Grey ( the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Grey (, 26 y.o.


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Grey ( on-line sex chat

Date: October 15, 2022

7 thoughts on “Grey ( the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. If a spouse has a question and the other spouse is forthcoming with info and doesn’t instantly become defensive, they do that to make their spouse feel comfortable, validated and connected. If a question is asked and they become evasive, defensive and angry, something is up.

  2. Why he jealous cuz he can't get any action what a jerk your body your rules. If im horny my hubbs not in the mood I will take care of myself and right next to him too (he don't care anyways he's used to it haha) but your not even doing anything and this got flipping out, he's got something wrong with him. He's the weird one you can do whatever you want its your body…tbh ha you should do it now just to piss him off then kick him out lol clearly he's too immature to be in a relationship.

  3. You do not sound abusive at all. She sounds like a child.

    Instead of telling her what she can do (example: you told her not to find a job because it be bad for her studies) practice giving you opinion but getting her make the decision. If she wants to get a job, she can get a job.

  4. “I’ve had some time to think about it and when we initially planned to move in together it was so we could start a shared life. It’s a really important step and the more I think of sharing the space with your brother the less it feels like a step forward for us. I think if you want to online with your brother, you absolutely should, but I will stay where I am.

    Why does his brother not ,are plans for himself? What’s the dynamic like? I can only imagine that he may not have a lot of initiative and you may end up with a dude that likes to game and will get to his dishes “later”

    I wouldn’t move in with them both and if your boyfriend doesn’t understand it, that’s not your problem to solve.

  5. Your boyfriend is unhinged and controlling. He has made it clear that you are unsafe sleeping in the same room as him and that he feels ownership of your body and what you are allowed to do with it. You have body autonomy to masturbate without him. But you weren’t masturbating. What he is doing is actively destroying the relationship with his bizarre accusations and treating you the way he currently is. I would be looking into not living with this man asap.

  6. I see that you have heard from him now. My thought when reading this was that it was more likely he was just off having a drunken bender than having actually killed himself. My guess (and I don't know him so many grains of salt here) is that threatening to kill himself is manipulation far more than any actual intent to do that.

    I think the bottom line here is that he is an absolute dick to you and everybody else when he's drunk, but he continues to get drunk on a regular basis. He needs to stop drinking entirely. You should tell him he must choose sobriety or being single. You should not be subjected to this abusive treatment ever again. If I found out that everyone I know couldn't stand how I acted when I was drunk, I would never get drunk again. He either doesn't care or is an acoholic who can't stop and may need to seek treatment for that. But he needs to do it.

    PS: “I know it’s my fault for not ending things.” no, it is actually his fault for being terrible to you, because he is the one choosing to do that. I think you should leave, yes, but you should not blame yourself for his bad choices and horrific asshole behavior.

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