to be intimate with someone who is trans whether that’s pre-op or post op.

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