GIA live sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 6, 2022

26 thoughts on “GIA live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I only read the title. I’m sorry but gg go next. unless there is love at play. if you guys love eachother thats gonna suck either way.

  2. I think it’s fine to continue dating her. I would not get engaged or rush into things. It’s fair to see if she works on herself and matures before making such a huge commitment. The mother is your kids should be mature, able to handle stress, able to nurture and sacrifice, etc.

  3. A lot depends on what you know about his situation. If he's seeing other women, you don't want them targeting you: you just make sure he has current contact info in case his circumstances change. If he's relatively in the open, just invite him for coffee to get caught up on the news, and mostly let your body language speak.

  4. It’s fine to talk about it whenever — however, I highly caution against upping your life for someone you just got back together with after a breakup that nearly lasted as long as you’ve been together. Make sure the relationship is actually stable. Try for a year of successful distance then look into moving.

  5. The thing that struck me most in your post was how you don't have many friends there and no support system. You hang out with her all the time. This might be a big problem for her and she feels like you are clingy and needy. That's why I suggest really spending time developing your own network and changing the paradigm of how your relationship looks.

  6. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst

    Suggest couple counseling, distance does not make the heart grow fonder.

    You must respect her wishes if she chooses not to work together to resolve this issue.

    while waiting find both therapy for yourself and a lawyer. The lawyer does not mean divorce, its only to find out what options you have should you find you need this.

  7. I think its shitty that BF did even just tell OP that his family is racist and thats why he doesnt talk to them. Im like 90% sure him telling OP would have stopped her from pushing to meet them

  8. I think its shitty that BF did even just tell OP that his family is racist and thats why he doesnt talk to them. Im like 90% sure him telling OP would have stopped her from pushing to meet them

  9. I love this girl with all of my heart,

    You are in love with the idea of her and incredibly scared of being single. You don't love yourself if you put up with this type of treatment. There is no coming back. Your wife wants to live a single barfly life with hookups and also of course have stability with you. You deserve better and I can guarantee you that there are a lot of women who will appreciate what you bring to the table.

    I had a GF who started to act the way that your wife was going out and being generally disruptive and evasive. No cheating tho. (Or at least I'm pretty sure no cheating but who ever knows for sure.) I ended things after a long relationship. Best decision I have ever made.

  10. I can tell you that this would wear me down. You have described your anxiety and neediness in other comments. She can’t be your everything. Nobody can. I strongly suggest therapy to help with anxiety. It’s important that you create a life outside of this marriage too. Join a local sports group or a chess club. A place where you will meet people with common interests. You may drive her away if you don’t.

  11. I am so sorry OP. You should probably check your wife’s phone to see if she has a sexual relationship with her friend. Maybe you can come home “early” to check on your wife as well. A private investigator can’t tell you what you already know. You already know where she goes to on her downtime. You have to do this yourself. I would also take a paternity test of your son. Your son and you unborn child may not be yours. I wish you luck.

  12. Heartbreak is a divorce after you have kids, your long term partner practising unethical non-monogamy, being dumped after a year, stuff like that. What you’re describing isn’t a heartbreak situation. Just move on and don’t look back. There’s a lot of potential loves out there.

  13. She really has you wrapped around her finger, she doesn't want to cut the guy she is cheating with out of her life doesn't that say it all? Don't you have any self-respect? She clearly doesn't love or respect you or is truly remorseful.

    Please get a grip and divorce her. You don't need relationship advice, you need a STD test and legal council

  14. I'm just trying to figure out what a hypothetical situation in which a woman is in physical danger if they control contraception has to do with the argument?

    It seems to me that the implication is that women can't be held responsible for birth control because of the physical peril, therefore they should be in control of abortion. But in reality, condoms are not the only form of birth control and women are much more in control of all other forms. Outside of condoms, men can't even be sure what level of birth control is being used by their partner.

  15. And I agree with you regarding the testing… its childish and doesn't really fit well in a relationship.

    So, you're clearly frustrated about things, and sounds like she is too.

    For that, communicating about it would be a great thing to do. Not in a confrontational way.

    Sounds like you should be saying to her:

    When I come home, I am excited to see you.

    However, getting back from work my energy is low. Do you think if we could post pone some of our conversations over dinner?

    I would rather say hi, and decompress from my day right when I get home.

    I want to deliver what you need, but I also need a bit of time to collect my thoughts after the work day.

    Do you think that you would be a fair compromise?

    You get your space when you get home. She gets her update. Everyone wins.

    My type of updates are like:

    I had a couple meetings with clients today. One of which I was the lead representative, so that was a bit intimidating. But I am getting more comfortable with it as time goes on.

    Oh! I was assigned as tech lead for a new project by my manager today! That makes me happy to think my manager sees me as reliable.


    However, I do think its a bit excessive to talk about conversations you had with other people. I would not be going over every conversation I had.

    And this is apart of relationships, the two of you have different expectations. For this to work long term, the idea of me vs her needs to be dropped. And the focus needs to be “How can I exist in this relationship comfortably and deliver to my partner their needs”.

    Finding that common ground / compromises is a good skill long term… this situation won't be the last time you go through this. You're building a relationship that is suitable for the both of you.

  16. My cats do this, then go nap together. My younger cat (almost 5) gets rambunctious when she's hungry and she needs a specific food, otherwise she will initiate play with my older cat (6) who was a runt and is about half her size. So she goes too far, gets a hiss and perhaps a smack, and then they go climb my son's loft bed and take a nap.

  17. You are overthinking this. Follow through on plans and see how he is in person, He may have a good reason. Get out of your head and decide if you like him or not. Don’t wreck a good think over a perceived fault with no proof.

  18. The only thing that really stands out for me in this post is…

    “My boyfriend is saying to me that he will do it whether I’m apart of it or not”

    It doesn’t matter the context of what “it” is, if it’s something that involves your relationship which this does, then you both need to be 100% in to it.

    His response is just shit.

  19. You could until it's a relevant conversation to have, but also speak positively of them if it ever comes up in general conversation.

    When you decide to get married to someone you can have a meeting with a financial planner/fiduciary to help the two of you plan for the future and plan your goals. A pre-nup could be part of the conversation. I'm not sure pre-nups have any affect on what happens with your retirement account though.

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