Giatailor on-line sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 19, 2022

10 thoughts on “Giatailor on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. u/Careful-Employer-877, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Just save yourself the heartache. Call it quits. He just doesn’t want to be the bad guy. But he’s got goals that involve other girls.

  3. I know itll suck, im not saying to leave but itll br very naked to go on after this. If u leave be truthful w the kids

  4. First find your backbone. Your wife is garbage and is mentally torturing you. Gather evidence and contact an attorney. File for divorce and ghost her.

  5. Ugh honestly after reading sooo many comments I'm glad there's finally one from someone with sense that has decided to subscribe to reality.

    People writing “trans women are women” and all sorts else. Trans women are biologically male, that is the reality of it.

    This means that fundamentally, OP has been catfished into a gay relationship. OP can be fine with this, but he is also entitled to not be fine with this. It would not make him transphobic to not want to be with a biological male. Preference is preference.

    There is a very dangerous message being spread by the trans agenda that if you don't date a trans woman (or trans man), you're transphobic. This is ridiculous and unfair.

    I'm a big fan of Blaire White, a trans woman on youtube. She (yes I respect her enough to use her desired pronoun) KNOWS she's a biological male and is fine with that! She KNOWS that her partner, who is into trans women, is technically, in a sense, somewhat gay. He knows that too! And they're both fine with it.

    There is nothing wrong with OP being fine with dating a trans woman, but I am sick of how many people are writing that it's no different than a biological female. It IS different.

    If a trans woman doesn't disclose that they're biologically male, it's catfishing. Just like if you meet someone live, if they don't disclose their pic and name are fake, it's catfishing.

    But NOPE I'm transphobic for living in reality because some people find it offensive -.-

    People have no problem with trans people, but it does not mean that everyone has to include them in their sexual preferences. That, is, ridiculous. It's like a gay man telling a straight man that he's homophobic for not being gay.

    Let the downvotes hit me, it needed to be said.

  6. Do you have a full bush?? Make sure you shave or at least brush it out.

    Vaginas don’t (and shouldn’t) smell or taste like roses. It should smell like a bodily organ and taste like bodily fluids.

    My bf said “it’s a taste that you get used to. Kinda like beer. Let him try it more times, especially if he’s willing to do it”

  7. Ah, I can see why he'd want to keep it for a while – that looks like a lot of time and effort goes into achieving the finished product. I'll be honest though, my knowledge of what's considered a children's hairstyle starts and ends with the bowl cut, and when it comes to any kind of braiding I mostly just appreciate the artistry of the work.

    Point still stands that if you think it makes him look like a kid then say so, and maybe find a similar alternative to suggest that he switch to if he likes having his hair in braids/twists.

  8. It is, but there will be many more relationships in the future. Some, like this one, will never go further than friends.

  9. You don't trust him. I think at this point you might want to either consider a permanent separation or counseling.

  10. Did you check to see if you’re related to your Mom? What if you were switched at birth in the hospital?

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