Grinny-Stoun online sex chats for YOU!


Grinny-Stoun Public Chat Channel

Date: November 14, 2022

7 thoughts on “Grinny-Stoun online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Not sure there is a such a thing. Relationships are a lot of hard purposeful work that's extremely rewarding if you're with the right person, problem is people get caught up in things like “the one” and expect relationships to be happy and euphoric all the time.

  2. Is she really talented? Has she won any awards or anything? She just might not be good enough for people to want to pay for her stuff. Has she considered some design classes?

  3. Not clear on what advice you are looking for here?

    He is in a relationship, so you can’t act on how you feel. It’s possible he is just being friendly but you are reading more into his actions because of how you feel about him.

    You had your chance, you missed it. It sucks, but at your age you should know by know that we don’t always get what you want in life. Just because you think you deserve a chance with your crush (and sorry, I have no idea how you came to that conclusion), doesn’t mean you get it. He is in a relationship.

    So keep your distance from now on. Don’t be that girl.

  4. A vet tech can find another job easily. They are in high demand and short supply. If the relationship means much to her, this is a relatively easy move.

  5. The whole point of good communication is that it's not easy, but it's better to work through that than to not talk about your feelings and let it degrade your relationship. It sounds like he didn't let you know he was making this for you – talk to him about it, lead with what you like about the action itself (I appreciate that you try to provide for me etc), let him know you can see why he likes this design and style but it just doesn't mesh well with yours, and give some examples of things that would. If you've never talked about something like before you could reinforce to him he wouldn't know your tastes and this is sharing something new about yourself. Honestly it sounds like a fun couple project to think about something together he could make that would fit in your tastes.

    If you don't want anything like this from him period, that's probably an incompatibility as it definitely sounds like gift giving is high in his love languages. At that point you'd have to have a conversation around that, acknowledging he's trying to make you feel loved but you just don't speak that way. Would also be a good time to check in with him about things he needs to feel loved and then see if you can find compromises.

  6. If shes mad she got caught lying to you about not deleting her and her ex's sex tape, she for the streets.

    Let's break this down.

    OP is scared to make her mad. He immediately knows calling her on her shitty behavior will make her mad.

    He is afraid to address her disrespect for the relationship because even if she was the one doing wrong, he will be villanized for “pissing her off” even if she is the cause of the disagreement.

    OP somehow thinks there's a way to save this relationship by massaging her ego while simultaneously bringing up the issue.

    There is none, because she knows getting angry will make him back off. He is caught in a social trap with a partner whos abusive.

    OP loves this woman who basically, treats him like shit. She is very obviously not as invested in him as he is invested in her. Hell, she probably does NOT love him.

    OP presents to either have low self-esteem, no support network, or is also treated like shit by the OTHER people he loves, which is why he thinks this relationship where he's treated poorly and cant express himself safely is worth effort.

    OPs partner recognized this tendency, and chose him as a partner because she recognized he feels a person who loves him or that he loves can treat him poorly- likely through fishing little by little to see how she can control any negative interactions, arriving at yelling at him for pushing any issues she causes.

    Conclusion: OP needs to work on his self-worth on an individual level independent of relationships (including this one) and dig into why he would give his love to someone who treats him poorly, likely with professional help.

    OP needs to learn that he basically, deserves better- or at least the same level of loyalty and devotion he offers.

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