Gmeilin86 online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 23, 2022

6 thoughts on “Gmeilin86 online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I certainly agree with all the other comments that your weight is not only healthy for your height but is in the range of being optimally healthy for your height: that is, it doesn't make any sense for you to gain or lose weight for health-related reasons.

    The most charitable interpretation I can give for your boyfriend's remarks is that he indeed did not mention your weight, and that he means something different when he says you could be healthier if you went to the gym and did the kinds of workouts he wants. There are social and cultural aspects of going to the gym — or rather, of different kinds of gym regimens. I have a close friend who is really into crossfit: several times a week, she posts videos of her workouts on social media. I would never want to do the stuff I see in those videos: to me it looks demanding and painful (and she does injure herself sometimes). But she is part of a community of people who like that, and they encourage each other. [I should also say that her boyfriend doesn't go to the gym at all, and that is perfectly fine with her.] When I tell my girlfriend that I need to go to the gym more regularly because I feel more energetic when I do, she tells me that going to to the gym only makes her feel tired. It is no big deal, but it is a minor cultural disconnect.

    It could be that your boyfriend is really starting to jump on the bandwagon of a certain kind of fitness culture, where people take pride in recording their progress and there is a lot of talk of “gains.” (Ironically, I have that mentality more when it comes to other aspects of personal development than the purely physical, but it helps me understand their point of view.) So he may be imagining himself taking on fitness as a major interest in his life, so he wants you to take on that interest as well. That last part is, I think, where he is mistaken: as I mentioned above, different approaches to health and fitness within a relationship need not be dealbreaker.

    But it is possible that you are interpreting his remarks as dissatisfaction with you physically when that is not really the case. I think you can find out by just holding firm with your own approach to health and fitness and seeing how things pan out between you. This one conversation doesn't necessarily have to be a continuing point of contention between you.

  2. Your wife…went to a clothing optional bar.

    Without you, her husband.

    Your wife was hot in public.

    Without you, her husband.

    Your wife allowed some random man to grind on her hard body.

    Without you, her husband.

    This is cheating, and the fact that she told you makes me feel like she’s trying to do damage control, like maybe someone has a video of it or something. I don’t know, if it were me, I’d start digging through her life to see if she’s done other things because the trust is gone.

    Would you be comfortable with her going out on another vacation with these friends? Or will you worry the entire time she’s gone about what she’s doing?

  3. I will cover some lesser talked ways of investigation, good luck!

    Keep track of UNEXPECTED CHANGES in her look/way of dressing/routine over the day. Try to see which underwear is she leaving home with and if she comes dressed with another pair. If home, try to great her when coming home with at least a hug and check if she smells different. See if she goes straight to the shower against her old routine.

    I don't know how some men can't recognize the smell of intercourse but if this is the case, all you need to do is to check her used panties if they are wet . Yet, don't jump to any conclusion, just preserve them to get completely dry (overnight) and check in the morning if they dried and become stiff/”frozen” in that exact position and still preserving the shape when repositioned. The confirmation will come if when touching the area that was wet and if it feels like sand paper, abrasive and stiff.

    On such a pair you can do a lab test if you want an official proof.

    However, any man can smell the infidelity and I don't refer strictly to the underwear, you can smell her hands (kiss them!) while fully dressed and you should know instantly…

  4. How long have the two of you been together? is it worth it to you to stay in the relationship knowing he’s holding a grudge against you for something you did before the two of you were officially together?

  5. You are fight with the fantasy you have about the relationship, versus the reality.

    The reality hurts. It will take time to get over it.

  6. He sounds jealous, honestly. Jealous of your progress and self improvement. And intimatidated, maybe afraid you'll “bigger better deal” him.

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