Goldie the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Goldie, 26 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Goldie

Goldie live sex chat

Date: October 24, 2022

20 thoughts on “Goldie the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. How do you know that? You never even saw the person with your own eyes. That's a lot to assume about somebody based on them just looking into somebody's phone. Lying about it later? Wrong for sure, but it's also quite natural for the first instinct to try and hide something after you've been found. Don't act like an alien.

    The funny thing is there are all these threads where people do this exact thing and find some issues with their partners behavior and in those somehow no one bats an eye…

  2. Your boyfriend threatened to kill you???

    Your boyfriend sounds abusive. He doesn’t have a right to dictate whether or not you have social media. He doesn’t get to make decisions for you.

    Men who are this controlling are toxic and they need to go to therapy. Get away from him.

    You don’t need his permission to do anything.

  3. Ignore her. She seems quite toxic.

    Also, why are your friends telling you about her? Let them all know you don't want to know these things. Remove her name from your vocabulary.

    You've already moved on. Keep going if you think a relationship with her would not be good for you.

  4. Your husband unfortunately is a mommy's boy. This is an incredibly difficult state of mind to break and it needs to be handled delicately because I can almost guarantee you that she is in his ear talking about how awful you are because you don't want her to stay there, and your husband is manipulated by that. I feel like the mother's of such men are narcissists so it's choppy waters.

    You have voiced your opinion, the key is to do so logically and with zero emotion. You can argue with emotions but not with logic. You can bring up examples of how she's made you feel bad, and that you feel that it might not be in his mom's best interest to move in with you guys. Make it about his mom, how she'll be better off at a retirement village or something where she not only is around people her own age, but also people who will have the time for her, as you and your husband have your own lives. They can do activities there, all her needs will be taken care of, etc.

  5. This is so mind boggling. I find it hilarious you think there’s a difference between micro cheating and cheating. You’re a freaking cheater. A big one. And yes you should tell them about your actions. Your partner just have really low self esteem or just too gullible to see through your lies.

  6. My wife had our first born when she was 27. We're actually only 5+ months apart, but my hairline gave away my age, though she and I looked maybe 20 when I had a hat on. We got some looks, and some woman said something to her once about being a teenage mother (cue my wife “I'M 28!”).

    She still doesn't look 48, but the looks and talks did stop long ago.

  7. People on this sub desperate for a relationship, and you’ve been in one for a year by accident. Lmao.

  8. I’m taking this seriously and I think I might just tell my coworker my boyfriend has a big dick. I think that’ll stop him.

  9. Actually we never broke up and got back together, we made up and moved passed it, I apologized, he accepted the apology and seemingly forgave me until now where he’s telling me he’s been afraid the whole time. I never considered (and still don’t consider) our relationship to be an abusive one when it was 2 isolated incidents that I have apologized for and felt horrible about. But if he did consider it that, you or I would have never known. I was physically abusive to him in those moments, but the way he is treating me is as if I have never been good to him and have just been abusive this whole time.

    We are broken up now to work on ourselves as he has many issues of his own to deal with. I don’t know that we will have any sort of relationship in the future but I am hopeful that if we do it would have the potential to be a healthy one.

  10. I’m not sure you understand how scary it feels, as a teenage girl, to have grown men insist upon their right to watch porn of girls as young as they can legally get it. I (woman in late 20s) know what you’re saying – ‘teen’ vids on these sites are just marketing, and rarely involve teens – but consider how what you’re saying comes across to others. you want people to be able to consume teen-labelled porn without stigma, but also tell off actual teenage girls for being prudish and immature. you tell her that she’s of an age where this immaturity is normal. do you see then, why people recoil at porn purported to depict people of her age group?

  11. So she should leave a good and loving relationship on a what if? She's not complaining about anything, nor is she feeling like she's missing out.

  12. Yeah, he is taking care of his kids’ futures with that policy.

    If you two end up getting married, he should take out another policy and make you the beneficiary.

  13. They’re not wrong. OP’s group is going to volunteer for a short time; what will truly get done? What is truly done to benefit the people in the long run? Nothing. It’s a way for American’s (usually white) to make themselves feel better for “helping” poverty areas. A true way to help would be to have a station year round and give the community what they need but also tools so that the community can do it themselves, that is what it means to actually help. This is just an attempt to make themselves feel like a good person because they’ll have a picture of the one time they “did good”.

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