Good Girls Mansion live sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 29, 2022

7 thoughts on “Good Girls Mansion live sex cams for YOU!

  1. He is an addict. Period. You can't “compensate” or will an addict out of their addiction. This is doomed to fail.

  2. I’m not sure what that is, but he doesn’t have social media. My bf spends his free time either gaming or watching YouTube channels like Vice or Jubilee

  3. Your sister hasn't reached out because he is talking out his arse,

    They knew what they was doing and this probably isn't the first time.

    This sort of betrayal from 2 people closest to you is hot to get over.

    And I'd never be able to get passed it at all, I think there more to this story and they have been sleeping together a while.

    Text him say stop texting calling, we are over, and as soon as possible I will be filling and you and my sister can go on pretending that this hasn't happened before, And you are now block until baby is born, any updated needed I'll have my mom inform you.

    Then block him, you know you can never take him back, and I don't believe for one second this was the first time.

    I'd even trip him up and catch him in a lie, telling him I've booked a Polygraph test for you for next week,

    And when it comes back clean then we can talk, I will be asking have you and my sister ever been intimate behind my back, and did you really think it was me you was kissing, and have you been intimate when anyone else since we got together. Watch him fold like a stack of cards and tell on himself.

    They been sleeping together ??‍♀️ it's crazy obvious, otherwise she would be begging for forgiveness saying she was high yada yada but she knows.

  4. i am sorry to tell you but if your connection was so great he wouldnt try to hook up with other people

  5. What is a “Woman's day”. That's a new holiday I never heard of before. If a person traditionally buys gifts on this holiday, and you never heard of this holiday, why didn't your girlfriend tell you what it's normal to buy? I mean, people know to buy roses (traditionally) on Valentine's Day for example. It's rude to reject gifts. It's up to her to make herself clear, and for you to understand her point of view. If she's not doing that, she needs to improve her communication skills.

    What to do? I'd sit down with her, try and get more information about “Women's Day” (?), let her know how you feel, and how to improve communication.

    BUT… I would be much more careful in this relationship, and look for other “red flags”.

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