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Goddessofkosomaklive sex stripping with hd cam


11 thoughts on “Goddessofkosomaklive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. The thing with jokes about serious topics is that they A) often contain some truth and B) because they often do contain truth, are also often understood to contain truth because it's very possible.

    So I'd say stop with those weird jokes about serious topics or even insecurities. Doesn't matter if you stay with you current partner or it's towards any future partners, you can't read minds or see the future how they'll be reacted to.

    That being said, your partner saying she'll always have her guards up around you is concerning. Either you've made way more weird jokes and comments and destroyed her trust, or she has serious trust issues. The therapists are a good start, also calm open and serious conversations with your girlfriend. Not when you are arguing, plan them. Sit down at a table, think about separately beforehand what you wanna mention, be careful about speaking in sentences like “i feel” instead of “you should”, be calm, don't call names, don't joke, give each other space and time to talk. Then you can maybe find out if the relationship is salvageable.

  2. Clothes don’t make people cheat. I go out in whatever outfit makes me feel good and I’ve never cheated on a partner. You just don’t have the guts to dump someone that treats you like crap. It’s not about the clothes

  3. The biggest fear-causer is ambiguity. Cut quickly to the chase without skirting around what you want to know. Of course, use tact, but I think directness is always better. “Hey, I want to talk about our future and hear what you see for us” and take it from there.

  4. Is this a karen approach ? like how would this help her more importantly the future child at all , well they are clearly doing relationship counseling which is good solving some insecurity between one another. You would think after a 12 year Mariage that both People love each other more than whatever seeking no other person as a love interest making said lover pregnant as a bonding pact My gues that boob picture is merely porn / a way to get of without any meaning to it whatsoever for example when the both of them don't want to fck and to stay sane 1 gets itself of. Relieving stress.

    Well we can all agree that op knows the best interest of themselves and hopefully good solutions not based of opinions from random strangers on reddit.

  5. Maybe he was the toxic part of the toxic relationship. Also, you can’t really ask for advice and then say certain types of advice are off limits and will be ignored; you don’t have to follow any advice given, but you’re looking from advice from people with more experience or insight than you have at the moment, and that may include things you don’t want to hear.

  6. It’s not her job to accommodate her nosy asshole of a mother-in-law. But, better boundaries. Neither of our parents ever had a key to our house or apartment.

  7. Of course she can legally drink. Not every county is the USA. Heck, not every state has the backwards 21 drinking age. A surprising supermajority of countries in the world has a drinking age of 18 or even lower. We really should stop assuming everyone here is from the USA. Most of us aren’t

  8. You need to be blunt with everyone involved. You have 0 issues with this situation. You are comfortable with this situation. You are happy for SIL. You are disappointed by the reactions of everyone else.

    That is all you need to say. Unfortunately, you don't now the entire back history of this family. It may have been a bad move to just randomly bring a girl home and SIL may have known the type of reaction that would occur. That is a hardship of marriage. You never REALLY know the dynamic prior to your existence.

    The only thing you have power over is standing your ground and supporting your SIL.

  9. I appreciate your response. It is naked for me to say exactly what I want as I still haven’t really processed. I keep thinking of what best case scenario is for all of us and come up with nothing. This at least gives me somewhere to start. An agreement so she stays nearby but doesn’t have to go to therapy, etc.

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