You certainly have created a lot in your head. Feeling a certain way about someone you barely know, deciding he might be depressed (and thinking that's an excuse for being a no-show at work). And no manager who wants to keep their job is going to give out an ex-employee's personal information.
If you figure out another way to get his contact info you could ask him out for coffee. But it's not a great idea because he's either undependable and doesn't take work seriously (who wants to be with a guy like that?) or if your concern is right he needs therapy and not a girlfriend.
Your reaction is too much. Looking at an Instagram page feels personal, but porn’s perfectly fine? That makes no sense.
You know that there’s nothing logical about your reaction here. This is about your self-image and insecurities and really has very little to do with your bf.
I'm excited to see him and very committed. We've hung out almost every day, which may be a case where I feel drained about him being down. That's the main reason why I'm not happy.
I think you should do two dances – first with your dad and then with your sept-dad. Maybe your groom can also dance with his grandmother, aunt, or your mother during the dance with your step-dad.
You already know what’s happening, you just don’t want to admit it yet. This relationship is no longer bringing you happiness, and that has nothing to do with how much you love him and everything to do with how he’s treating you. Obviously, he’s moved on and is enjoying being a single 18yr old wherever it is he’s at, but still wants the security blanket of having a LD gf. It’s time for you to also move on and stop being that security blanket because it’s holding you back from enjoying being 18. You should be having heaps of fun, but you’re not because you’re filled with worry about a guy who really isn’t showing that he’s interested in alleviating that worry.
What do you mean, what else should he depend on? He’s free to masturbate, no one’s stopping him. That’s his choice.
You certainly have created a lot in your head. Feeling a certain way about someone you barely know, deciding he might be depressed (and thinking that's an excuse for being a no-show at work). And no manager who wants to keep their job is going to give out an ex-employee's personal information.
If you figure out another way to get his contact info you could ask him out for coffee. But it's not a great idea because he's either undependable and doesn't take work seriously (who wants to be with a guy like that?) or if your concern is right he needs therapy and not a girlfriend.
Your reaction is too much. Looking at an Instagram page feels personal, but porn’s perfectly fine? That makes no sense.
You know that there’s nothing logical about your reaction here. This is about your self-image and insecurities and really has very little to do with your bf.
I'm excited to see him and very committed. We've hung out almost every day, which may be a case where I feel drained about him being down. That's the main reason why I'm not happy.
I would tell my dad everything.
I think you should do two dances – first with your dad and then with your sept-dad. Maybe your groom can also dance with his grandmother, aunt, or your mother during the dance with your step-dad.
You already know what’s happening, you just don’t want to admit it yet. This relationship is no longer bringing you happiness, and that has nothing to do with how much you love him and everything to do with how he’s treating you. Obviously, he’s moved on and is enjoying being a single 18yr old wherever it is he’s at, but still wants the security blanket of having a LD gf. It’s time for you to also move on and stop being that security blanket because it’s holding you back from enjoying being 18. You should be having heaps of fun, but you’re not because you’re filled with worry about a guy who really isn’t showing that he’s interested in alleviating that worry.
Ask if you can come along.